The Alpha Vampire

Chapter 108 Heads Or Tails

We have just seen somewhat of a rather strange situation. I did, and by all fairness, the rest in our group, we have come to believe that both men that have just come down the alley are, in fact, men. Well, we have been sadly mistaken, for the one man, and it is not quite clear from where we are standing, has overpowered the other and is now, in fact, eating him alive.

The terrifying screams are near enough to make my skin crawl. The sudden flush of blood in the air is telling us that this animal is ravaging this poor human at an alarmingly fast pace. Now, why one of us is not moving, that I do not know, though that is what we came here for. So much to my horror, my beloved starts approaching this creature.

“My beloved,” I try to whisper as softly underneath my breath as possible, “Where are you going?”

“To help the man, of course.”

Lestat that has seen the extent of the wounds that these victims have started to laugh softly from his chest. “My dear Cassidy, it is pointless; that man was dead the first minute his body hit the floor.”NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“Well, then I am going to see what monster we are dealing with.” She says, rather confident in herself.

Now, this makes it my time to chuckle over with great laughter; even though she is finding it rather annoying, I still carry on with my boldness, “My beloved, are you going to go shake the creature’s hand?”

I can only be thankful that I find myself between the Vampire Hunter and Lestat, as the look of death that she carries in my eyes is somewhat unnerving. But if I thought she would take Lestat and me seriously, she does prove me otherwise, for she does slowly, don’t know why, but she finds herself crawling up a pace to go ascertain what type of monster we are dealing with.

So it is with much horror that I see her only but a mere twenty odd steps away from this creature, then out of what I am assuming is fear, she joins us again. Now I only have two questions, what is it, and why have we not even scared it away? Well, it only scurried away once she was almost on top of it. Oh, perhaps I have answered own on my own, we are Vampires; they do not consider us to be fit as a meal. This makes me think.

“My dear Jacob, please will you walk up to that creature? I wish to test a theory.”

“The only theory we shall test is how fast my dagger goes into your heart. Now, why is this creature not even merely interested in even attacking. Oh, I forgot, you are already dead.”

“Jacob!” I watch as my beloved’s flat of her palm makes contact with a very much flushed cheek now.

“Ha! You have been whipped, my friend,” I loudly claim as my voice echoes through the alley. But that is when we see it, between getting whipped and laughed at; the creature finds the lovely idea in his head that it feels the need to creep up to us.

What we see is one thing that only the two Winchester boys can explain. So with a clear image in our heads, we find our way out of the alley even faster than we have entered. There is an immense fear that sets over my body, never have I seen any such thing in my life before. So much so that my beloved comes to take my hand, and thank god she is not an Ancient anymore, for she would have broken every bone.

With that, we soon find ourselves back at Lestat’s home, phoning the clever one of the two boys. But if I think that my call was welcomed, well, I am highly mistaken.

“What have you summonsed now?” I laugh nervously as Samuel answers the phone promptly. Why would the man think every time I phone him that I am in trouble, or that trouble seemed to have found me.

While I wait for Dean to make a string of jokes as he is speculating the reason for my call, I begin to explain as much detail as I can, “Well, my dear friend, I do not know what it is. But it seems to enjoy the buffet that your humans bring.”




“No, established not either.”

“What does it look like?”

“A human, well until its teeth appear.”

Samuel goes silent for several minutes as he tried to play the possible list of creatures in his head.

“You are sure it is not a Vampire,” he stupidly asks.

“Well, why would I hunt my own.”

“Uhm…because you do.”

“This is not helping my friend. Now, will you be helping me or not?”

“Fine, we shall see you in a couple of hours.”

“We are not at home; we are with Lestat.”

“Oh my god,” I hear him slam his hand against what is possibly a table, “Are you sure it was not him?”

“No, he witnessed it with us.”

“Fine, we will see you in less than a couple of hours.”

While waiting for the boys to come, the Vampire Hunter nervously goes to rest for the evening; he is almost sure that Lestat will kill and make him dinner while he is sleeping. I do not blame the young man for Lestat had done some questionable things in his lifetime. But I think my dear beloved will drive a dagger through his heart if he so much as touches Jacob.

As for me and my beloved, we retire to a room to rest; this habit of her does still finds me odd if you know me, it is an excuse to torture me and drive me to a craving for her body that is so immense that I will go as much as pull my very hair from my head. And let us not forget she has those damn seductive red stiletto boots on, which she is refusing to take off. She, too, like the Vampire Hunter, fear that Lestat might listen to us should we make love. Which I can also in confidence say, it is something that he has done on numerous occasions.

But thankfully, he does seem to behave himself for the period that we await the arrival of the Winchester boys. Now there is no love lost between Lestat and them. They will, and have, on many occasions, threatening to kill the man. Why they have not done so yet is beyond my understanding. And quite amusingly, for but only the first couple of minutes, Lestat, much to my enjoyment, hides behind no other than the Vampire Hunter.

“Well, well, is it not our dear Lestat,” Dean slaps him on the shoulder as he pulls him from behind Jacob. “What have you done again? Is it some scorned lover that has come to piss you off?”

Then the pesky little Vampire Hunter seems to feel the need to add, “Is it a male Vampire thing, this scorned lover? Can you men not control yourself.”

“My dear friend,” I answer, much to the shock of my explanation, “If you are doomed to live for eternity, then staying with one woman that long does become dreadful.”


“Yes, my beloved.”

She but only remain quiet and give me a rather strong look of dissatisfaction.

But dear Winchester boy, Dean, adds, “you have been whipped.”

I stop him from continuing, “What is up with this whipped then? Why do one call it whipped when you do not use the actual item.”

“Stop over analyzing and tell us about this monster,” Dean says as he is getting irritable with Lestat hovering around him like a rather large piece of meat.

“Well, as I said, it is human, and it has got a lot of teeth.

“Yes,” Dean says. “Generally, humans do have a lot of teeth. You have to be more specific.”

“Let us take when my beloved was an Ancient, and she had all those ugly teeth,” Dean looks at me and shakes his head.

“No, no, big no, no,” yup, and with that, her palm comes crashing against my face, which would not even turn rosy if I tried it too. But let me carry on, “He had those teeth, but the man could open his mouth really big, like extremely largely over big.

“Take us to the place where this creature was before,” Dean says as he goes to fetch a rather thick book bound in leather. “I think I have an idea what this might be.”

So for the second time this evening, we find ourselves heading into a dark alley where we for certain know there lies a danger in, and as always, it is not the Vampire that holds the danger here.

Much to our utter disgust, the body of the man still remains where we left it several hours ago. The question begs, it truly does not care for how it leaves its victim, or do they, in fact, keep it for a snack later. Needless to say, whichever one, the boys still go to investigate the wounds on the man’s body. But they are not yet convinced what creature we are dealing with.

To my total surprise, at the toss of a coin, the boys flip to decide who shall play the bait. Now, if I knew that, he would have tried it with our Vampire Hunter a while again. So as we all once retreat into the darkness again, we patiently hope that this animal shall come to show his face again. And we need not have to wait for long, for out of now where the man goes straight for Dean and attacks him.

As the man tries to overpower him, he exposes whatever those godawful things in his mouth are and goes to mangle Dean’s face. Dean seems to be able to hold him at bay, but then he slips a wooden stake, for he was fairly convinced it was a Vampire being the cause of the attacks. Once this man sees the stake, it startles him, and he disappears into the darkness of the alley.

As he comes back, reeking of something that is not nearly pleasant on the knows, he confidently turns to his brother, “I know what it is.”

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