Mated To An Hybrid

Chapter 51

They got to the building soon and Brian was a bit surprised to see the large size of the building. True to Jack’s words, security men were stationed all over the building. Brian and Jack instructed the men to stand in stationed places as they invaded the building.

He was a bit surprised that he and Jack were able to infiltrate the building without any problem. They got to the entrance that led to other areas of the building. Jack took the right wing while Brian took the left.

Slowly and steadily, Brian climbed up the steps leading to the vaults. Earlier, Jack had briefed him on where the vaults were kept and he had no issues discovering it. As Brian got to the entrance of the massive gold mine, his wolf growled within in.

“What’s the problem?”, Brian said.

“I can’t explain it, I feel something odd within these grounds”, his wolf said.

“Is it a spirit or human?”, Brian asked, cocking his gun.

He wasn’t going to take any chances especially when it came to the safety of his wolf. Brian could br something greater and more deadlier when it came to that.

“A force greater than what I can explain”, his wolf said.

Brian looked around but he couldn’t find anything that remotely resembled a threat. He eased his gun to the ground as he put in the vault’s combination.

“Brian, wait it’s a trap”, Jack shouted.

But it was too late because right at that moment, the entrance of the vault exploded to reveal hundreds of wilfred’s minions, scrambling out to attack them.

“Where did they come from?”, Brian thundered.

He shifted into his wolf form and he was glad that his wolf was ready to fight. Brian fought through the haze of the attackers as they tried all they could to overpower them but they couldn’t as the duo were far stronger together than any other group.

Soon, all was quiet as Jack killed off the last of the attackers. He shifted back into his wolf form just as Brian did.

“Is that the last of them?”, Brian asked.

“Yes. But we need to procesd with caution this time around, we wouldn’t want a repeat of last time”, Jack said.

He stared at the area, trying to discover if there were threats but everywhere was clear as they could see no threats.

“So now that this one is blown up, where is the real vault?”, Brian asked.

“It’s underground. I made a mistake when I thought this was the real vault, it looks so alike”, Jack said.

“I know, deception can fool one at times”, Brian said.

They walked towards the direction of the underground vault, all the while keeping an eye on threats.

“How long do we get there and how many minutes do we have left for the mission”, Brian said.Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

“Two minutes till we get to the vault and thirty minutes left to complete the mission”, Jack said.

Brian nodded, gripping his gun tightly. His wolf was restless, which wasn’t a good sign. Usually, when he was restless, it always spelled trouble for him and everyone around him and Brian wasn’t sure if he wanted to have a repeat of what happened the last time.

“Calm down wolf, we’ll be out of here soon”, Brian said.

His wolf growled, reluctantly staying quiet. Brian sighed, sometimes he wished things could really go the way he had envisioned it to go and not the constant whirlwind his life was currently experiencing.

“We’re here”, Jack whispered.

Brian looked around but he couldn’t find anything that remotely resembled a vault talk more of something where valuables could be kept.

“Here where. I don’t see anything man”, Brian said.

Jack smiled, moving over to a door Brian hadn’t seen earlier. Jack pulled the lever that was attached to the door and right before their very eyes, the ground opened up to reveal a winding staircase that led downstairs.

“The vault is underneath there?*, Brian said.

He was marvelled at wilfred’s ingenuity and brilliance. No one on earth would ever believe there was something underneath talk more of something valuable.

“Yes and it contains all the things we’re looking for”, Jack said.

“Let’s go”, Brian said.

He led the way while Jack took the rear, all the while looking for threats and hidden attackers. They got to the vault soon and what Brian saw left him speechless.

“This is a gold mine”, Brian said.

“I know, it’s a freaking bank under the ground”, Jack said.

“Come on, let’s get the documents we need”, Brian said.

The documents were what they were really after as they contained incriminating materials against Wilfred they could use to nail him.

“I don’t see it anywhere boss”Jack said.

“Let’s keep searching, I’m sure we’ll find it”, Brian said.

They searched further, all the while mindful of time. They knew what would happen if they left there late and they didn’t want that happening.

“I got one”, Brian said.

He placed the three page document on a nearby table as he proceeded to look for more. Jack found another one within minutes and they decided to leave with what they had found lest the whole place blow up especially with the ticking time bomb that was sure to happen.

They shifted to their wolf form which would enable them run out faster. Just as they left, the tell tale sign of the first bomb exploded at the same spot where they were few minutes ago.

Brian nudged his head forward in hopes that Jack got the message to move towards the nearest exit he had found earlier.

They got outside soon into the open just as the whole building collapsed, leaving a cloud of dust and debris behind. The duo shifted back into their human form as they climbed into the car, speeding away into the night.

“How many men did we loose?”Brian asked.

“It’s not good boss, the figures are not good”, Jack said.

“Just tell me man”, Brian said.

“Just twenty men are left. Most of them took the hit of the first bomb that exploded at the location of the fake vault”, Jack sighed.

Brian gripped the wheel, taking in a deep breath before releasing it. He knew there was going to be casualties but he didn’t quite expect them to be so much.

“I’ll send word to their respective families”, Jack said.

Brian nodded, greatful for his help. It was the little they could do to help their families even as Brian knew that the battle was yet to be over.

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