Rise of the She-Wolf

Chapter 51 Pub

Vanessa’s pov,

The curling iron sizzled when I wrapped Jenny’s long blond hair around it. It took a while to curl her hair, so I told her everything I had learned about men. After her hair, I did her make-up with neutral colors and red lipstick. We picked out some tight leather pants and a cute corset top. Jenny turned in front of the mirror and shrieked excitedly, “I don’t think I have ever looked this hot.”

I smiled and took her hand, “Come on let’s sneak out from the back. You said the town wasn’t far so we could walk without anyone noticing.”

Jenny’s eyes sparkled deviously at the thought of doing something in secret and she quietly led me out of the room to the back entrance of the house.

We seemed to be successful because no one followed us onto the dark brick road. After a 10-minute walk, we arrived at the town’s pub. Inside it was nice and warm and a live band was playing a happy jig. I immediately knew who Brian was as soon as we walked in. In the middle of the pub a boy with dark hair and pale blue eyes was speaking loudly, everyone around him was gazing at him like he was telling the most exciting story on earth.

Jenny walked in front of me and as soon as she entered all the heads turned to look at her. I saw a lot of shocked faces and I heard them whisper, “Is that Jenny? Damn, she looks hot.”

Jenny’s mouth twitched trying not to smile and she walked past them like she had not even seen them in the first place. I grinned when I saw the shocked look in Brian’s eyes when Jenny showed him no recognition and I followed her to the bar. We sat down and I ordered us 2 gin-tonics. The group of people was quietly whispering and looking at us all the time while we drank and laughed. It did not take long for Brian to come up to us with a cocky smile.

“Hej Jenny, you look bloody gorgeous today. Can I buy you a drink?”

I knew Jenny wanted to say yes with every inch of her body, but she did what I taught her perfectly and just lifted her eyebrow uninterested, “Maybe later, I am having a good time right now.”

Brian gave her a lingering smolder, “I can assure you that I can show you a much better time.”

Jenny just rolled her eyes and turned her back to him. Brian’s face was in utter shock, I could see he was not used to being rejected. He walked back to the table, and they all started whispering again. I squeezed Jenny’s leg, “You did amazing!”

She looked at me with big eyes, “What if I scared him away for good?”

I chuckled, “Don’t worry he will come back.”

And I was right, Brian came back several times until he finally convinced her to dance with him. I watched them dance and couldn’t help but think that Jenny was too good for that guy. But who was I to judge someone’s taste in love? I was certainly not very successful in that area myself. Brian kept Jenny company the rest of the night. They danced, played pool, and talked a lot. As the night went on, they seemed to get closer and closer and I found myself smiling when they finally kissed.

My smile quickly disappeared when Brian’s friends started howling and ran to Brian patting him on the back. Jenny looked confused when they all started to give him dollar bills as well. Brian grinned at his friends and said loudly, “Told you I could fix the Alpha’s little sister in one evening.”

He stood up and looked at Jenny with cold eyes, “You did not really think someone like me would be with someone like you? Nice clothes and make-up can’t hide the fact that you are a loser. It was just a bet darling.”

Tears started to well up in Jenny’s eyes and I was just about to slap the shit out of this guy when a low voice thundered through the room, “Get away from my sister.”

Colin walked out of the shadows with a furious look on his face. Brian immediately went pale and stuttered, “A.. a…alpha I did not know you were here.”

“Clearly,” Colin hissed.

He did not take his eyes off Brian when he spoke to the other boys, “Everyone out. Now!”

His friends did not give Brian as much as a second glance before they sprinted out of the door. Colin grabbed Brian by his throat and lifted him like he weighed nothing.

“You will apologize to my sister and never come near her again, am I clear?”

Brian was unable to answer but his eyes were wide with fear. “Am I clear???” Colin repeated while his eyes lit up from his wolf trying to surface. The sight of this was too much for Brian and I noticed the wet stain appearing on his pants. Colin threw him on the ground and with disgust dripping from his voice he said, “I will make sure everyone at your school knows you peed yourself just by looking at me. Let’s see how popular you will be then tough guy. Now get out of my sight!”

Brian crawled to the door as fast as he could, and I looked at Colin who was still breathing heavily from anger. I hated this kind of alpha male behavior so why did I suddenly find it immensely hot to see him get all protective and dominant about his little sister? Colin did not even look at me when he hurried to Jenny who was silently crying in a corner. He commanded the band to play a slow song again and he picked Jenny up to dance with him. I could not hear what he was saying to her through the loud music, but her tears slowly dried up and were replaced by a small smile.

When the song ended, she said, “I need to go to the bathroom, I will be right back.”

She left the room, and it was just me, Colin, and the band left. When they started playing again, Colin reached out his hand to me asking me to dance. I placed my hand in his and immediately a tingling sensation went through my whole body. “Ow god,” I silently prayed to Spirit. If just touching his hand already made electricity pulse through my body imagine how other things would feel.

Colin’s green eyes were calm and for some reason, I immediately felt calm as well. I put my hand on his shoulder while he grabbed my waist and led me over to the dance floor.

“I am sorry that I took Jenny out in secret. I never meant for her to get hurt,” I said.

Colin gazed into my eyes, “I am not mad at you Vanessa. You were just trying to be nice to my sister. You couldn’t have known Brian was a wanker.”

I avoided his stare, “No but I gave her advice to pretend to be someone she is not. Which was stupid because she should be loved for who she is.”

Colin stood still and lifted my chin so I had to look at him again, “She will when she finds her mate. He will love everything about her, even her flaws and dark sides.”

I swallowed when I realized that he was also talking about how he felt about me. The air between us seemed to be buzzing and just when I thought he would kiss me, Jenny came back.

She looked at us awkwardly, “I can come back later?”

Colin stepped backward, “No, no it is fine. Come on let’s get you home.”

He walked us to his car, and I sat down with Jenny in the backseat. During the drive, I said to her, “Guess dream boy Brian was not so dreamy anymore when you saw him pee his pants hea?”Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

Jenny giggled, “Yeah you are right. Considered me healed from his charm. I don’t know why I liked him in the first place. When I meet my mate, he will seem like such an idiot I bet.”

I smiled and put my arm around her, “Ow for sure.”

Jenny rested her head on my shoulder, “I just hope I don’t have to wait much longer. I want to have what you guys have.”

I felt surprised by her words because I did not think anyone thought we had something going on. Colin looked at me through the car mirror when he heard her words. His intense gaze made me uncomfortable, and I quickly looked away. Spirit sounded very pleased when she added, “Ow boy you are in trouble, Vanessa.”

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