The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 109 Drawing The Short String

It is clear that we have once again met our match by some unknown creature. Very unknown to us, but something which I believe the Winchester boys have dealt with. I do really find it horrific the things that they deal with. Here I worry about a Vampire that is throwing its toys out the cot, where these two see things that one can not even sit and imagine up yourself.

So as we all stare in anticipation at this man that seems to find this exciting, I am near damn ready to slap him.

“Out with it, boy.”

“Now for calling me a boy, I shall gladly feed you to it.” He but pauses for a few brief moments, “Oh, but I forgot you are already dead.”

Well, this is only a Vampire Hunter joke for Cassidy; Lestat and I do not find this amusing whatsoever. And as expected, they are just about to carry on with their laughter at our expense, so I rudely interrupt them.

“So how do we kill this monstrosity. In fact, what do you even call it?”

“It is a Leviathan,” Samuel starts to explain. “Or Chompers,” Dean laughs.All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

“Well, that does still not explain what they are to me?

“Let me try this in simple terms,” Dean comes to place his hands on my shoulder, now I do know that he is only but mocking me now, yet I let him continue. “They used to be primordial creatures from the sea, that through evolution became able to possess other creatures to survive on land.”

Somewhat still confused, I ask, “Like humans?”

“Yes,” Dean continues. “They are immensely powerful, hungry, clever, poisonous, and as some stages rather entertaining.”

“I do find it really odd how you can find a creature that feeds on your intestines as rather entertaining.”

“Well, whichever way, Lucas. They will consume and destroy everything.”

“Then how do we kill them?”

“There is a weapon that needs to be created,” Samual explains. “A bone of a nun that needs to carry the blood of a fallen angel.”

“Oh, that is easy. We can ask Breyden.”

“Fair,” Samuel continues, “The ruler of the underworld.”

“Mmm, I am afraid that we killed him.”

“What?” Samuel shouts out in shock.

“But we have his son,” I say, trying to reassure him.

Dean cocks his head and looks at his brother, “It might work. Then lastly,” he adds, “We need an Ancient.”

“Mmm, we killed them too.”

“What?” Samuel looks at me for far too long to feel comfortable with, “Do you kill everybody?”

“Pretty much,” I answer, this time they do not find my answer the least bit funny at all.

“Well, what about Cassidy.”

“No, we reversed the spell.”

Samuel once again only but shakes his head at me.”

“And the Vampire Hunter.”

“I am afraid too, we have reversed his spell.”

The two Winchester boys stand dumbstruck at each other; well, I do not know if they think our conquers are outstanding or rather a bunch of silliness combines with stupidity. But there has to be another way to kill these beasts, as I have learned now that there is always another way. But do I even dare to ask?

“Is there no other in killing these creatures?”

“You shall have to cut his head off,” Dean says.

“Well, that seems easy enough.”

“Good luck with you cutting that things head off. You have seen that mouth. He will bite your arm off before you even get to it.”

“Then cut if from behind,” is my addition to finding the solution.

But from behind, I feel the very flat of a very well-known hand making contact with the back of my head. My beloved has just slapped me for my silliness, which I truly do not find silly at all. So I guess this comes to one thing.

“Who shall be the idiot to attempt such a thing, now let me just tell you that I have a very unsteady hand due to my current age.”

“Come one, seriously?” Dean now to slaps me against the head.

“What is up with the head-slapping,” I ask, extremely frustrated. “We need to come up with a solution before another human meets its untimely fate.

So we find ourselves, guess how, we find ourselves pulling a string, or shall I say paper. That silly game you played when you were still yay high to decide who is going to be the fool that is going to knock on Miss Wilson’s door. Now I never have been one to be good at games, even the female ones, as we have learned. The possibility that this shall be me, well, the odds are definitely in my favor.

But whether the odds were in someone’s favor, I shall with certainty say that my beloved has now pulled the shortest piece of paper. Now I need not even have to mention; she shall not be doing this; I have no care if she is a powerful Vampire. She has lost most of her power since she is not an Ancient anymore, and from what Dean has mentioned, these creatures are immensely powerful. So without any hesitation, I take the piece from her hand.

“I shall do it instead.”

“Lucas,” my beloved protests. “I can do this.”

I look at her with the utmost love in my eyes, for I do not wish to think that I am belittling her in any way. Yes, I hate that great disappointment that I see in her eyes, but I am sure she understands why I need to do this instead. I have come too close to losing hers so many times that I shall simply not bear it to see her to come once again. I do know that she feels the same way, but as I have said, I am far more powerful than her.

But then the boys hit me with another joke, and I must by far say it is the funniest thing I have ever heard. Now I truly wish I can stick a sock in Dean’s mouth.

“You do know that they have a leader, and this dude is probably not the only one.”

“Are you just not a ray of sunshine. How on earth do we find them and not even mention kill them all?”

“Well, that, my dear friend, is where you become a hunter.”

“Well, my dear friend, Mr. Dean, I have no desire to become a hunter. We have our little Vampire Hunter here. Can you three not go play hide and seek?”

I watch as pure terror creeps over our little Vampire Hunter’s face at the mere suggestion to go hunt other creatures apart from Vampire. Now our Vampire Hunter does possess a great deal of power; I might even dare to say that he matched that of my beloved, if not perhaps a bit stronger. The fact, though, is that it has become our problem, or should I say our responsibility to protect not only our own kind but the lives of the mortals. Then this is not my city, so the question begs.

“Lestat, do you have the means to take down this creature as and when you find them?”

He stares at me with somewhat of a hesitation; yes, this man has never lifted a finger of that claw to get it dirty, let alone save something he does not care a great deal about. But there is the fact that if we ever, and if we do not already, if our presence is known. This shall be something a Vampire shall be blamed for. Now there is no way a Vampire shall go to this extent to kill one, but that is something a mortal would not know.

So I shall take this creature out; after that, I cannot quite say that I can spend months in the Americas and find creatures that need to be declared extinct. Yet something gives me the belief that they shall not be quite that extinct after this.

Now I have just become the bait, so I shall be the dumb one who goes into the next alley and stands there and just wait to be attacked. This is by far the most idiotic thing that Lucas Lecarde has ever done in his life.

As I stand here in the total darkness of the alley, I can hear every single sound. Whether if it is a car honking its hooter on the main road or some girl screaming at her boyfriend as they are fighting. These sounds are intimidating, for I have no idea if I shall hear such a monster approach. But he is in a human body; therefore, I shall hear the click-clack of feet coming down the alley.

And just as I am near to give up, I hear the very sound coming from far away. I clench the dagger that our little Vampire Hunter gave me in squeeze my eye real damn tight. Yes, the Vampire Master is scared. Who shall not be scared if you have a creature from hell descending on you?

So I casually wait for this creature to decent on me. I am trying hard to blend in, but we all have recently established that I cannot blend into anything.

Then what almost seems as instantly, the man starts to clearly approach me. But this is not where my problem lies, the is a group of two men approaching as well. Are they approaching me or just merely in the same alley as our creature is hunting.

I give a brief glance at where the rest of my group is standing. There is a worried look on my beloved’s face; the Winchester boys are moving around nervously. Then before I know it, it all happens at once.

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