The Young Luna

Chapter 49 - End

Chapter 49 - End

The Young Luna







13 Years Later

"You get your ass back here or so help me God I will--". Her words were cut off as two large, firm,

hands hocked around her waist and picked her up. "Put me down goddamn it" she screamed as Seth

threw her over his shoulder.

"You watch your language, young lady" Seth snapped at his daughter. His words like a growl of

frustration. Seth turned to me, where I was sat on the couch with my feet on the coffee table, and

glowered. "Are you not going to help me?"

I raised an eyebrow, "you seem to have it all under control, darling" I replied with a sweet smile. Seth

grunted in annoyance before he turned his back to me and carried our daughter kicking and cussing up

the stairs. It was his fault so he could deal with it. I told him not to get the kids too hyped on sugar right

before their bedtime.

Vance – the eldest of our four children – glanced over at me from where he was doing his homework at

the table. We shared a small smile of amusement as we heard screaming from upstairs. Vance looked

like a Latin version of Seth – golden brown skin but with haunting blue eyes and swept back blackish

brown curls. He'd be a heartbreaker that was for sure. Even at twelve it was also obvious he was going

to make a good Alpha.

Vance had the ability to command a room just from walking in. He was quiet like his father, but he

inherited my temper when things weren't going his way. But, unlike me, he had good control on his

emotions. Vance would be the Alpha of the Equinox when he turned eighteen and, like his father, he'd

lead them well.

"You finished your work yet, hijo?" I asked.

"Yeah pretty much" Vance shrugged, before glancing at his watch. "Can I go around to Henry's now?"

He walked over and passed me his homework, which I looked over and pretended that I knew any of

the math he was doing, before nodding.

"Be home by nine o'clock" I said to him. Vance grinned at me, that charming bright smile that he got

from his father, before leaning down and kissing my cheek. I smoothed down his dark hair and admired

my oldest child.

I was only eighteen when I had given birth to Vance and he'd been the perfect son. Quiet, well behaved

and a bit of a mommy's boy. He was such a good little boy that when he was two he was able to be the

ring bearer at the wedding between Seth and I.

Then, when Vance was four I had my second son. Waylon was my nightmare baby – screaming and

crying all hours of the day. Which no-one ever believed now as he'd grown up quiet and timid, barely

having the confidence to talk to a loud crowd. But, we were hoping he'd grow out of that by the time it

came for him to become Alpha of the Black Bloods Pack.

After Waylon came the twins. Waylon may have been a nightmare as a baby, but the twins were just a

nightmare period. Karmen and Hector were only five and they were the devil's children. Equally as

adorable as they were naughty.

Karmen was the worst – my only daughter and scarily she took after me way too much. Not in looks,

both her and her twin brothers took after Seth in that way, but their attitudes and arguing was just like I

was with my brother Roland. Karmen even seemed to get her language from me; which was why she'd

been excluded her kindergarten. This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

After Vance left to go around his friend's house, Seth returned back downstairs looked stressed. "I told

you not to give them that candy" I stated as he flopped down on the couch next to me.

"I swear Karmen is the reason I have so much grey hair" he grumbled, but he said it with love. Karmen

was a daddy's girl and Seth loved it. But, he was right about the grey hair. Seth had aged well, but his

dark hair was beginning to grey at the edges and crow feet were starting at the creases of his eyes.

But, to me, he was still the most handsome man in the world.




"So, your birthday is coming up" Seth sighed, throwing his arms over my shoulder and pulling me into

his side. I groaned as I laid my head against him. "The big three-zero".

"Still not as old as you" I teased and he playfully pinched my side. I chuckled as I cuddled into his hold

– his arms still strong and firm around me.

"Weird to think I'm going to be the age you were when you met me" I mused, looking up at him. "God,

the idea of having sex with a sixteen year old at my age is just weird" I pulled a face. "You fucking

paedophile". I laughed as he pinched my side teasingly again.

"I love you" Seth whispered to me. I smiled up at him as he leant down and kissed me; his lips as soft

and tasty as they had been for the past fourteen years we'd been together. I leant into him and greedily

accepted his passionate kisses. Even after all our years together, the passion never did die

down...hence how we'd ended up with four children.

Seth pulled away after a few minutes, smiling down at me before dropping a single kiss on the tip of my

nose. "Where has Vance gone?" he asked me.

"Told him he could go and play with his friend for a little while. Told him to be back by nine" I explained.

"Did Karmen and Hector actually go to sleep?" I asked hopefully.

"Course not" Seth snorted, "they think if they're quiet for a few minutes I'll just assume they're asleep

and leave".

"You did leave them".

"Yeah but I locked the bedroom door so they can't escape" he shrugged.

"You're an awful parent" I laughed – an inside joke of ours since I moved the twins into the only

bedroom with a lockable door, besides ours. We often joked that we used to be perfect parents before

the twins came along and then after that we began awful parents.

Seth and I settled in front of the TV for a while, before Vance came back and we sent him to bed. And

even though Seth's hands were roaming slightly as we watched TV, it was more of a loving touch of

familiarity than the lustful gropes it used to me. The passionate of our relationship was still strong, but it

was different.

We no longer played our sexual games, no Daddy roleplaying or any other playing. No, our sex life had

evened out to a loving and comfortable familiarity that only came from long lasting love.

So, even though Seth's hands were stroking their way over my stomach and hips, he stopped the

moment we heard movement on the stairs. "What's wrong?" I called, not turning around to see who

was out of bed. I assumed somehow the twins had broken out of the bedroom and were coming down

to rec havoc downstairs as well.

But when I heard a tentative, "mommy?", I was instantly out of my chair. The only time that Waylon

would get out of bed was when he desperately needed us or was having a nightmare.

"What's wrong, bebe?" I asked, scooping the eight-year-old up and onto my hip.

"I had a bad dream". Waylon wiped a hand over his face, sniffing slightly from crying, as he leant into

me. Seth poked his head up over the couch, but I shook my head that I would deal with. That was

something that Seth and I had quickly gotten the hang off – communication without talking.

I carried Waylon back to his bedroom and tucked him into bed. I spoke to him for a few minutes, before

his eyes began to drop with tiredness. I slowed my talking and quietened my tone, lulling him back to

sleep. Once I was sure he was asleep, his tiny chest rising and falling, I slipped out the room and

pulled the door closed.

As I did I heard the noise of scurrying feet in the room down the corridor. I shook my head and sighed,

before walking down to the twins door. I stood silently for a few seconds and just listened. After about

three minutes, I heard a high pitched feminine voice. "I think she's gone" Karmen whispered.

"Come over here" Hector replied to his sister. I shook my head, trying to supress a smile, as I heard

Karmen climb out of her bed and scurry over to her brother's bed on the other side of the room.

"Get your ass back to bed" I snapped, raising my voice slightly. Hector and Karmen both gasped before

I heard her running and diving back on her bed. Hector hushed her before I heard them going silent,

breathing heavily at the fear of being caught. "You two better stay in bed. If I hear you out of bed again

Karmen you won't be coming to archery class with Waylon tomorrow".

"But--" a little voice squeaked, before Hector hushed her – you know, just encase I hadn't realised they

were awake yet.

"You too Hector, stay in your bed and be quiet" I called out. "If I have to come up here again you'll both

be in trouble". I waited a few minutes, make sure they were not going to get back up again, before

heading back down to the lounge.

"You think that will keep them in bed?" Seth asked, as I cuddled into his side on the couch once more.

"It damn well better" I grumbled, making him laugh.

We watched TV for a bit longer, making sure all the kids really were asleep, before Seth's hands began

to travel along my hips and stomach once more. I rolled over on the couch to face my mate. He smiled

brightly before kissing me deeply, our lips moulding together as his arms wrapped around me.

Pulling away from me slightly, Seth's eyes glistened brightly at me. "I'm tired, let's go to bed" he said.

"I'm pretty sure if we went to bed now, you would not let me get much sleep" I shot back playfully.

Seth chuckled, "damn right I wouldn't". He kissed me deeply again, making me smile happily.

Somethings would never change.

And as much as my life had changed, my feelings for Seth Zev never would.




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