Rise of the She-Wolf

Chapter 50 Irish family

Vanessa’s pov,

I woke up from the sensation of a wet tongue on my face and I shrieked loudly thinking it was Colin. I angrily tried to adjust my eyes to the sunlight and wanted to give the shape next to me a proper slap when I noticed the furry texture I was feeling. Finally, my eyes adjusted and to my surprise, a massive dog was lying next to me waggling his tail in utter happiness. With a relieved sigh, I started to stroke the dog’s head, which he immediately planted on my lap, begging for more. a low giggle erupted from my throat when I realized how ridiculous it was that I thought it had been Colin. I was definitely losing it. I quickly scanned the room but besides the giant dog, I was all alone. Images of Colin his naked torso covered in steam erupted into my mind unwillingly. I bit my lip in frustration now that I knew how good he looked without clothes it would be even harder to resist him.

“We don’t have to resist him,” Spirit purred.

I just ignored her horny ass and got dressed for the day. I went for simple jeans and a warm purple sweater. Nobody here seemed to dress fancy which was good considering I sold almost every piece of clothing I owned.

When I walked out of the bedroom, I heard a lot of noise and assumed Colin’s family had returned. I followed the noise to the dining hall where I saw Maggie reading a book and drinking tea. Robin and Donny were devouring their food like wolves, jenny was playing piano and singing, and Annie and Gary were doing a competition who could fit the most scones in their mouth. With an open mouth, I looked at this chaotic breakfast wondering what kind of circus I ended up in. My throat immediately went dry when my eyes fell on Colin at the end of the table. The sun fell on his arms revealing how tight the fabric of his shirt was around his muscles. His eyes locked onto mine, but he did not say a word. I just stood at the door opening, staring into his eyes and watching him bring a sausage to his lips and take a bite. All I could think was that I felt jealous of that fucking sausage. Seriously what was wrong with me?

He put down his sausage and smiled amused, “Good morning sleeping beauty.”

Everyone’s eyes immediately fixated on me and once again I felt my cheeks turn tomato red. I coughed, “Morning everyone.”

I sat down on an empty chair next to Colin and he got up to get me a plate of food. Maggie came to the table and asked me when I took a bite, “Were you able to sleep with Colin, dear?”

She caught me off guard and I choked on my food. After a severe coughing attack, I managed to say, “What?”

Maggie patted me on my back and replied, “Just wondering if you were able to sleep because Colin is well known to snore like a pig.”

I did not know how to respond immediately when I realized she did not mean what I thought she meant. I quickly glanced at Colin who seemed to think this was utterly amusing and by the look in his eyes, he knew exactly what I thought she meant. I shot him an angry look before turning my back on him and facing Maggie, “Ow no I did not hear him. I was actually very tired from the day so fell asleep quickly.”

Spirit snorted, “Pfff Liar, you were too busy drooling on Colin’s abs to sleep.”

“Shut up Spirit,” I grunted before diving into my food hoping that no one would talk to me because it seemed that I could only make a fool of myself.

The rest of the breakfast luckily went over without any incidents, and I quickly hurried my ass out of there when I was finished. I spend the rest of the day trying to avoid Colin as much as I could. This marking really screwed with my head, and I did not trust myself when I was near him. Instead, I took the time to explore the beautiful countryside around the mansion. I visited all the different animals they owned and took a walk with the massive dog that was following me everywhere since this morning. Colin told me his name was Albus which seemed fitting with his long grey hair. After that, I decided to take a look at Maggie’s flower garden which was stunning. It was a labyrinth with different flowers and colors around every corner. I had no idea how she managed to make them grow in the tough weather conditions of Ireland. But then again this woman had done more remarkable things like raising her own little pack of wolves.

In the middle of the labyrinth, there was a fountain with lilies floating in it. It was there that I found Jenny sitting there all alone, taking leaves of a flower with a sad expression in her eyes.

“Having boy trouble?” I asked before I sat down next to her.

Jenny looked surprised when she saw me, “Ow hi Vanessa. I did not hear you there. Guess I was too lost in thought.”

She went back to staring at her mutilated flower and I softly squeezed her hand, “Come on it can’t be that bad. You can tell me, maybe I can help you.”

Jenny sighed dramatically like her teenage problems were the end of the world, “I don’t think you can. I have liked this guy for so long and he just doesn’t even notice me. I just wish for once he would look at me longer than 1 second.”

“Hmm okay, tell me about this boy,” I said.

Jenny got a dreamy look in her eyes, “His name is Brian. He is the most popular boy in class. He is gorgeous and good at everything. He is not scared of anyone and always knows how to say the funniest stuff.”

“Sounds pretty dreamy indeed Jenny. Let me tell you a little secret. Most boys work the same way. They want to put in a little effort, they like a woman that offers them a challenge,” I gave her a small wink.

I immediately had her undivided attention then and she asked, “How do you offer them a challenge?”

I smiled, “I can teach you if you want?”

She eagerly nodded and I asked, “Where does your dream boy normally hang out?”

“He and his friends mostly stay at the town’s pub every night.”

I stood up and offered her my hand, “All right I will teach you what I know, we will put on some pretty clothes and then blow your man’s mind tonight. What do you say?”NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

Jenny’s face lit up like a Christmas tree and her eyes were glittering with excitement, “Hell yeah!”

I laughed because of her enthusiasm and hand in hand we walked back to the mansion. An evening with Jenny would be fun and I would take any opportunity to be as far away from Colin as possible.

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