Without a ban

3 Сhapter


My thinking has me stumped. I really, really want to be famous. To become a famous writer. But to do that I have to sell my soul to the devil, or as Mr. Jackson said, “You’re a beautiful, sexy, attractive woman. Everyone’s going to be wondering how to fuck you.” That means everything can only be solved through bed.

Suddenly my phone rang.

“Hey, girlfriend, hi.”

“Arthur, is that you? No way,” I couldn’t believe it was him. We hadn’t talked to him in so long, and we hadn’t seen each other in even longer. He’d always been nothing but a friend, a vest and a drinking companion in times of need.

“Yes, me. I flew in today and I can’t wait to meet you.”

“You’re already in New York? You were in Switzerland. It didn’t work out. I remember you were supposed to be there for another two months, if not more.”

“Well, I missed my home. And I wasn’t going away forever, I was going away for a while. And there’s been a change of plans. I’ll tell you all about it.”

“I’m glad you came. We must see each other before you go away again.”

“Of course Alex, I hope this time you’ll tell me what has happened to you in the six months we haven’t seen each other.”

” It’s not all that happy, Arthur. And to put it bluntly, my life is fucked”.

“It’s that bad?”

“Yeah, it’s. Okay, I’m a little busy right now. I’ll meet you at the same restaurant as usual.”

“Sure, Alex.”

“Don’t call me that. You know I don’t like it when you call me that. I feel like a man.”

“Then I must confess that you are the most attractive, charming and sexy man in a skirt I know.”

“Arthur, don’t be ridiculous. All right, I gotta go. I’ll see you tonight.”

” Okay, girlfriend. I look forward to it. Have a good day.”

I unplugged the phone. Arthur flew in and I would finally get to see my best friend. Yeah, well, despite all my leanings, he and I are just friends. He’s the only friend I have, one might even say friend in one, who will always support me. We’ve known each other since college. He is two years older than me. Handsome, tall, sexy brunette, that’s how he was then, that’s how he is now. Even better. He was married, but divorced exactly one month after the wedding. And don’t think he didn’t fall out of love with her, it’s just that the bitch found herself a better suitor and dumped Arthur. But Arthur is a very goal-oriented guy and has achieved everything himself. He’s not rich, but he’s not poor either. He has some impressive amount of money in his bank account. Not like mine, only twenty thousand dollars.

Arthur’s a good guy. Although, with his kind, he could have easily made a career as a playboy. We’re all looking for our equals, but not in this case. In this case, I’m fine with Arthur as a good boy as a friend, nothing more.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.


Finally today I get to see my friend with whom I want to share everything that’s on my mind. She is a comfort to me. Only she understands me, only she will support me in any situation. I can’t trust my mother as much as I trust her. Speaking of mom. I completely forgot to tell her I was coming. Okay, I should give her a call. I started dialing her number when suddenly I heard a knock on my door. I did not have time to open the door, she immediately from the threshold began to accuse me of all the sins.

“And you think this is normal? Just showing up unannounced. It’s a good thing there are people who told me you were coming. I didn’t expect this from you, Arthur. ”

“Hello, Mother,” he said hello to her and came closer and hugged her.

” Well, don’t be so hypocritical. You’re not happy to see me at all. You don’t care about your own mother.”

“Mom, I just didn’t have time, honestly. I just called Alexa a few minutes ago, and I wanted to call you right after, but.”

“Of course, that Alexa is dearer to you than your own mother. I don’t even understand how you can be friends with her. I mean, she’s a total prostitute. A hypocritical, corrupt journalist. Oh, how many beds she’s been in…”

“Stop it, Mother. You don’t know her at all, so you have no right to draw such conclusions.”

“I don’t know her? Are you serious right now?” She asked with irritation in her voice.

” I know her like the back of my hand. It’s you who can’t see anything! Everybody in this town knows her. She’s slept with half the men in this town and you think I have a bad opinion of her? And I’ll never believe that she did it all by herself. You must be the only man she hasn’t won over with her charms. Or have you, tell me? ”

“Mom, it’s great! I come here, we haven’t seen each other for half a year, and you make a scandal out of nothing. Alexa is my friend. And whether you like it or not, I’m gonna hang out with her. ”

“It’s not a scandal, I just don’t want this woman to spoil you. You mustn’t give in to her charms. She knows how to manipulate men, and she gets a good deal out of it. Do you think she lives in her apartment and pays for anything? No, it’s all her lovers. And she’s got plenty of them. ”

” Don’t you hear me? She’s not my girlfriend, Alex is my friend. We’re friends. We have a real, human friendship. And it has nothing to do with sex, bed, and hot nights. I hope you understand now and leave me alone.”

“Okay, it’s your life. You’re a big boy, you should understand everything. But tell me, why did you leave a great girl like Cecile?”

” All right, that’s enough. You just said I’m an adult, so I made that decision for me. I can’t be with someone I’m not in love with. I decided to cheat on her just to get her off my back.”

“I hear you, Arthur. I’m sorry I said that, and I’m sorry I’m still alive and ruining your life,” she answered and began to cry. That’s all I needed right now!

“Mom, don’t be silly. I have always valued your opinion, but here – you are wrong. There is such a thing as gossip. That’s why you shouldn’t believe what people say. You should see for yourself and then draw the right conclusions.”

“I hear you. Okay, I’m sorry to have bothered you. You can go meet your Alexa, but I’m gonna take my leave. I don’t want to bother you.”

“Mom, what are you doing?” I asked, and I went over and took her hand. But she pulled it away and walked away to the door.

“I said everything. Welcome home, son,” she added before she left the apartment and closed the door behind her.

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