You Are My Mr Right

Chapter 38 He Only Despises Me And Humiliates Me

“Does it hurt?”

It really did hurt at the time. But the physical pain was nothing compared to losing a child, the pain in her heart.

Freya hung her head and didn’t respond.

Elijah grabbed her hand and held it still, then leaned down to kiss her on the mouth.

“Mm… are you crazy?!”

Elijah smirked, his eyebrows and eyes full of wicked playfulness. “When I speak, you must answer. That’s manners. If you don’t understand manners, I’ll teach you. What just happened was punishment. If you continue to resist me silently, I will punish you even more severely.”

He added after finishing speaking, “I do what I say.”

Freya was injured and afraid of any violent resistance in order to protect her child, even though she hated Elijah so much. Her miscarriage caused by Liora Valentine who had secretly performed amniocentesis on her without permission, and Elijah had mistaken Freya for a hit-and-run driver, which led directly to this miscarriage.

Both of these people were enemies who killed her child.

How could she possibly have intimate behavior with such people?

One of her babies had just died!

Elijah stared at her and said, “You’re like this now, your lover doesn’t come see you? What does he want when he can’t even protect his woman?”

Freya pulled at the corners of her lips with dry white lips, “I like him.”


It seemed that these three words overturned all Elijah’s malice. But these three words also made him furious. However, he didn’t say anything about it. This woman looked too pitiful; weak enough that saying something harsh could hurt her badly.

“No matter how much you like him,” Elijah stood up straight with both hands casually in pockets as if torturing someone was his pleasure. “You have to stay by my side so that I can see how unhappy love makes someone feel.”

“Freya Stone,” He continued arrogantly,”you will never be able to fly away together with your lover for life.”

Freya looked up at him, “What benefit do you get from dragging me along?”

“When I see that you’re unhappy, it makes me happy enough! Isn’t this enough?” Elijah met Freya’s gaze squarely while speaking those words

Freya moved slightly but really wanted to curse out loud-what kind of lunatic is this?!

“I’m leaving.” After saying this sentence coldly without expressing any concern or care towards Freya’s condition, Elijah turned around and walked out. His pride didn’t allow him to say some caring words to her.

Orion Russo was still outside the ward. He had been staying there, afraid they won’t be able to talk peacefully.

At this point, Elijah had calmed down and was no longer as irritable as when he first found out that Freya had been pregnant before.

Elijah’s voice softened. “Her injuries seem pretty serious. How can we help her recover faster?”

Orion Russo replied, “She needs rest. It’ll take at least half a month, if not a full month.”

He deliberately stretched out the time frame because Freya’s bruises would take about a week to heal, but the marks wouldn’t disappear completely right away. That didn’t stop her from getting up and walking around. However, since she needed to protect her unborn child now, she had to stay in bed for ten days or two weeks before any normal activity could resume.

Elijah acknowledged this by saying, “Take good care of her for me.”

Orion nodded,”I will.”

Elijah left before looking at her ward.

Orion entered the room and immediately asked, “How did it go?”

Freya replied, “Not good. He doesn’t want to divorce me at all, he just wants to drag things out.”

“He’s crazy! By dragging things out like that he’s only hurting himself too!” Orion spoke without thinking twice about it.

“I also think he has some kind of mental illness.” Freya pursed her lips but didn’t show any signs of amusement on her face.

Suddenly Orion remembered what Xander said earlier. Xander suspected that Elijah had feelings for Freya.

“Um… maybe, Freya, he doesn’t want to divorce you because he has some feelings for you?” Orion tentatively asked.

Freya looked stunned for a few seconds before replying firmly, “Impossible! He only despises me and humiliates me.”

In conclusion, she added, “Even if there is even just a tiny bit of affection between us, I won’t accept it. I hate him because both Liora Valentine and him are the ones who killed my child.”

They were executioners who killed her child.

How could she possibly have any feelings towards those who killed her child?

“If Elijah doesn’t want to get divorced, what do you plan on doing? You can hide your pregnancy now but once your belly gets bigger later on, you won’t be able keep hiding it forever.” Orion Russo reminded.

Freya already had an idea in mind, but hadn’t told Orion yet, because he and Elijah were too familiar with each other. If Orion knew, Elijah wouldn’t be far behind either.

Pretending not knowing what else could be done, Freya said, “I don’t know yet. I’ll just take one step at a time.”

“No way. You should escape secretly so he can never find you. Once enough time passes by, he’ll forget everything.” Orion suggested.

Freya glanced at him with a skeptical expression. “Do you think he won’t be able to find me if he wants to?”

“It seems unlikely.” Orion knew Elijah’s methods.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Orion, I’m tired. I want to rest.”

Orion Russo prepared to leave. “Okay, call me if you need anything.”


Orion Russo opened the door.

“Orion,” Freya suddenly called out to him. “Thank you.”

“No problem,” Orion looked at her and said, “Let’s not say this again in the future.”

Freya smiled at him faintly. She was really tired and fell asleep after he left.

In the evening, Elowen brought some food over. Freya ate some of it before saying seriously, “Mom, I have something to tell you.”

Elowen looked at her sympathetically and asked, “What is it?”

“I want a divorce from Elijah but he won’t agree. We can’t live together anymore.” She spoke calmly. “I have no choice but to leave secretly and go somewhere where he can’t find me.”

Elowen looked at her daughter and replied solemnly, “I also asked your father for a divorce but he refused stubbornly too. His attitude is very firm so I am thinking about going through legal means in order for us both to be able get divorced easily.” She paused before continuing, “Now it seems like my marriage will also be difficult to end. Let’s just leave together. Go somewhere where nobody knows us so we can live peacefully.”

Freya nodded in agreement, “But we must leave without leaving any traces behind, mom, do you understand?”

“I know,” Elowen replied confidently, “We don’t want anyone discovering our tracks so we must make sure that everything is clean when we leave.”

“Mom, come closer.” Freya whispered into her mother’s ear.

Elowen nodded repeatedly as she listened attentively.

“I’ll transfer money into your account first, settle down there while I come over later on.” Freya continued speaking quietly.

Elowen said, “Don’t worry, I will settle down there.” After saying that, she felt a little worried and she continued, “But you’re here alone, and now you’re injured…”

“Mom trust me.” Freya reassured her mother with a comforting smile on her face.

Elowen nodded understandingly; right now what she needed most was not being a burden on her daughter but rather giving support whenever possible while making sure that they had an escape route planned out well beforehand.

Tomorrow, Elowen would be leaving. Tonight, she spent the night with her daughter, relying on each other and trusting each other to escape their current difficult situation.

The next day, Elowen left the hospital reluctantly.

Freya stayed behind in the hospital to rest for a while.

At another hospital, Elijah looked at Xander, who had already woken up but needed some time to recover from his injuries.

Liora Valentine always wanted to know Elijah’s feelings towards her.

“Elijah,” Liora cautiously approached him with a tired face. “We lost our child and I’m devastated.”

Elijah’s expression was indifferent; he didn’t even bother looking at her.


Liora Valentine stepped forward when suddenly Elijah’s secretary walked over and stopped her. The words were directed towards Elijah, “Mr Silverton, the doctor has been found.”

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