Undeniable Attraction

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

It's the third day and Evie was coming home today. I had found out that he was upset about a deal the

other night. We were currently at work, I had done all Kel asked me to do so I could go home early to

get some things ready for Evie.

"That's the last file. I'm going home now." I announced taking my bag standing up.

"Let's go then. I have some things to take care of."

We went home and I started cooking Evie's favourite food. I've missed her, we did video calls every day

and now she was coming home, finally. Kel helped in preparing the meal. Once we were done I went

upstairs to freshen up.

When I saw her downstairs she was in Kel's arms and I smiled a little. "So did you miss me?" Kel asked

"Yes I missed you," she answered smiling

"Evie," I called and she rushed out of Kel's arms to mine making me smile widely.

"I missed you so much, sweetie," I said hugging her.

"I missed you too," she replied saying.

"You must be hungry. Let's go wash you up first."

While washing her up she babbled about the things she did and I just smiled listening. When we got

downstairs Kel had already set the table.

"You made all my best food," she exclaimed smiling. "Thank you."

We started eating and I fed her even though she could eat perfectly on her own.

"Didn't you people go to work? " she curiously asked.

"We did. We just came back for you." I said and she smiled pulling me to a hug.

Once we finished eating and doing the dishes Evie and I went upstairs to watch the Incredibles 2. A

knock interrupted us and it was Kel.

"Come join us." Evie beckoned

He sat on the bed placing Evie on his lap. The cartoon was amazing.

After the movie Kel said he had a surprise for Evie, the fact that he had a surprise for Evie was enough

to surprise me.

"What's the surprise?" Evie asked excitedly

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, princess," he said and she frowned a little.

We went out of the room and stood in front of a door when he opened it my mouth was wide open. The

room was something out of a princess cartoon. It was painted pink and purple, Evie's favourite colour.

The room was very spacious with a big princess bed with pink and purple Sofia the first mattress, a

pink vanity table, purple wardrobe. There was a TV in the room also but what kept my mouth wide open

was the closet. It was a walk-in closet with a lot of bags, shoes, clothes everything and they were

expensive. Evie squealed in excitement when she saw it and there was a part of the room that had

princess gowns, Sofia's, Amber's, Snow White, everything. This was over the top.

"This is amazing. Thank you so much Kel." she excitedly said jumping up and down.

"Anything you want princess," he said carrying her up.

I knew Kel liked kids but not to this extent. Something tugged at my heart and I immediately felt guilty.

Is this the life she'd have if I told Kel about her? They looked so happy it made me happy. NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

"This is nice Kel, you didn't have to. " I mean why would he do this in the first place, Evie didn't like him.

"But I did and it's for her. She doesn't have a problem with it."

"Can I sleep here tonight? " she begged and I nodded.

"We should leave her to enjoy the room," Kel said and we both left bidding her goodbye.

"I have no idea why you did this but thanks. " I said and he just nodded.

"When did you even have time to do this? "

"During the week," he replied and I just nodded.

It was Thursday and I was preparing for a meeting that was due by one.

"Is everything ready?" Kel asked creeping up behind me.

"Yes. " I replied handing him the file to go over.

We left for the conference room and the meeting started, when it ended we went back to the office.

"Who knew you were smart enough to prepare for a meeting," he smirked saying. What type of insult is

this? I've always been smarter than him.

"I've always been smarter Adrios. That's why I tutored you in maths." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Oh please. You only tutored me because I figured I could use that means to use you," he smirked


I was mad within seconds. "Fučk you Adrios." I angry said

"I already did West," he smirked saying. "And you were the worst of the worst, an inexperienced virgin."

If I was mad before now I was furious, I threw the first thing I saw at him and it happened to be a mug.

It had hit his hand then broke. How dare he bring up the past and speak to me like that, I was fuming.

The way he held no remorse for using and dumping me, the way he disregarded the sex. I had given

up my virginity to the bastard and it hadn't meant anything to him, I was just one of his

accomplishments. I was an idiot to think he loved me.

"What the hell is wrong with you West?" he angrily asked towering over me.

"You, you're what's wrong with me Adrios," I answered angrily

"You're sick in the head West, how dare you throw that at me. Do you know how much it hurt?"

"I don't give a damn Adrios because it's not a teeny bit up to the pain you caused me," I shouted.

"Then what about the one you caused me?" he dared to ask

"I caused you? You have no idea the hell you put me through." I shouted.

"And that was what West? You were the fúcking cheat," he said and my palm wasted no time in

connecting with his face.

"How dare you accuse me of cheating, you were the damn cheat Adrios, the fúcking liar that claimed to

love me so you could brag about taking my virginity. " I shouted. "I loved you too much to even check

out other guys than to talk of being with another guy. "

"Yeah right, that's what they all say. I'd never do this, I'd never do that, I love you." he mimicked in a

high pitched tone

"You're crazy cause that's what you told me, you made a lot of stupid promises told me you love me

when it was all a lie. You just treated me like I was nothing."

"You meant a lot to me." he calmly said

"Oh please if I meant anything to you you wouldn't have said all that to me nor would you have treated

me like that."

"Well if you didn't cheat on me I wouldn't have said all that. "

"You're crazy Adrios. I didn't cheat on you get that into that thick skull of yours." I shouted walking out of

the office slamming the door.

I wonder where he got the idea that I cheated on him. It was a good thing his office was soundproofed

if not the whole floor would have heard us. I went to the bathroom and locked myself in one. I started

remembering every single thing, the hurt, betrayal, humiliation, pain every damn thing. I was so angry

thinking of it, I thought I've gotten over it but he just showed me how much he still affected me. I so

badly wanted to cry but I promised myself I wasn't going to cry because of him.

"You can do this Shayan. It's nothing, it's not worth your anger, he's not worth your tears." I chanted to

myself breathing in and out.

When I was done with my mantra I went back to the office with a smile plastered on my face. I was

going to act as if nothing happened. Kel was drinking and I paid no attention to him going back to my

business. I was grateful that we were in the fifth month, seven months till I leave him. I asked the driver

to drop me at home earlier than usual.

"Where's Kel?" she asked as I walked in. Not hi, not how was your day, where's Kel? I'm jealous.

"He's still at the office," I replied keeping my jealousy at bay, he's not going to have her on his side,

she's mine.

"Good evening Mrs Adrios." Maria Evie's nanny greeted and I just nodded. "Should I make dinner for

you Mrs Adrios?"

The way she kept on saying the Mrs Adrios ticked me off. I wasn't an Adrios it's West. "No. Just for

Evie and Mr Adrios and please don't call me Mrs Adrios, my name is Shayan." I tried to sound polite

but failed, Who was I kidding, I'm still pissed off about the incident earlier.

Evie came to meet me as I walked upstairs and I hoped she wasn't going to ask of Kel."Mommy is

everything okay?"

"No, I'm in a bad mood." I sulked.

"Is it because of Kel?" she asked and I nodded.

"Don't think about it. I love you, mommy," she said and I bent down to hug her.

"I love you too sweetie."

I went upstairs to my room and when I was freshening up I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw my

body and I had a flashback to what Kel had told me.

"Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror, how would you think I like your ugliness? You're fat and

shapeless, something I'd never be interested in. "

A tear slipped and I wiped it off. "My ugly, nerdy, stupid girlfriend. "

I went into the tub letting the water enter into my body trying to think of positive things about myself. I

had no idea how long I stayed till I eventually fell asleep.

"For God's sake wake up West." the annoying voice I never wanted to hear again was ringing in my


I opened my eyes to see him in front of me. "Come on let's get you out of here. " he moved further to

carry me.

Can't he see that I'm naked, even if I wasn't I don't want him touching me? "Don't touch me, I'm not

leaving here till I leave your house. " I angrily said.

"You're catching cold West," he stated

"How do you know that and it's not your business." I sneezed after speaking.

"You see what I'm saying, I have to carry you to the bed."

"Don't touch me Adrios, I don't want to go anywhere with you so just leave," I said pushing him away.

I was shivering now and I didn't like it, I needed something warm and for him to leave.

"Is it a habit of yours to sleep in the shower? " he asked a bit of anger detected in his tone

"What's your business where I sleep? Can you just get going already? " I angrily said

"This is my house, if anyone should leave it should be you."

I took a towel wrapping it around me and got out of the tub. "Great, I'd go pack my bag. " this was just

what I needed, for him to send me out. I can't deal with him any longer.

"I didn't mean it like that." he calmly said.

"I don't care how you meant it, do you think I like living with you? I'm so glad you're kicking me out I

won't have to see you again for the rest of my life."

"I was worried about you. Maria called that you were in the shower for hours, she knocked and called

but no reply. " he sounded worried?

"Well, I'm fine. Don't worry I won't be committing suicide in your house."

"Neither will you be committing suicide anywhere else. " he firmly stated and I laughed thinking back to

how many times I attempted suicide because of him. I know it was stupid of me but have you ever

given everything you could give to someone only to realize it was fake, a lie, a game and he just

discard you like trash humiliating you in front of the whole school about your weight and style. On top of

that finding out, you are pregnant with his child when he doesn't even want anything to do with you


"I have a reason to live for Adrios. Don't worry I won't be committing suicide anytime." I said walking

past him.

He pulled me close to him until our bodies were touching and it wasn't a good thing since I was naked

with just a towel on me.

"Let me go Adrios," I said trying to get away from his grip.

"I'm not letting go of you West, not now, not ever," he said holding me tightly.

"Well, I don't plan on living the rest of my life with you psycho. " I shouted slapping him before going to

the bedroom only for me to see Evie crying.

"Evie, what's wrong?" I asked kneeling to meet her.

"I thought something happened to you. I came to watch a movie with you but you were not there. I

called and knocked but you didn't say anything and so I told Maria to call Kel." she said crying.

Gosh, it broke my heart to see her crying because of my stupidity. "I'm so sorry I scared you, baby. I

just fell asleep."

"Are you mad at me?" she asked crying

"No, I'm not. I can't be mad at you. "

"But you're mad at Kel? I heard you shouting at him," she stated and I nodded

"Can I sleep with you tonight, can Kel join in too? "

"He has his room, Evie. "

"But I've not seen you both stay together. " why does she keep on pressing this?

"Evie it's okay, don't make her upset," Kel said walking in.

I went into the closet and wore a big black hoodie and track since I was feeling cold. Evie said she had

to do something and left, it was when she locked the door I realized what she did. Why's she trying to

make us be together?

" I swear I didn't ask her to do that if you're wondering," he said and I rolled my eyes.

I laid on the bed, got under the covers and started chatting with Rosie. Her wedding was in two weeks

and she wanted me to come to her dress fitting and if Evie could be one of the flower girls.

I soon got tired of chatting and turned to look at Kel who was doing something probably work-related. I

was feeling sleepy and I relaxed on the bed.

"I'm sorry if you're mad at me West, maybe I shouldn't have spoken to you like that? " maybe?

I said nothing and just closed my eyes, what a lame excuse for an apology. He didn't even sound

sincere enough and I needed a better apology than that.

"I'm mad at you too just so you know, you threw a mug at me and slapped me a while ago."

The next time I'd throw a rock if I can get some.

"Fine. Goodnight."

I was far from having a good night.

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