And Then There Were Four

Chapter 133

Chapter 133

Chapter 133: Saying Goodbye

They say when you lose something you love the most, your world stops spinning and nothing makes sense anymore. I never thought much about what my life would be like without the people closest to me. But the moment my life was faced with hard choices and bad decisions, I realized there was no

turning back.

“How dare you touch what’s mine?” The roared comment that came from Lucas echoed throughout the area. Panic consumed those around us as they watched the scene before them unfold. People went running, screaming for help, and I knew somewhere close by, my parents were trying desperately to find out what was causing the chaos.

The chaos centered around me.

“Stop!” I screamed as the two guys went at it with each other. Claws flying through the air, slashes being made upon skin, howls of pain, roars of anger. It was all too much for me, and as I jumped to my feet, I tried desperately to find a way I could stop at all.

There was one way, but using my magic was forbidden by my parents and the pack. I wasn’t allowed to do that, but as I tried to see another way around it, I couldn’t.

I didn’t shift into my Lycan form for a reason because I was more uncontrollable than my brother. But I so desperately didn’t want either Lux or Lucas to get hurt.

With panic setting into my racing heart, anger bubbled inside. me, mixed with confusion, hatred and love. I didn’t know what I was doing, but before I knew it, I allowed myself to change.

The only problem was it wasn’t the change I was expecting. The change that ended up consuming me was of power and darkness. A rage boiling inside of me that finally exploded with a screaming yell for

them to stop.

The power bursted from my hands, my body and my soul was unlike anything I had ever felt before. There were those who had made it away in time from where we had been consumed in chaos, but those that did not were thrown back hundreds of feet, landing on the ground, pleading for the chaos to stop.

“Cassie, no!” My mother screamed as my parents tried to get to me in time. Both Lucas and Lux both turned to me in shock as the power radiated off my body in green waves.

All I wanted tonight was to enjoy the time with my family I had before I left for college. To enjoy my birthday and possibly meet my mate even though Lucas was not the mate I was hoping for.

Yet that didn’t happen. Instead, hell broke loose all because I was paired with a man my brother hated.

As both of them turned to me, they slowly transformed back into their normal forms, their clothes completely shredded, their half-naked bodies bared before me.

“Cassie, you have to stop,” Lux pleaded with me as he held his hands up as a sign of defense. “You can’t do this. Look, we’re not fighting anymore. Please, you have to calm down.”

It didn’t matter if I wanted to stop or not, at the moment I was unable to, it was as if I had taken a back seat in my mind, and the forefront of power which controlled me currently was driving this ride.

“Why is it that every time I find something in my life that could possibly make me happy, you try to stop it?” | bellowed at him. “I’m your sister. Why can’t you be happy for me?”

“I am happy for you, Cassie, please, you have to stop. You’re scaring people, and if you’re not careful, you will not be able to redeem yourself for whatever you do when you completely lose it.”

He was trying to reason with me, that was obvious, but he was doing so in a very poor manner. I didn’t understand why he couldn’t just let me be happy, let me figure my own shit out. He always thought he had to control me, tell me what I needed to do.

He was my brother, not my keeper, and he didn’t seem to want to understand that.

“Cassie,” Melissa’s soft words caught me off my guard for a moment, and glancing at her, a part of me calmed at her presence. However, that was quickly ruined when Pollux took note of Melissa, stepping closer and decided to open his mouth.

“Look, Cassie, even Melissa is scared of you.”

Narrowing my eyes, a low growl echoed from my throat. “Don’ t you dare say her name.”

“...Or what? If you keep this up, there is no redemption for you, Cassie. Someone is going to get hurt all because you don’t know how to keep your shit together.”

“You’re such a fucking liar. You are not happy for me. You never have been and you never will be. You have been nothing but jealous of me since the day we came into our powers and you blame me for every moment of your life, not being exactly how you want it.”

The words I spoke were me, but then again, they weren’t. It was as if my subconscious was tired of the bullshit and finally spoke of everything that had rolled through my mind over the years.

It seemed to hit my brother hard with what I said, but he tried to distract me. Something I wasn’t prepared for.

I hadn’t been paying attention to Lucas, who had calmly been circling behind me. I wasn’t sure what he was trying to do, but the moment his arms wrapped around my waist, my brother tried to tackle me down.

The problem was they didn’t realize how much power I was on the verge of using until it was too late and flew from me in a . frenzy, seeking to hit any target in its path.

I hadn’t meant for anybody to get hurt.

I had it meant for things to go sideways and had they just let me be to calm down on my own, perhaps things would have been fine.

My mother’s scream echoed around me. I looked up from the ground over towards the fire. I spotted Melissa laying there unmoving, and my heart absolutely broke.

As if a combustion inside me had finally let go, I screamed in frustration and pain. My eyes wide with fear as tears rolled down my cheeks. The power within me exploding, tossing Lucas and Lux from my body as I quickly climbed to my hands and knees and scrambled over to where Melissa layed.

“No. Please No.” I never meant for anybody to get hurt and yet the one person I had loved and trusted my entire life was now gone. She lay there, her eyes wide open, her hair sprawled around her.

There was nothing I could do now, but I wanted to. Goddess, I wanted to.

Pulling her body up onto my lap, I kissed the top of her head, my hand running over her cheek as tears fell down my face landing onto her own. “It’s going to be okay, Melissa. Don’t let go. I can bring you back. I’ll find some way to bring you back.”

I had never lost control like this. I had never allowed myself to lose control like this and the one time I did, in order to try to stop two men I cared about from killing each other, the one person I cared more about than anything in this world was taken from me.

“Cassie, sweetie… What did you do?” My mother’s voice brought me to the forefront of what had actually happened and as I let my eyes slide up to hers, I couldn’t hold back the sob that escaped me.

“I didn’t mean to… I just wanted them to stop fighting, Mama, I didn’t mean to.”

I broke in half and as I did, she broke in half with me falling to her knees, because Melissa had been like a daughter to her all these years as well. She cried with me holding both me and Melissa. “I know you didn’t. I’m so sorry.” C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

“We can bring her back. I can bring her back, Mama. I can do it.”

My mom once had the power to bring my father, Damien, back, and if she could do it, I could do it too. There was a way for it to work. There had to be.

“Cassie, you have to let her go.” To my left Damien stood with Talon. They both stared at me tight, lipped with sad expressions on their faces as Damien shook his head.

“You can’t bring her back, sweetie. She’s gone. What your mother did for me isn’t the same thing. It took all of them to bring me back and the only way that was able to happen was because of the Lycan gene and because of the celestial blood. Melissa isn’t one of us.”

I knew what they were saying was true. She wasn’t one of us, at least not by blood. But she was mine, and I loved her. I loved her more than anything and now she was gone.

“No, that can’t be it. We had plans. We were going to go to college…” I whispered softly. “I never got the chance to tell her. Daddy, I never got to tell her the truth.”

“You didn’t, sweetheart and losing somebody you love hurts. But right now you have to let her go and come with me.” Damien’s words were not the words I wanted to hear and even as I glanced at Lux and also Lucas, I could see how remorseful they were.

Had they not tried picking this stupid fight if this would have happened?

Melissa would still be alive, and I wouldn’t be a murderer.

Seeing I wasn’t going to move, my mother had my father’s help pull me away from Melissa’s body, and as they did, a part of me died with her.

How was I ever going to be able to go on without her?

She had been with me my entire life? She had been my rock, my anchor to this world since the day my powers came into play and now she was gone.

A swirling mass of wind and a crack of thunder in the distance brought all of us to attention and as it had happened once before, a void opened within space and through it I came face to face with someone I hadn’t seen since I was a child.

Kara, my grandfather’s Valkyrie.

“It seems that the party is over and things didn’t turn out the way they should have.”

Anger flashed through me at her comment. It wasn’t needed and even though I wanted more than anything to put her in her place, I couldn’t. “Go fuck yourself, Kara.”

A chuckle escaped the woman as she looked at Melissa’s body and then turned to look over her shoulder. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but before I knew it, a large, burly figure of a man with a white beard stepped through the portal.

The white robes he wore screamed hierarchy and I realized this himself was Odin, the man my father Hale had told me about often.

He wasn’t pleased by the sight before him and everyone, including my parents, seemed to quake under his gaze. All except me.

As silver eyes stared at me, he shook his head. “I should have known that this would have happened, and it is my fault that it did. A young life was lost because I thought my daughter could keep my grandchildren in check.”

“Excuse me, how dare you say something like that?” My mother snapped, standing to her feet as she came to stand in front of me. “Get out of here now. You’re not welcome.”

“Child, you no longer may say anything. We had a deal, and I gave you till their eighteenth birthday. Now I was going to be nice enough to give him a bit of extra time to say goodbye to their family and friends, but after this? There’s no way that I can allow that to happen.”

The tone of his voice echoed through the air, and as it did, the surge of power and authority echoed with it. He was right, though. I should have gone a long time ago. I was dangerous and because of my inability to control myself, Melissa got killed.

Glancing at my parents, I could see they were willing to fight to keep me here and there was no way in hell I was going to allow that to happen.

I couldn’t allow someone else to get hurt because of me and honestly, disappearing from this place sounded a lot better than staying put. “I’ll go.”

“What?” My mother gasped as she looked over her shoulder at me. “Don’t say that. No, you’re not. I’ve worked too hard for too many years to protect you guys. You’re not going. You’re my children.”

“Mom…/-I just killed my best friend…” I stammered, trying to make sense of what had happened. “Do you really think that I can stay here after that? Do you really think that … I could risk somebody else getting killed because of me? Because I can’t control myself?”

She was speechless at my comment, and there was nothing she could say. I was a risk to everybody around me in the state I was, and until I learned how to handle this, nobody was safe.

“Cassie, you can’t go. You belong here with me.” Lucas’ soft words only irked my nerves even further. I knew he was my mate, but I couldn’t even think about that right now.

Turning to him, I tried to hold back further tears, but instead they just continued like a river down my face. “Why would you want somebody like me? I’m a murderer. You’re free to be with whoever you want.”

A chuckle escaped my grandfather at this point and as looked at him, his eyes were focused on Lucas. “Interesting. How in the world did I not notice you before?”

Lucas’ entire demeanor shifted, and he became fearful as he tried to step away from the entire situation. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, I think you do, little celestial Lycan.” Gasps echoed around the area, and as Odin looked at each of us, an amused smile hinted within the depths of his eyes. “I suppose instead of two, I’ll be taking three.”

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