Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 72


I sat across from my dad, feeling both excited and nervous. He held the journal tightly with a serious and worried expression on. I always felt like he was never going to tell me about that journal but now, the feeling was different. He was finally going to tell me the truth, I sensed it.

“Father,” I said, surprised by his words. “Your journal was stolen? Why would someone want it?”

He paused, taking a deep breath before explaining. “Lily, I kept that journal hidden because it has information about our family’s special heritage.”

“What heritage, Father?”

He prolonged each response he gave me, “We come from a long line of protectors, chosen to fight against the darkness in the realm.”

I pretended to widen my eyes in shock by what he revealed. It wasn’t only me this time – Our entire family had a special purpose? It’s like every day, a new prophecy comes in to broaden and further complicate the big picture. It was hard to take in all at once.

“But why would someone steal it, Dad? Who wants to know about our family?” I asked.

He paused, looking directly at me. “There are bad people out there, Lily, dark forces who want to use our power for their own evil plans. They want to control and take advantage of it. That’s why I had to get the journal back, to keep our family’s legacy safe.”

I sat there, stunned by his words. It was hard to believe all of this, but I knew he was telling me the truth. We had to protect our family and face the darkness together.

My heart raced as his words sank in. Our family, part of a long line of protectors? It felt overwhelming, almost too much to understand. Now my dad had just added another layer of complexity to my life, there was nothing else to be said that would shock me from that moment on.

The seriousness of the situation resonated with me, sending a chill down my spine. It had become almost a normal thing to realise that there were people plotting against us, threatening everything that mattered to me. But, I had to act the innocent daughter so my father wouldn’t catch up to me.

“I can’t wrap my head around all of this, Father,” I finally managed to whisper. “Our family, our purpose?… It’s a lot to take in at once.”

He reached across the table, his hand gently resting on mine. “I know, Lily. I’m sorry I’m just telling you now…”

“But why, Father? Why didn’t you tell me this a long time ago? I remember always being so curious about our family and lineage and anytime I’d ask a question about it, you’d not answer me. Why?”

“It just had to be that way.” He said, “Now, you’ve come of age and the fate of the realm is in danger, there’s no better time to reveal this to you. Your great grandfather, my father and your father – we all were protectors of this pack and realm and you’re next in line. This journal has made me understand so many things about our history and our future. I have spent decades trying to uncover all the secrets of this journal but it’s just been close to impossible for me. But you, Lily…you have a very great destiny ahead of you. With the stars and moon aligned, your destiny has been predicted to be great. You will need this journal and that’s why I want you to have it.”

I was stunned. My father wanted to actually give this to me. The sincerity in his voice shocked me.

“Father…” I didn’t know what to say.

He stretched out his right hand and placed the journal on my lap. I could immediately feel it’s energy on me. “This book is of great power and use to those who use it for good, but when it gets into the hands of the evil minded, it would cause great destruction. I have told Jaxon that if anything happens to me, he is to be the one to guard it with his life,” the mention of Jaxon caught me unaware, “but before that, I want you to have it and learn as much as you can from it. It will be of great help to you.” He said and smiled faintly to me.

Why did it feel like my dad was saying his last words to me?

Out of impulse, I hugged him, “No, Father. You’re not going anywhere…”

He sat me down back and looked into my eyes, “Not now, but soon. Have this journal and study it well, Lily.”

“I will, Father, but…nothing will happen to you.”

He touched my face softly, “How I wish that would be so.”

There was silence in the room then he spoke again,

“It’s a lot to bear, I know, but we have each other now. We’ll face these challenges together, just like our ancestors did before us. We’re stronger than we realize. You have more people who’ll be ready to die for you and our home.” He said with a glint of tear in his eyes.

A mix of emotions swirled within me-fear, uncertainty, but also subtle determination. I nodded, squeezing my father’s hand and looking at the journal now on my lap, in my possession.

For the first time, I felt my dad regarded me as an adult. This journal I had always wanted to study was now mine to do so with.

But I felt a looming threat of death over my father’s life, mostly because of the way he addressed me or maybe it was just me.

As I walked back to my room, I opened the journal and ran my finger over the words.


Audrey was seen feeling the interceptory energy and cursed under her breathe when she realised it was, “Lily….” She grunted and smashed a rock beneath her feet.


Ever since I got back, things had drastically changed in the grove. I get it was because of the war that was brooding but the atmosphere and mood was just different and unfamiliar to me. It felt like home but also didn’t feel like home.Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

One afternoon, we all gathered together, preparing for the upcoming battle. Jaxon led and gave orders to the warriors. I watched from afar, feeling a heavy sadness. My friendship with Jaxon had also drastically changed as we grew more distant and our paths diverged. I felt we would never be the same friends as we were just a few months back. So many things had happened and so many things had not been spoken.

When he was polishing his armoury, I approached him cautiously, “Hi, Jaxon.”

He barely looked at me, “What is it?”

“Why are you ignoring me?”

“I’m not.”

“Then why can’t you look at me? We used to be so close so what happened?”

Jaxon glanced briefly at me, then turned away, his voice cold. “There are bigger things to focus on now, Lily. We can’t get distracted. Our pack’s survival is at stake.”

I felt hurt by his words. Why was he ignoring and distancing himself from me? Was he feeling guilty or just hurt? I had hoped for understanding from him but all he gave me was a cold shoulder. Even if he told me he was too focused on the pack, I knew he was just trying not to say the truth. I knew he was dedicated to his role but he’s not telling me everything.

As he was about to leave I held his arm, “Jaxon, I know the past months have been rough on all of us but I can’t bare to see us grow apart. I know you’re not telling me everything…please, talk to me.” I begged him.

He faced me and a cold expression was on his face, “Lily, I just think it’ll be better if we don’t talk to each other again.”

My mouth dropped, “What? Why? And why would you decide that?”

“It will better if it was that way.”

“How?! What has come over you, Jaxon? I almost got killed in the hands of vampires in the span of two months and I managed to escape. Everyone’s welcomed me except you, you I thought was my closest friend. You’ve been ignoring me and now you’re telling me we shouldn’t talk to each other again? What is wrong with you?!” I realised the people around were looking at us so I sighed and bit my lips.

“I’m sorry…I’m really sorry, but it just has to be this way.” His eyes betrayed him at that moment. I could tell he was saying what he did not want to out of his own will. His words hurt me.

He turned to leave, “Jaxon?…” But I couldn’t stop him this time. He was gone.

Perplexed at what just happened, I sat on the grass. What had come over him? Why was he treating me this way? I didn’t know when next I’d see Adrian, and Sarah also wasn’t anywhere to be found… now also, I’d lost my closest friend since childhood. It’s like everyone I cared about was leaving me one by one.


I covered my ears with my hands as I tried to steady my breathing, trying to understand why Jaxon was behaving like that towards me. It hurt, it hurt so bad.

I was able to get up and get myself together. I needed to go find someone to talk to. I needed to find Sarah.



Jaxon kicked the table down with all the anger he had welling up in him. He punched the well continuously till blood started dripping out of his fingers.

Someone entered the changing room and was shocked to see Jaxon in that state, “Jaxon, what’s up with you?”

One glare from Jaxon and he excused himself.

Jaxon collapsed onto the bench and covered his face with his bloody hands. He’d hurt her. He knew he hurt her with his words. He didn’t have a choice. When he saw her for the first time the day before and word had spread that she was back, he couldn’t believe it himself. He was unable to talk or move. So many emotions dribbled in his mind.

But instead of taking her in his arms, all he did was keep his distance and ignore her existence, in a bid to protect her. Fuck that!

“How the hell am I protecting her by ignoring her?! How does that even make sense?!” He screamed his lungs out. He was asking himself but he knew the answer. The farther Lily stayed away from him, the less likely she’d be to get in trouble because of his hidden plans. Knowing more about him meant danger for her. It was best she’d stay away.

Also, he knew she was his weakness. If his father found out about this, he wouldn’t waste any time to tell him to eliminate her, though he hoped it never came to that. No weaknesses, no distractions.

“Fuck it!”

Sometimes he was tired of everything he was doing. Was his father really doing the right thing? In the end, what would it amount to? He didn’t try to question this but at the expense of Lily’s life, he did.

He felt stupid that it took him till that time to realise he loved Lily. Stupid Jaxon. He knew very well Lily was in love with Adrian and that pained him more.

But he just wanted her to be safe.

As the sound of drums echoed around the walls, a feeling of urgency spread through the grove. Jaxon knew he had to prepare himself for the tough times ahead. He knew the journey ahead was uncertain and would involve sacrifices. Yet, even in the midst of the growing darkness that threatened to consume him, he held onto a small flicker of hope.

Casting aside his personal battles, he set outside to face his duty.

No distractions, no weaknesses, no Lily. That would be best.

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