Mated To An Hybrid

Chapter 50

“We’re in Paris”, the pilot announced.

Brian nodded, removing his seatbelt. Jack was fast asleep, the wine knocking him out almost immediately. Ever since he had informed Jack about his sister’s predicament, Brian had been thinking of ways he could help him rescue his sister. He wasn’t comfortable to learn that she was still there.

“Jack, we’re here?”, Brian said, tapping him.

Jack woke up with a start, his hands going over to his side pocket immediately to retrieve his gun but when he saw it was only Brian and the pilot, he relaxed.

“I was out cold, damn. I’m never drinking again”, he mummured.

“Shut it man, it was only two glasses. I’m sure you were so tired and badly in need of a rest”, Brian said.

They climbed out of the plane together. Brian breathed in the cool air of Paris and wished his mate was there with him. He hated traveling alone but in this case, he had to as his mission here this time around was far too deadly.

“We’ll take some rest at the hotel then move by midnight. Rally round the boys and tell them to prepare for this nights battle, we leave no stone unturned”, Brian said.

“Got it boss”, Jack said.

They made their way towards a parked car at the far corner of the airport. Just before they got in, Jack went round the car with a metal detector to check whether it was laced with bomb.

“All clear?”, Brian asked.

“All clear”, Jack said.

They got in soon as Jack drove away with Brian taking shot gun. He sent a quick text to Serah to announce that he had gotten to Paris. He promised to call her later that day after he was well rested.

“All done, I just sent a message to the commander about the attack tomorrow and he assured me his men were ready”, Jack said, tapping on his phone.

“Good, thank you. So, just to be sure, how many of these buildings does wilfred own!”, Brian asked.

“Close to a hundred and they all deal with one shady business or the other. It’s no wonder Wilfred makes his money so much”, he said.

“But for crying out loud, who is actually giving them the land to plan these nefarious activities”, Brian seethed.

“Boss the thing is wilfred doesn’t ask, he snatches and anyone who tries to challenge him dies. That’s how horrible and bad he can be. That’s why he’s the demon alpha, he has no feelings whatsoever in his mind”, Jack said.

“Well, I’m here to put a stop to it. Even though I won’t be able to destroy his entire building, I’ll make do with the ones I can”, Brian said.

“Wilfred is going to pay for every single thing he has done. I heard some rumours about him recruiting young girls for some prostitution ring”, Jack said.

“Damn, we really need to nail this bastard. This is getting out of hand”, Brian said.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“We need to do that and once and for all. It’s a good thing we’re already on his tail, that would keep him busy till we finally get him”, Jack said.

“I know man, I know but I’m just thinking about all the things that would go wrong before we finally nail the bastard”, Brian said.

“Like I said before man, some things has to die before we achieve success”, Jack said.

They got to the hostel soon which was one of Brian’s investment. Jack put the car to a stop at the driveway before the duo climbed out. They made their way into the reception to collect the key card that would enable them access the room.

“I’ll take the room on the left, you take the one on the right”, Brian said.

Jack nodded before moving over to his assigned room. They had to get all the rest they needed since they would be going into battle with wilfred’s boys that night.

Inside his room, Brian placed a call to his mate and frowned when she didn’t pick up at the first ring. He dialled the number again and was relieved when she picked it up.

“Hey honey”, Serah smiled.

Brian could hear water sounds and he discovered that she had been in a bath hence her delay in answering the call.

“Mate”, Brian growled.

He was always so possessive and this was one of those moments. Serah knew he missed her badly hence his reason for calling her so early.

“Fiend, how are you? Did you arrive on time?”, Serah laughed.

“Yes, we did. Have you had something to eat?”, Brian chuckled.

“Yes, I had a light dinner. I couldn’t eat though, especially since you’re not here with me”, Serah said.

“Baby, I’ll be home soon I promise. Please eat something more, for me”, Brian said.

“I will. Please, be careful. Remember, I love you”, Serah said.

“I love you too baby and I will spend the rest of my life loving you”, Brian smiled.

The duo talked for a while before Brian cut the call but not before promising her that he would call the following day.

Later on, at the stroke of twelve when everywhere was silent and the wolves were ready to play, Jack walked into Brian’s room. He was adorned in his battle gear and Brian could tell that he was ready to fight and so was he.

“Do we have everything we need?”, Brian asked.

“Yes. Guns, grenadese. We have everything”, Jack said.

“Good. Are all the men in position?”, Brian asked, cocking his gun.

“Yes, they’re all waiting for your command. An aerial view of the location showed that we would have little to no interruptions. I envision a smooth operation but we should know that dealing with wilfred or anything associated with him can be dangerous”, Jack said.

“We’ll pull through this. I’m sure of it”, Brian said.

The duo left the hotel soon, heading to the sport cars Jack had gotten earlier. As they drove, Brian looked through their plans and once again, he was assured of their success.

“We’ll go through the back, the area where security is minimal”, Brian said.

“Yes, I’ll take that front. I think we should go through both entrance so Wilfred and his boys wouldn’t have any chance of escaping”, Jack said.

“Alright, we’ll go through with everything we’ve said. I estimate an hour for the whole operation, anything less or more could be disastrous”, Brian said.

“Then we have to be fast because the building is one of the largest in the city”, Jack said.

“Okay. We’ll gather up what we need but this time around, I think we should involve the government”, Brian said.

“No, that’s a mistake. Some of these government officials could be under wilfred’s pay roll”, Jack said.

Brian knew he was right and deep down, he had an idea of who was involved.

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