Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Chapter 24


My irritation was growing with each passing second. I was irritated that I had to go on that godsforsaken date with that girl. She was about as interesting to watch as drying cement. She could barely even hold a simple conversation and she kept trying to throw herself at me. I wanted nothing more than to get up and walk right out of that restaurant but I knew mother would never let me hear the end of it.

I spent the entire time thinking about Amelia and her scent and how soft her hair felt beneath my fingers. I thought about how peaceful she looked while sleeping and all the things I wanted to do to her. That was the only way I was able to get through that nightmare. I thought about her so much that for a split second when I was leaving the restaurant, I could have sworn that I actually smelled her scent but I knew it was impossible because I looked around and I couldn’t see her.

I felt a pressure at the back of my mind meaning someone wanted to mind link me and I put my wall down instantly. My wall is down most of the time but I had to put it up during the date because mother kept checking in and asking me stupid questions about the girl. She would interrupt at the worst times, mostly when I was thinking of Amelia so I put it up to avoid any form of disturbance.

“How was your date?” I heard Caleb ask in a sing song voice and I couldn’t stop the growl that rumbled in my chest.

I was still very pissed off at him. The only reason I was in this mess in the first place was because of him. If he had simply done his job properly then I would have been able to get out of the date, I would have never suffered those hours with that girl and now he comes to joke about it?

I didn’t realize how angry I was until I heard the sound of glass shattering and felt a slight pain in my palm. I looked down and that was when I realized what I had been doing before he mind linked. I was drinking a glass of whiskey to calm myself and I had broken the glass. in a fit of rage.

I cleaned up my hand and the glass shards on the floor so I wouldn’t get hurt later. My cut healed up almost immediately thanks to my werewolf genes and I didn’t even need to fuss over it once. I washed the dried blood off my hands and that was when I realized the mind




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Chapter 24

link was still open.

“I’m guessing this is a bad time,” Caleb said a little more somber this time but I was still angry.

“F*** off,” I spat and I felt him shrink a little more into himself at the venom in my voice. “You already ruined my day so let’s not make it

any worse.”

“I’m sorry,” he said with sincerity lacing his tone. “I never intended to reveal your schedule to her. She broke into my office and took a look at it. I should have protected it better, I know that now. It won’t happen again I swear.”

I couldn’t respond to him because I know that is something my mother can do. How did I not even realize that was what she did? She would never actually ask for something, her default setting is to scheme and connive until she gets what she wants. Her heart is always in the right place but her methods are questionable at best.

I knew it wasn’t Caleb’s fault but it was easier to pretend to be angry with him than to admit that my anger was unfounded and unjustified so I stayed silent. I could feel him waiting eagerly to hear a response from me, probably to hear that I had forgiven him and that I had no intentions of hurting him but I couldn’t tell him that, instead, I stayed silent as well.

He seemed to realize that I wasn’t going to be responding to him anytime soon because he sighed. He probably already knew that I wasn’t angry anymore but he probably also knew that I didn’t want to discuss the topic. What has passed, has passed and there is no use rehashing it and pointing fingers at people.

“I actually wanted to talk to you about Amelia,” he began slowly and my hackles began to rise as I waited to hear what she wanted to say. “I told you that she said she had no wolf. I went further and did my research about her life in her pack and she was right. She was hated by everyone because she didn’t have a wolf.”

“What about her father?” I asked not sure if I wanted to hear what he had to say considering all I knew already about the man.

“He treated her twin sister better than her. It was a known secret that he loved the sister over Amelia. He would take her to meetings and sometimes tell people that he had only one child. Apparently Amelia was rarely ever seen because he found it disgraceful that she hadn’t shifted at her age.”




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Chapter 24

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Hearing how she was treated by her own family brought a fresh wave of anger into me. resisted the urge to punch a hole through the wall or better yet, her father’s face. No one deserves to be treated the way she was and no one deserves to go through the things that she did.

I also refuse to believe that she is wolf less because if she were, she wouldn’t be my mate. My wolf would have never recognized her as our mate if she didn’t have a wolf. I am sure whatever the reason is, it is more complicated than we think.

“If all this is true,” Caleb continued. “Are you sure she is actually your-,”

“Do not finish that question,” I cut him off with ferocity and he went silent immediately. “I know what I feel and I know what my mate feels. There has to be a reason she cannot shift and I am sure that her father either knows something about it or has something to do with it.”

“I don’t know about that Kaden. He didn’t care about her, he practically called her useless on a number of occasions because of her status.”

“If she were useless then he wouldn’t have sent rogues after her,” I reminded Caleb and he fell silent. “There is more to this story than we know and I am going to find out what it is.”

“Do you want me to organize a meeting between the both of you?” Caleb asked and I hummed.

“I want to meet him at the border. I don’t want him any closer to this pack than he needs to be.”

“Consider it done.”

He ended the mind link after that and I let out a long groan. There is only one person in the entire world who knows the truth about Amelia’s status and it is her father. I know he will not be willing to meet with me especially after I ignored him the last time he was at the pack looking for an audience with me but I didn’t know then what I know now.

I ran my hair through my hair in frustration and decided to take a shower to clear my head of all the thoughts plaguing them. I was stripping off my clothes when I heard a soft knock

y door. I was confused as to who it was and then I heard the voice.

on my




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Emergency calls only G

Chapter 24

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“Hi, Kaden, it’s me Lucy,” I rolled my eyes- it was the girl from the date. “Your mother gave me keys to the house and I brought you dessert.”

I wanted to scream at my mother. How dare she give a random woman the keys to my house? I know she is insistent that I mate but would she truly go to these lengths? She knows more than anyone how much I value my privacy and peace of mind. Why would she bring a stranger knowing fully well I hate it when people are in my space?

“Get out,” I growled at the door. “I don’t want your f**king dessert.”

I could hear her gasp of surprise at the harshness of my tone.

“It is cheesecake,” she offered in a much softer tone. “Your mother said it was your favorite.”

“I said I don’t want it.”

She made a sound similar to a squeak and I heard her scurry off. I let out a loud groan as I pulled at my hair in frustration. I need to draw some boundary lines with mother. She cannot keep doing things like this and expect there to be no consequences.

“You smell like her,” my wolf said to me with a disdainful tone. Her scent is so artificial and it smells like chemicals. Get it off now.”

He didn’t need to tell me twice before I was going towards the bathroom. He kept murmuring about how he hated her scent and how unpleasant it was as I stripped off clothes.

my From NôvelDrama.Org.

“If you can tell me how to make her shift and realize that we are mates then you can have Amelia’s scent as long as you want.” I told him and he hummed at the idea.

He didn’t respond to me but I knew he loved the idea. He disappeared into the back of my mind presumably to think of ways he could do what I asked. If there is one thing I know for sure, my wolf is very determined when it comes to getting things he wants and he wants Amelia.

I let out a small groan as I pictured her. With her rounded hips and her soft full l*ps, I couldn’t wait for her to figure out that we were meant to be together. I couldn’t wait for the moment where she would actually be mine and I would be able to pull her into my arms at any given moment.




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Chapter 24



I would k*ss her until her l*ps were swollen and throbbing. I would bend her over every piece of furniture I could get my hands on and I would make sure that she never went a day without having my cum leaking out of her. My thoughts were taking a nasty turn and I could feel myself growing hard.

I stroked one hand along my hardened member imagining it was her hands doing the work. She would probably be gentle and scared of hurting me. I can almost imagine the soft and innocent look on her face.

I had barely started thinking of her and I already felt like I was going to explode. I may not know much but I know that Amelia has found her place in my head and she has no plans of leaving anytime soon.




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