Why did she " Divorce Me "

Chapter - 42

Chapter - 42

Amoli's Pov.:-

I got ready in beautiful black grey long dress.. my panda is also looking beautiful in her cream coloured

short dress.

My dress lower region has side cut in one side while from my upper thigh to the end ... Lower portion is

complete black while upper region of my dress is grey with white in colour and it has embroidery work

over it .. it's one sided shoulder dress .

Amoli's look.

Vahini's look.

I touch up my makeup again ... " Your looking so beautiful moo ... " Vahini said to me ...

" You are also looking so beautiful my gorgeous " I said to her and kissed her forehead.

I applied lipgloss over her lips to make them look more pink and plumpy ..

She looked herself in mirror and here goes her drama .

" Oh my my ... How beautiful you are .. no one is in this earth can compete with you Vahini ... Muuuma

(kissing sound) .. love you " Vahini said to herself while looking in mirror and at last she kissed mirror

giving her lips stamp over it .

She moved back and looked at her lip sign over the mirror ..

She moved her finger over it and said " wow .. they are beautiful .. hehehehe " she giggled and I

laughed ...

" Ohhhh god panda what was that ... God hahahaha " I said in between my laughter .. to which she

became pink in embarrassment because I think she had completely forgot my presence in this room

while imagining something .

*Knock knock*...

I opened my room door while panda was applying lipgloss on her lips .

" Wow .. you're looking gorgeous dii " advaith compliment me .. to make me feel good for myself..

I thanked him with smile ..

" So, Ready to go ? " He asked and I nod my head as yes with excitement because I am excited to

meet Wright's family .

Vahini came out from the room and what advaith did she shocked me because he has never done this

before .

He fake drama of being getting unconscious by looking at Vahini ... " You are looking like a princess "

advaith said making Vahini flip back her imaginary hairs in attitude.

" Omg what was that advaith " I said and advaith mouth ' nothing just little drama for little drama queen '


I chuckled and moved towards exit door ..

We sit inside the car as only we trio are going in party while my parents and grandparents are staying

at home because they don't want to go ... We waved our hands to them to say bye .

As decided before .. I am driving while advaith is on passenger seat while Vahini is at back seat .

So , we are going to attend a party where I am as always Grayson's date while advaith's date is Vahini .

It's a indian business awards party in which every named framed businessman is invited .. and my

brother Advaith is also invited in it because he has started a company of natural beauty products in

which he is doing more than fine .

And he is nominated for a award ...

I stopped my car in front of hotel entrance where is party going .. I didn't came out the car as my date is

not here yet.. and reports are standing in que at the both sides of entrance stairs area ...

They started to take pictures of advaith first .. when they saw him coming out of the car then he opened

the back seat door to pull out Vahini .Vahini and advaith both posed for pics ... And they moved inside..

In meantime , One guard knocked on my car window .. I slide it down and he greet me and requested

me that he will park the park .. and I have to come out from the car for that .

I nod and came out from the driver seat and seeing me coming out from driver seat .. I heard surprised

gasps ..

Before they could asked or do apart from clicking my pictures.... Grayson's limbo stopped just behind

my car and honk it's horn .. to grab everyone attention to him .

One black suited man open his car door .. and here he comes out and stood in his whole Glory with


He moved his eyes towards me and forward his hand for asking my hand .. I moved towards his with

confidence and give him my hand ..

We both worked inside the hotel hall making lot of guests shocked because although I have never

attended any business parties with Varun but still some business peoples knows me as his wife or ex-


I sit on my seat which one staff member showed us .. I looked at my name on my table .. it's is written

in bold black letters ' Miss. Amoli Anand ' .

Soon party started... Hall is filed with noise ... Some are talking about business , some are flirting ,

some are back bitching , some are talking about their married life .. etc etc ..

While I am sitting ideally silent with this boring mute man .. he is just scrolling in his phone ..

Advaith's table is little away from ours ... Panda saw me looking that their table and she waved her

hand to me and then giggled when I waved back .

I am feeling lot of eyes on my body .. but I ignored them ..

But suddenly everything became silent .. same as ' silence before Strom ' .. and everyones head turned

towards the entrance area ... Lot of steps can be heard and its sound is .. like hammering on floor

First thing I saw is two rows of black suited man and I recognised them they are Varun's security team


And here comes devil himself and beside him is lassya .. she is looking as always beautiful and brave .

My heart is beating crazily .. fear of him .. but why I am scared .. I am scared if he got to know about

my miscarriage than maybe he will kill me for that .. because you can expect anything horrible from this

crazy animal .

He roamed his eyes in hall .. as he is looking for someone .. his one bodyguard said something to him

in his ear .. and he snapped his head towards my direction and his eyes caged my eyes as they used

to do before ...

I can see longing in his eyes .. they are filled with happiness, fear , love , guilt or much more .. his these

blue eyes ... They are changed , they are not evil anymore .

Why .. how .. ????

Our eye contact broke by no other than Vahini ...

She jumped over him while shouting " Jiju (brother-in-law) "

and he hold her in his hands and kissed her forehead .

I heard some chuckling sounds ..

I am trying hard to pull back my eyes from my ex-husband but couldn't... He is talking to Vahini

something but I can't hear them..

Varun came towards my table with his every step my heart is blasting more with his every steps and my

stomach is chilled in fear .

He is looking at me .. while my eyes didn't move away from him.. my eyes watching his every move .

He came to me and he set on his table which is beside me ...

He is also looking me from the time he have arrived here .

I am not afraid of him but still his presence effects me , mention of his name is enough to make green

my wounds ..

He is a ruiner of my life , .. I gasped on his shameless behaviour .. Because he winked towards me and

turned his attention to Vahini .

He said something to Vahini to which she nods her head and came running to my table .

" Moo come sit with Jiju (brother-in-law) .. and you can also come uncle " Vahini said and the last line to

Grayson ..who is busy killing Varun through his eyes .

I placed my hand over his to gain his attention while Vahini still standing beside me.

" Don't tell me you know that bastard ? " Grayson said in my ears coming way to close my face.

" He is my ex-husband " I said and his face covered with shock ...

I swallowed hard seeing his red scary eyes .. his jaw muscles are clenched and hard .

But his eyes soften when he saw worry on my face ...

" Come moo let's go Jiju is waiting for us " Vahini said while pulling me away from my seat .

I stood up from my seat and Greyson also joined me and hold me by y waist firmly and in gentle

manner .

I saw hurt and fire in Varun's eyes but I am not scared from him anymore.

' Don't lie ' my inner self mocked me ...

We both reached Varun's table where laasya hugged me tight and said " god woman ... I was so

worried for you .. heck how dare you to leave my house without saying anything woman .. you don't

have any idea how worried I was for you ..

Don't repeat that stunt again " ..

I returned the hug and said " thanks and sorry lassya .. "

To gave me hard look for saying thanks and I chuckled .

I turned around to look back ... Both the man's giving hard looks while holding their hands as

handshake.. but instead of handshake they both are squeezing eachother's hand ..

What is wrong with them ... " Ohhhh god how long you both have planed to hold eachother's hand ? "

Vahini said .. and I look behind her advaith is also coming in our direction .

" Hello Miss. Anand ! " Varun said in his usual dominating voice .. making me shiver by his presence,

by his breath air , by his eyes , by his voice ... It's true I am still scared of him ..

He still terrifies me the way .. he had done before ..

My hands became sweaty looking at his forwarded hand .. if I won't handshake with him than he will

know that he still affects me and maybe he will dominate me and will took advantage of my state .

I gave him my best fake smile telling him through it that ' he doesn't affect me , I am not scared of him

anymore and I am very happy without him ' .

Grayson again hold me by my waist after greeting lassya and seeing his hand around my body .. Varun

groaned while giving death firery glares on Grayson's hand ..

I placed my hand over Varun's extended one for handshake .. and when mine hand touched his hands

an electric spark ran upward from my fingers to hand and then in my spins making me shake in shiver

.. all horrible memories came rushing in my head and played infront of my eyes ..

" Hello Mr. Arora .. " I greet him after freeing my hand from his tight grip .. and I gave him death glare

for squeezing my hand although I am thankful for that because if he haven't done that .. then maybe I

would have admitted in hospital till now ..

Advaith also greet everyone but when lassya greet him and forwarded her hand for handshake ..

advaith ignored it with attitude ..

I am shock .. because advaith was a gentleman type guy but this advaith is all different .. I thought that

I am the only one who have changed but no .. some people's also changed .

I saw hurt and little tears in lassya eyes .. and she is adoring advaith with her moist eyes .

" I am going to eat " Vahini said but I stopped her because food is not placed yet then how will she eat

and where .

" But dinner is not placed yet Vahini " I said to which she slapped on her forehead.

" Aww moo it's jiju's hotel and I can eat anything from the main kitchen where chefs are cooking and it's

not first time I came here .. am I right Jiju " Vahini said and Varun nod his head and kissed her forehead

and said his one man to become vahini's nanny for this evening.

Some other Businessman's also arrived on Varun's table to talk with him and Grayson and advaith also

joined them .. while me and lassya we both went to washroom .



After completing our business in Washroom we both came out and lassya and me we both are talking

about my life .. how I met weights and how my life is going on .

In meantime when we both came in corridor area .. someone blind me by putting it's hand over my

eyes ..

I elbowed that person on his stomach and when he moaned in pain then I got to know who is it .

" Ohhhh god woman .. what are you eating to become more strong day by day " he said rubbing his

hand over his injured stomach.

" What ... It's your fault okay .. girl .. no no .. not girl I mean woman like me .. will get scared and could

do much more things other than elbowing okay .. Theodore " I said and pulled his ear ..

Our moment broke by a beautiful laughing sound .. I looked back to see lassya laughing so hard while

clapping hand ..

" Your smile is so beautiful .. young lady " Theodore said and lassya tipped her laughter and said

thanks with pink cheeks ...

I introduced them and they both were shaking hands while smiling and at the same moment advaith

arrived there with maverick and Hodson ...

Advaith eyes are looking at lassya's hand in Theodore's hand.. then he snapped up his eyes and

lassya took her hand back quickly .. making Theodore to raise his eyebrows in questioning .. to which

she nod her head as no ..

I hugged maverick and Hudson one by one ..

" Aww sweetheart we missed you alot .. " maverick said and kissed my forehead .

We all started to walk towards our table .. i am walking in the middle with maverick beside me and the

two brothers ahead while .. advaith and lassya is behind us ..

" Whore will be a whore .. " I heard this from my behind and I turned a little while walking to see advaith

has said it .. to lassya ..

While lassya didn't replied back but she stopped in her steps placing her hand over her mouth ..

I also stopped and let them all go and .. I walked to lassya and hugged her and I apologise to her to

which she said that she is used to it but she doesn't know why advaith hates her this much .

' I will teach him a good lesson '.. I promised to myself ..

We came and took our respective seat .. on my table Grayson, me , and triplet brothers are seated ..

I am seating in between Grayson and Hudson while maverick and Theodore before me ..






This award function is for new businessmanes for their success in business ..

Advaith received a award for developing an natural beauty products .. and Varun is the one who have

given the award to advaith .

And award distribution goes on for one hour ...

Soon ... It's time for dance and I went on dance floor with maverick as Grayson never do dance .. no

matter what happens but he never steps on dance floor .

" How are you ? " Maverick asked me ..

" I am good as you can see " I said faking a smile ..

" Lier .. tell me what is disturbing you " he said ..

" My ex-husband is here in this party and he is eyeing me from the time he has arrived here " I said him

.. what is the problem because I am feeling fear with his eyes on my body ..

" What ex-husband ... Who is he .. tell me and I will break his jaw and will took out his eyes to make

him blind " maverick said ... In shock then in anger .

" Calm down Mr. .. yes my ex-husband .. I was married but I gave him divorce .. and his name is Varun

Arora .. " I said to which ... Maverick's face become pale and losts its colour..

" What happened maverick ? .. " I asked getting worried ..

" Nothing .. nothing happened " I said faking a little chuckle ..

" Stop lying and spell the truth .. " I asked in answer demanding voice ..

He make me turned in dance and then hold me by my waist firmly .. we complete our dance .. then he

took me in one room where we can talk privately .

He sighed and said .. " Varun Arora he was Grayson's .. junior .. they used to have lot of fights together

.. and Varun usually lost them because he always fight alone and teacher always scold him and

punished him only as Grayson used to have power card in his hands .. and that card is our dad's

money and power .. ..

But Varun and Grayson their hater started to increase day by day .. and one day bhai and Varun they

both again fought hard ..

That fight of their was equal as that day Grayson's other gang members were not with him .

Bhai lost that fight then Varun made fun of this ... And insult bhai in whole school ..

Bhai couldn't digest his failure .. he was that club that day drinking like a mad man .. when he saw

Varun's closed friend doing her job as cub waitress

For revenge ... Grayson did sin .. he tried to molest Varun's closed friend .. I don't remember her

name but I know this ..


And Varun got angry for that and everyone knows that is not one of them .. who shut their mouth for

this ..

After one month or more ...

We found that our cousin sister ... Our dumpling .. she died in accident .. her car was burnt so her body



Everyone said that Varun did it as he and his gang members was the only one who was not present in

their hostel room on that night ..

Everyone said that they has done it for revenge .. we loved and adored her alot .. she was an apple of NôvelDrama.Org © content.

our eyes .

That's why we hate because he and his friends didn't got punished for their sins .. as we don't have any

prof against them . " Maverick completed his words and everything stopped around me ..

This can't be true ... Tears slipped down from my eyes .. I sobbed for that girl who died because of my

ex-husband .. he is truly cruel .

And I also sobbed for the girl who got molested by Grayson although he didn't succeed in it but still it


I have lot of questions to ask him but before that Someone knocked on our door ...

I wipped my tears away and looked at maverick who is lying on floor getting hard punches over his face

.. by non other than Varun .

" How dare you bastard .. how dare you to touch my wife .. and dare you call her sweetheart

sweetheart again .. then you won't be able to spell a single word . " Varun said shouting over his mouth

and punched his face one more time .. his bodyguard's took maverick body out of room ..

Meanwhile I stood in my place shocked .. and absorbing situation..

Now me and Varun we both are the only one .. in this door locked room .

But I continued to putup strong face hiding my scared self behind it ...

He roamed his hand in his hairs and then sighed and looked at me ..

He walk towards me and I took back steps and he caged me in between his body and behind me wall ..

" How are you ? " He asked in his gentle voice while caressing my side face with his one hand while his

left hand is above my head resting on wall

I slapped his hand away in disgust although my chest is moving fast up and down due to all this

.. his breath is fanning my face .. I can smell mouth freshners smell in his breath ... His manly sent of

his body is scaring me ..

He sighed and again repeat his words .. but I pushed him back and he happily moved back ,

" Stay away from me Mr. Arora .. it's not your property where you can treat me as trash .. " he chuckled

in mocking way ..

" It's my property love .. where you are standing right now it's mine property " he said .. with raised

bows ..

I bit my lower lip .. because I didn't like the fact .. standing in his property ..

" Don't bit your lips if you don't want me to take you right against this wall .. " he said bluntly with smirk

when he saw shock on my face.. ...

" Don't you have any shame Mr. .. saying such things to an stranger person ..

And how dare you to beat maverick .. you're a cheep spineless creature .. an animal .. I used to think

that you're an rapist and a manner less person but no .. your murder also ..

You killed their sister .. how cheep you are .. " I said and he pushed me on bed and hovered over my

body taking my hand in his one pushing them above my head ..




I think this night will be long ...





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