And Then There Were Four

Chapter 132

Chapter 132

Chapter 132: Mated to a Lycan

Mouth parted, I stood in utter disbelief, staring at Lucas Vega. His eyes flecked with gold as he stared upon my figure, moving from the shadows out into the moonlight. How is it that this man, a man I had detested because of his cocky personality, was the man I was supposed to be mated to?

So many questions ran through my mind, and as I got closer to him, flutters of nervousness flowed through my stomach. “You are my mate?”

It was a question, but it was also more of a statement. I couldn’t believe the Fates had paired me with Lucas Vega, the notorious bad boy who wanted nothing more than to make my brother’s life a living hell.

“Yes, I am. I waited so long for you to realize I was your mate, so I didn’t have to be away from you any longer.” Lucas stepped closer towards me, and as he did, I felt myself become completely uneasy.

I shouldn’t have felt this way around my mate, and yet I couldn’t help’it.

“You turned eighteen four fucking months ago and you couldn’t bother to tell me back then I was your mate? What the fuck is wrong with you?”

My explosion was the first thing to come out of my mouth after realizing he knew. I wasn’t actually thinking when I had spoken, but now I had said what I did, I didn’t regret it. Four

months he had known I was his mate and never once did he bother to tell me who in the hell does something like that?

“I didn’t want to tell you because I wanted you to figure it out on your own. It would have been unfair of me to come to you and tell you I was your mate before you even turn eighteen. You deserved to enjoy the moment of finding me.”

So he was thinking about me. I found the notion sweet, but I couldn’t be clouded.

No matter how badly I wanted those gold-flecked eyes to stare down at me as his plump, thick lips kissed me, I couldn’t let my emotions take control. This was Lucas Vega. The same Lucas Vega who had tried countless times to piss me off, tease me, taunt me, and do everything in his power to come between my brother and I since the school year started.

The moment he stood only a foot in front of me, shivers of pleasure spilled down my spine. His warm, fresh rain scent wrapped around me, trying to comfort me, but all the while my stubborn mind couldn’t get past the fact he had lied and hid this from me for four months.

Perhaps I was being ridiculous. Hell, maybe my stubborn mind was taking control, but at the end of the day I was Cassie, the Alpha’s daughter. No way in hell was going to let some bad boy come into my life and try to ruin things.

The moment he reached out and ran his hand down my arm, I was pulled from my thoughts and jumped back from his touch. The recoil caused him to growl as his eyes narrowed in my direction. “Don’t do that.”

“Don’t do what? Move away from you?” | sneered. “If I wanted

1 to touch you, I would have allowed it.”

Even with his eyes narrowed, a grin crossed the corner of his lips, turning up as he watched me. “I knew from the momenti met you that you were going to be feisty, and even when I found out you were my mate, I watched you from the shadows. I couldn’t help but wonder if you were going to act like this.”

That didn’t sound stalkerish at all. I internally groaned. “Look, it’s obvious that the moon goddess made a mistake. There’s no way we can be mated.”

He sneered at my comment, an utter look of disgust crossing his face. “Are you rejecting me?”

Was I rejecting him? I wasn’t quite sure. Honestly, I didn’t know how I felt. I had waited for this moment for so long, and though I didn’t quite believe in mates, because I wanted Melissa, I found myself conflicted.

“I don’t know what I’m doing,” I replied softly. The honest answer I gave him was enough for him to quickly clear the space between us and wrap his arm around my waist, pulling me close to his body.

“Don’t reject me. Give me a chance to show you I can be good to you, that I can give you a life that you want.” As much as I wanted to believe him, there was a darkness that surrounded him which made me wary.

A darkness that called my name, wanting me to give in.

I wasn’t the kind of girl who could easily love. With all of the power that radiated inside me, I was constantly cautious.

Worried someone would try to take advantage of me, worried someone would try to use me to hurt the ones I loved.

Melissa was the only one outside of my family I trusted.

The only one I could ever let in.

She was everything to me, and nothing would change that.

Past had proved I couldn’t trust men. One time, I tried to let a man in and that failed. Even the one- night stands I had to try and relieve the built up tension in my body proved to be nothing but a waste of time from men who thought they could get in good with my family. Fucking assholes, all of them.

“Lucas-” The moment I said his name, I hadn’t been thinking. For forever I’d always called him by his last name, and as I said his first name, his lips descended upon mine and took my breath away in the most passionate and heated kiss I’d ever had. His tongue fought for dominance over mine, flicking and tasting me, a deep rumble erupted from his chest.

Every ounce of my body screamed for the desire to have more, but I couldn’t. I was so conflicted about how I felt, I wanted to cry. I was honestly overthinking it more than I probably should have.

So, after he parted his lips from mine, I quickly placed my hand against his chest and stepped back, trying to catch my breath. Glancing at him, wide eyed in shock, I turned and ran.

I wasn’t sure why I was running, hell wasn’t sure what I was doing at all. But the moment I cleared the woods and my eyes landed on Lux, I knew bad things were about to happen. “Lux, please. It’s not what you think.”

My brother narrowed his gaze at me with a disgusted look in his eyes. “Not what I think. What the fuck are you doing with him?”

“I’m her mate. I have a right to be with her.” Lucas’s voice caused shivers once more to cross over my skin, and as I looked over my shoulder at him, I watched him step from the shadows with his arms crossed over his chest in a defensive manner.

“He’s your mate?! Are you fucking kidding me? This piece of shit is the man you’re meant to be with?” Pollux was being completely unreasonable and I was slightly offended he would even talk about Lucas like that.

“Lux, you-you’re being unreasonable,” I stammered. “Can we not do this tonight? Let’s just take tonight to finish enjoying the party and then tomorrow we can talk about this.”

I saw the look in my brother’s eye I had only seen a handful of times before. He was angry, far past angry, and with the power flowing through him, he was slowly spiraling out of control. I wasn’t so sure why he hated Lucas so much, but it was obvious whatever was going to happen was not going to be good.

“I should have fucking killed you a long time ago,” he growled as he glared at Lucas. “You will never have her. I told you before to stay away and you just couldn’t fucking do it, could you?”

What the hell did he mean, he told him before? Does this mean my own brother knew that Lucas was my mate, and he never told me?

“Did you know?” I asked him in shock as I slapped my hand across his chest, watching his eyes dart to me, his teeth bared and a slow shift coming over him. “Did you know that he was my mate and you didn’t say anything?”

“Of course I fucking knew. He came snooping around the day he turned eighteen looking for you. I didn’t approve of him from the beginning, and if you thought for a second I would ever approve of a man like him being with my sister, then you’re sadly mistaken.”

“Pollux, that isn’t for you to decide!” I screamed in frustration.

“It is my right as your brother, and the future Alpha of this pack, Cassie. When are you going to learn that what you want doesn’t fucking matter!”

“Go fuck yourself, Pollux. You’re just jealous I actually have a mate!” | snapped back, and as I did, he raised his hand to slap me but stopped when a deep, evil growl resonated from Lucas. Lucas was daring him to do it, and Pollux better reconsider.

“Your fucking mutt thinks he’s going to do something…” Pollux laughed in an egotistical way as he glanced around the area. I couldn’t understand why he was acting like this, and with embarrassment and ever raging hormones, I felt the tears fill my eyes. I refused to let them fall.

Are you crying?” Pollux gasped with laughter. “You have no one to blame but yourself.“

Narrowing my gaze at him, I let a surge of power flow through1288 (Vouchers, This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

1. me. “Shut your fucking mouth.”

Pollux seemed concerned for a moment, and then the concern washed away. “What are you going to do, Cassie? Are you going to fucking hurt me like you did before? Maybe it will be one of your other siblings this time instead… you’re fucking pathetic, Cassie. Always with the enemy.”

“He isn’t Marcus, Lux. Don’t compare them,” I whispered, watching as my brother’s eyes softened for a moment before turning hard once more. “You always preach about how mates are so important, and yet you’re acting like this? I don’t get it.”

He had been cruel to me more than once, but I just didn’t understand why he would be cruel to me about something like this.

The chaos happening between the three of us had started to draw the attention of others, and as they looked on, I realized if I didn’t get control of this, something bad was going to happen. “Lux, you have to stop.”

“Don’t tell me what to do. I will not listen to a girl who whores herself out to the enemy.” His words were triggering Lucas, and I could feel the tension between the three of us growing slowly out of control.

“Look, stop. We need to take the night to think this over and tomorrow we can… we can do something about it then… just for tonight, Lux… Please.” Panicking, I watched my brother step forward, ignoring

my words, and as I looked towards Lucas, he too was standing prepared for whatever my brother had to throw at him.

I didn’t understand why Lucas could remain so quiet through this whole conversation, but it was as if he was trying to allow me to handle this without him interjecting, which I respected and was slightly shocked by. “Don’t do this, Lux. It’s only going to end badly for the both of us.”

“Don’t you dare tell me what I should and shouldn’t do in my own pack. You’re fucking nothing but a goddamn pain in my ass,” Lux growled as he clenched his fist at his side, stepping forward.

“I said enough, Lux.” | screamed at him as I used my hands to push him back. However, I should have known it would be useless, because in one swoop, he shoved me, tossing me aside to the ground.

A roar unlike anything I had ever heard escaped Lucas’ lips, and as I turned to look at him, I watched as the shift came over causing me to realize he too was half-breed.

Natural werewolves were not able to partially shift. They either shifted into a wolf or they were human, but here before me, Lucas stood with fangs protruding over his lips, his eyes completely golden with black swirling masses, and his hands had razor-sharp claws.

Oh, my god. Lucas was a fucking Lycan.

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