Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 73


I had been running for almost thirty-nine minutes and I didn’t know particularly why I was running. I was just super anxious to see Sarah. A maid told me she had gone to visit Aunt Belinda and hadn’t return since then so I had better let her know I was back.

My heart raced as I arrived at Aunt Belinda’s all too familiar cottage. I felt a strong apprehension that I would get something more from this visit. I noticed a bike parked by her herbal garden. It wasn’t there the last time I visited with Sarah.

I knocked on the door, feeling anxious inside, and it opened to reveal Aunt Belinda. Aunt Belinda’s jaw dropped as she set her eyes on me, “Lily…Lily, my dear…”

She grabbed me into a tight embrace and almost choked me with her love, “Aunt Belinda…you’re.. choking…m…”

When she let me go, her eyes were already filled with tears, “Oh Lily…you’re alright. I was so darn worried!” She squeezed my cheeks and I held her hands away.

“Aunt, I’m not 5 anymore… and of course, I’m fine. Why were you scared?” I teased her.

“Oh, stop that. The entire pack was scared. We all went out looking for you.”

I widened my eyes, “Really?”

“I’m telling you. Oh goodness. You’re alright…” She was already beaming with joy but then she frowned slightly, “What about.. your other friend that went with you?”

Other friend? Then I realised she was referring to, “Adrian?… he…couldn’t make it.” I looked down so she couldn’t see the sad expression on my face.

“Oh, poor thing. He’ll be alright.” She rubbed my arms and I nodded and smiled at her.

“He will…”

I stepped inside, my breath catching in my throat, and patted away the sweat on my forehead..

“Would you want some coffee? You look like you’ve been running a mile.” Aunt Belinda said softly.

“I have, Aunt. I’m here to see Sarah.” I looked around, “but she doesn seem to be here with you.”

“Oh.” The way she said ‘oh’ made me know something was up.

“Why ‘Oh’, Aunt? Is she okay? Has anything happened?”

“No, no, dear. She’s alright. Her and Theo have gone on a… little adventure.”

I narrowed my eyes, “Adventure? I don’t understand, Aunt. Please explain everything to me?”

“At least come in and sit first.”

I reluctantly sat on a chair and she sat opposite me, on an armed one.

“So Theo came and told us he was rescued by Black Healers…” Those people? “I believe you know them?”

“Yes, I do.”

“They told him a lot of things, some he’ll tell you when you get to him, but most importantly they gave him very important information about something very important.”

I couldn’t contain my curiosity, “About what, Aunt?”

Aunt Belinda took a deep breath, “They have the key to find the ring of Lythian,” she explained, and my eyes widened. “It has the power to help us in our fight against the vampires.”

My eyes widened even more as I began to take in what I had just heard. “The ring of Lythian,” I whispered, my voice a mix of awe and worry. “How did they…who? But where did they go? How can I find them?”

Aunt Belinda continued, “I told you it was the Black Healers who gave Theo the key.”

“But why Theo?”

“He will tell you himself, but I remember him saying he was to give the key to the chosen one who will retrieve the ring.”

I gulped when I heard this and a bead of sweat trickled down my temple. I hoped it wasn’t me she was referring to. It couldn’t be Adrian since he was in custody and Adrian told me I was also “the chosen one”, then it had to be …me? Oh no. I wasn’t ready to find any ring of Lythian.

My mind had wandered far off before I heard her voice again. “They set off on a journey to find the ring,” she revealed. “They already have a clue to its location.”

Many questions ran through my head, “Do you have any idea as to where they may have gone to?

“The Forbidden Forest.” She said with a hushed tone.

The way she said it sent chills down my spine. I knew very well what that place was. They sang it to us in bedtime stories, including my mom who sang it to me everyday during my toddler years.

I could still remember the rhyme:

In the Forbidden Forest, shadows creep,

Where secrets hide and legends seep.

The thing of old, lost in the deep,

A mystical treasure, its power to keep.

Whispers of magic, through branches they sing,

Beware, young ones, of the forest’s sting.

The memory irked me.

Aunt Belinda’s face softened despite the gravity of what she said, “My dear, they went to the old ruins deep in the Forbidden Forest,” she revealed with a steady voice. “It’s a dangerous place, but I believe they will be successful if they find the chosen one soon enough.”

“And if they don’t?”

Aunt Belinda shook her head, “We won’t want to think about that.”

I made my decision immediately. I needed to go find them – I was the chosen one after all, but they didn’t know, yet. Aunt Belinda didn’t know too, and it would stay that way for now.

I stood and she was surprised, “Are you leaving? But you just arrived.”

“No, Aunt, I’m going after Sarah and Theo.”

She scoffed, “Have you lost your mind? What will make you want to do that?”

“They’re my friends. They need me.”

“No, Lily. They need the chosen one.” Em, yeah, I am the chosen one, Aunt. “You just barely escaped from vampires and now you want to skip into the Forbidden Forest? I was very adventurous in my prime but not to your level!”

“Aunt, I know you’re worried about me but I need to be with them. Remember I was the first person to bring back the topic of the ring…now I know it actually exists, don’t you think it’s fair I go see?”

“It is dangerous, Lily…”

“I know that but Sarah and Theo also know that, yet they’re going.”

“They were sent Lily. Theirs is different.”

“Aunt, I have to go.”

“You don’t listen to anyone, do you?” I smirked at her and she rolled her eyes. “What will you tell your parents?”

“You mean what will you tell my parents…”

“No way, Lily. I won’t lie on your behalf…”

“Aunt, please. Pretty please?” I gave her the puppy eyes until she scoffed again.

“Blasted heavens… you’ll be the end of me, Lily. Fine.”

“Thank you so much.” I hugged her.

“I have to get going now.”


“They’ve been gone for days, haven’t they? I need to catch up to them. Time is running out.”

I wanted to rush out but she stopped me, “Wait Lily.” She held my hand, “Please be careful, dear. I have been to the forest only once and it isn’t for the weak of heart. Stick together, trust your instincts and draw strength from within. You are meant for greatness, my dear. Come back safe, okay?”

“I will, Aunt. Thanks once again.” After one last hug, I bolted out the door but didn’t forget one thing.

“Aunt, can I borrow your bike?” I showed all my teeth.

“It’s not mine anyway.” She sighed and waved her hand at me.

I mounted the bike and turned on the engine.

“Good luck dear!” Aunt Belinda waved goodbye to me as I justled through the thick trees and eerie quiet, my mind solely on one thing.

“I need to find the ring.”



As Audrey was being pushed by the vampires to the dark room, her heart raced and she struggled to calm her nerves. She knew why she came here and she knew what she came to do. She wandered how this vampire lord would look like and how well she’d trap him within her finger tips.

The atmosphere was tense as she stood in front of Leo, taking his full composure in. He was considerably handsome for a vampire and Leo thought the same; she was rather sexy for a werewolf. They stared at each other intensely, their eyes showing both interest and doubt simultaneously.

Leo, raising an eyebrow, said, “Well, well, what could a sexy wolf like you be doing wandering around the boundary of our territory?”

Audrey held her chin high even though her hands were binded behind her, “Not what you’re thinking it is. I came alone.”

Eyeing her more, he walked closer to her and then around her, “That’s exactly what a spy would say, isn’t it boys?”

The vampires laughed aloud and Audrey sneered at them, wanting to gauge their intestines out.

“If I was a spy, you’d be dead by now, Leo.” Audrey smirked.

They all stopped laughing, including Leo. He walked to her side and took a chunk of her hair, “So you’re the feisty one?” He laughed to himself and glared at one of his men, “Why did you tell her my name?”

“I…I…I didn’t, sir, I swear…noone did.” He stuttered.

Leo rushed to him and grabbed his neck, pulling him up, his already pale face becoming paler.

“Spare the rat. Noone told me your name, I already knew.” Audrey spoke and Leo shifted his gaze to hers. He threw the vampire to the floor and walked to her front.

“What are you?” He narrowed his eyes at her.

“Your answer.” She replied looking back at him.

He stared at her intently, “My answer to what?”

“Every thing you’ve always pondered about. How you’ll destroy the pack, how you’ll conquer the four realms, how you’ll be the most feared of them all…”

He grabbed her throat and set his fangs to her neck, “How do you know I want the answers to that?”

“Because…you’re still listening to me…right now.” She said with a choked voice and Leo let her go.

“Why are you here?”

Audrey, keeping her voice steady, said, “I came to offer you a proposition, A chance for us to work together and achieve our goals.”

Leo’s lips curled into a sly smile, his fangs gleaming in the dim light. He went back to his seat. Leaning back in his chair, he replied, ” Oh? And what goals might those be, wolf?”

Audrey said, meeting his gaze with determination. “Everything I just said. Power. Control. The fulfillment of our darkest desires. I also know you seek the ring of Lythian, the key to unimaginable power, and I have information that can lead us to it.”

Leo’s eyes narrowed, his interest piqued by Audrey’s words, “How do you know that?”

“Because you sent one of your vampires to get the journal to find it. I saw everything.”

Leo leaned forward, his voice laced with intrigue, “You have my attention. Speak.”

Audrey straightened up, and lowered her voice, “I have discovered the location of the ring. It lies hidden in the ancient ruins of the Forbidden Forest, waiting to be claimed by those who possess the strength and cunning to seize it. With my knowledge and your resources, we can get it together.”

Leo looked at Audrey, thinking about what she had proposed. He thought hard, considering the good things that could come from joining forces with a seemingly powerful female werewolf, even though they were enemies of his kind. He thought about the dangers too, trying to balance everything in his mind. Why was she proposing to help him? Who was she really? Was she even a werewolf to begin with or a witch or a seer of some sort?NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

Leo smirked, “And what do you gain from this? Why should I trust you?

Audrey met his gaze unwaveringly, “I had to travel a long while before I found your sanctuary. I have heard so much about you, so much I know our goals align. The power of the ring can grant us both what we desire most. Together, we can reshape this world to our liking, ruling over it with an iron fist.”

A spark of interest lit up Leo’s eyes as he thought about Audrey’s suggestion. He was someone who never missed a chance and was always willing to take careful risks to gain more power. Could this woman be the one who held the key to unlocking the greatest power he sought?

“That is rich coming from a werewolf’s tongue. Very very interesting…a woman you are.”

“And there are certainly more things I have that will interest you.” She said seductively and exposed one of her laps bare, immediately catching his attention.

Leo leaned back, a smirk playing on his lips, “Very well. I will entertain your proposition. But remember, this. One false move, and your fate will be sealed.”

Audrey nodded, a flicker of anticipation shining in her eyes, “I understand. Playing you for a fool is like showing my naked ass to the devil. I know better than that.” But that was exactly what she planned to do.

Leo, too bewildered and amused by her let out a charming laugh. His men were too surprised to even follow in his suit.

“I really like this one…”

Audrey set her eyes down as he rose up slowly.

“Put her in the cage. When I finalise my decision, I’ll send for you.” He waved his hands and Audrey was dragged away.

Little by little, her plan was working just perfectly.

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