You Kissed My Soul

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

“Mind link. Wow that’s really cool. I mean you don’t need to use a phone for connecting with someone.

And now it explains how you guys were talking or having information about each other without even

using a phone” I told Bell as she feed me about mind linking.

“Yeah it is cool” Cole replied and I marked as he looked restless.

“Cole?” I called him.

“Yeah?” He replied still looking restless.

“Is everything alright?”

“Yeah! Uh why?” He asked

“It’s because you seem restless. What is it Cole?” I asked leaning against the kitchen table as Bell

prepared breakfast for us.

“Uh nothing” he replied rubbing his neck.

“I will tell you what’s his problem is. Jenny is his problem” Blake spoke as he entered the kitchen room.

“Jenny?” I questioned.

“Jenny as in Jennifer, his mate” Blake told me and I looked at Bell who was smiling towards Cole.

“Yes she is coming today” Bell added

“Really?” I asked excited. I wanted to meet Cole’s mate and I don’t know why but suddenly I feel very

excited knowing that Jenny is going to come today.

“Wow that’s excellent. So you are restless thinking about her?” I questioned wiggling my eyebrows at

him to which he laughed and nodded.

After Bell prepared our Breakfast we ate it in silence. Dylan was absent today for Breakfast and without

me asking Bell told me that he is going to be out for some days as he was going for some pack

meeting to other country.

I shrugged my shoulder in response hearing that. But deep down I felt little sad that he didn’t think to

meet me before going. But I shrugged off the matter and continued eating my breakfast.

The day went usual with training with Train which we did training only on basics. He tried a lot to

provoke me and show my skills to him but my stubbornness made him eventually to give up.

I ate lunch with everyone, met new people and even went to the meet Evangeline and the other kids, I

went for a walk alone missing Dylan a little bit. Very little.

“Yeah! Yeah keep telling that to yourself” a voice inside me mocked me.

I went inside the house and out of nowhere I marked a figure getting bigger. It grew bigger, and I

figured it as a lady’s figure. Soon I found my lungs choking for air.

“AAAAAH I can’t believe I am finally meeting you” the figure screamed excited near my ear, hugging

me tightly knocking the air out of my lungs.

“Jenny let her go. You are choking her baby” I recognized the voice of Cole and mentally thanked God

for sending him for my help.

“Oh my I’m so sorry” the figure finally let me go and I coughed a little inhaling a deep breath.

“I-It’s okay” I said feeling little relaxed.

I looked up to find a girl with Black hair and maybe two inches taller than me. She was slim and her

skin was fair. Her black eyes matches her hair and the dimples in her cheek made me want to poke it.

She was a beautiful woman maybe older than me.

“Hi I am Jenny.. uh Jennifer Dave” she told me giving me her hand for shake.

“Hi I am Aderyn Brookes and you can call me Adie” I told her shaking her hand with mine.

She seemed very excited and a Bubbly kind of girl. Her eyes twinkled whenever she smiled and I was

sure Cole loved her with his life seeing as he encircled his arms across her waist and kissed her cheek

lightly smiling down at her enthusiasm.

“I am so excited to finally able to meet you Lu-” she was stopped mid sentence by Cole as he interfered

saying “Uh baby Adie here just came from a long walk and I think she may be tired now and you also

came from a long distance, you must be also tired so why don’t you let her have some rest while you

do the same?”

“Oh but I wanted to talk to her” she whined to which Cole added “Baby I understand that you are

excited but she is tired” I was about to say no when Jenny nodded and I shut my mouth.

“Okay I will meet you tomorrow. We will have lots of fun tomorrow. I am so excited already” Jenny took

hold of my hands and said in one breath. I couldn’t help but smile at her innocence.

I nodded and watched as Cole literally dragged her away from me before she could hug me. She

waved at me like a child and I couldn’t help but to wave back feeling little awkward.

When she was out of my sight I sighed smiling a little. She is really a lovely person. No doubt, Cole

loves her so much.

I walked back to my room and changed into a comfortable night suit. I fell backwards on my bed and

eyed the ceiling blankly. This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“What must be Dylan be doing now?” I found myself asking.

I smacked my forehead “What the hell Aderyn? Why are you thinking about that Stupid so much?” I

said to myself.

I flipped on my belly and swinged my legs in the air, resting my head on my palms I sighed loudly. I

closed my eyes but opened it when I found my phone ringing loudly somewhere in the room.

I frowned and got up from the bed.

“Who is calling me in this time ?” I questioned to myself.

I usually do not give my personal number to anyone and I have already got the message about the next

month so, they might not be calling me so, who was it?

I searched my phone here and there not finding it. The ring was coming out in a muffled voice. If it

wasn’t the silence of the room, I would never had heard it ringing.

Finally, I got it in my pant pocket which was kept inside the drawer. I frowned seeing an unknown


By now I was panting hard for searching the phone and running everywhere. I picked up the phone and

answered the call still panting hard “H-Hello?” I asked to the person in the other line.

“Miss Brookes” I heard the person saying and in no time I recognized the owner of the voice. My heart

hammered against my body and I felt a new energy building inside my body hearing his voice.

“Y-Yeah?” I said trying to calm down a bit.

“Aderyn what were you doing?” I heard him speaking and I could point hint of restlessness and and an

Emotion like jealousy from his voice.

“I was running searching for my phone” I told him and heard as he took a deep breath.

He didn’t answer me and for some minutes he just kept quiet. I thought that maybe he hanged up on

me but when I found the timing of call still working in my phone I knew that he was still on line.

I heard a knock on my door and still holding the phone in my hand I opened the door to find a guy

standing there.

I raised an eyebrow at him and he bowed his head at me which I found really awkward.

Without saying anything he looked inside my room still standing in my doorstep and sniffed the air like

a dog. He bowed again and went away.

I closed ny door furrowing my eyebrows and then it clicked me he was sent by Dylan.

“What the hell? You sent him to check on me?” I shouted on the phone.

“Liste-” he began but I cut him off “now you are spying on me? Did you thought I was with someone in

my room?” I asked irritated and I heard a low growl from him.

“Shut up now Aderyn. I sent him because I wanted to make sure you were alright okay so stop making

this an issue” he snapped at me and I shut my mouth listening to him.

“I was just worrying about you as I am not there and yo-” he cut himself off realizing what he just said.

My eyes widened and my heart beat rose hearing him. I felt my cheeks burn and I knew I was blushing.

When was the last time I blushed?

“Fuck” I heard him mutter and a small smile found its way to my lips.

“Well you don’t need to worry. I am perfectly fine and I can take care of myself” I told him and waited for

his reply but he didn’t reply anything. I change the topic “Now tell me where did you find my number?”

“I have my own ways Miss Brookes” he told me and I rolled my eyes at his formalities.

“Whatever” I told him and I was sure I heard a soft chuckle from him.

“I am not going to be back before three days” he told me and somehow I felt myself missing him and it

disturbed me.

“Good stay there. You don’t need to come back. It’s so peaceful without you here” I spoke and I knew I

was lying and somehow I knew that he also knew I was lying.

“Peaceful?” He scoffed and the smile that I had previously grew wide on my lips. I had to bit down on

my lips to stop myself from chuckling or laughing.

“So why did you call?” I asked and waited for him to reply.

“Uh I uh Jennifer is back right?” He asked and I knew he didn’t call me for that.

“Yes and I met her. She is a sweet person” I told him.

“Listen Aderyn” he began and I layer my full attention to him.

“Don’t go out for walking all alone till I come back” he told me and I was ready to give him a piece of my

mind but stopped when he continued.

“I know you will not be agreeing up in this but trust me though you are in my kingdom, in my territory it

still not safe out there. So take it as a request from me. Don’t go outside till I return back. I know you

like walking to calm yourself down but wait till I am back” he finished and somehow I felt myself in

complete bliss.

Nobody cared for me previously but here everyone is just rotating around me thinking about my

protection. As much I loved the feeling, I loathed it as well. I knew it wont last forever but I decided to

let it as it is going till I can enjoy it crave it in my mind remembering it to my end.

“Aderyn are you listening?” I heard him speaking.

I nodded not finding my voice but realized he can’t see me so I replied with a “humm” telling him that I

was listening.

“Be safe Aderyn. I will be back soon” he told me and disconnected the call.

I kept the phone on my night stand and laying down on my bed, a tear escaped my eye thinking that I

will surely miss all of this and specially Dylan when I would be out of here.

But the question is “Will he ever miss me?”

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