White Wolf’s Curse

Chapter 39


She has been a shell. Two weeks and she just goes through the motions. There is no fire, no passion. It’s like she is on lock down. Her birthday is tomorrow and I don’t know what to do. I am supposed to comfort her, but how can I when I don’t even know what is wrong. I even try to bring it out, doing that couple stuff that she said not to, but she just pushes me away and moves on.

I think it is enough. I pull her aside after practice. “Hey, so, it’s your birthday tomorrow. Are you excited?”

She shrugs. “Not really. I think everyone else is more excited than I am.” She is looking at the ground. Not even up at me. I hate it.

I put my hands on her shoulders. “Cass, what’s wrong? You have been somewhere else for a couple weeks now. You can tell me.”

Finally she sighs and looks up at me. “Trey, I think I don’t want a mate. All this just seems stupid anymore. You and Justin are both so sure that I belong to you both. One of you is going to hate me after tomorrow. I have a feeling that whoever my mate is will be disappointed. My Uncle Jared says that it doesn’t happen around here much, so maybe that will just be me. Then you will both hate me though. I don’t even really want to have my birthday anymore. I just want to keep being me.” I can see tears swelling in her eyes.

“I could never hate you Cass. I might be really disappointed, but I could never hate you. Right now I want to hold you close and make all those tears stop. Just keep you protected in my arms. I’m mad at myself that I can’t do that for you.” I pull her into my arms and for the first time in a while she doesn’t push me back. She lets me hold her. I can hear her sniffle a little. “It’s going to be alright. We will enjoy your birthday no matter what happens. I’ll still be here.”

“I know you will be hurt.”

“Yeah, but what’s a little heartache. I couldn’t lose you. Even if I have to settle with only friendship.”

She buries her head in my chest and continues to cry. I feel the first drops of rain then. It’s like the skies are letting go the tears that I can’t. I can’t stand the thought of her not being my mate, but it is a possibility. I just keep praying to the goddess that she is.

The drops get thicker and more abundant. By the time that Calab and the twins make it out of the showers we are both soaked. Calab takes his sister from me. “Thanks for trying to help.” He nods to me. I know how much he loves his sister. She is like a mother to him.

“Yeah, no problem. I’m always here.”

They all pass me by, giving me that sad look that I hate seeing. I know none of them like seeing their strong sister this broken. They also know that I want to be the one tied to their sister for life. They know I want her. I can see the pity. They don’t think I am the one.

I make my own way home and hope that I can just relax and let tomorrow’s worries be for tomorrow. Only that doesn’t happen. My mom comes to my bedroom door. She knocks lightly. “Hey, so tomorrow is the big day huh?”

“Maybe. It will be nice if it is, but I can’t make it happen.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh, I have no doubt that she will be your mate. Call it mother’s intuition. So, are you sneaking out in the middle of the night to find out?” She smirks.

I shake my head. “No, she isn’t in a great head space right now. I figured I would play it cool and just meet her at school.”

She gets this disappointed look on her face. “Are you sure? What if that other boy is there? Maybe he will confuse her. That is what his dad did, isn’t it?”

“Justin isn’t his dad. He wants her just as much as I do. He’s an ass, but he wouldn’t confuse her. He, above everyone else, knows how that feels. He wouldn’t do that.”

“Treyton, you are going to get your ass down to that ranch tonight and be by your mate’s side. Do you hear me?”

I am shocked. “You never cared this much before. I mean, I know you like her, but still. What’s up?”

She shakes her head. “Nothing, just listen to your mother.”

I sigh and shake my head. “Alright, I’ll go.”

She smiles. “That’s my boy.”

I am completely baffled by her behavior. I’ll do it, but it doesn’t make sense.

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