The Young Luna

Chapter 26

Chapter 26


Chapter 26



I gasped as the wound on my neck slowly back to heal. I hissed as my temperature increased again

and I was burning up. When my neck was no longer bleeding, I was beginning to get feeling back in my

body. I managed to push myself up and onto all fours, groaning as my skin tingled.

I always thought I would be excited when this day came, when I finally Shifted. When I finally become a

true Werewolf. But, excitement was not what I felt. There was nothing but fear, panic and pain. I had

never thought I would be lost, injured and alone when I finally Shifted. But I was. Alone and crying out

for someone. No one came.

My skin bubbled, like it was burning, and I screamed louder than I had ever screamed before. Then my

left leg snapped and I buckled, my leg at a grotesque angle as my other snapped violently. I lay on the

floor, crying and screaming, as each of my bones broke and the formed and then broke again.

My body was struggling to find the right form as the bone broke numerous time before finding the right

fusion. And slowly, but surely, my body began to Shift. My skin began to sprout deep brownish red fur

and my face began to elongate. I could feel my teeth growing into fangs as my spine arched.

It took hours. Hours and hours of pure agony and pain. But, finally, it was over.

I lay on my side, crying and whimpering, as my body rested from the exhaustion. I always imagined I'd

finish my Shift, jump up on four legs and run around like an excited puppy. But I didn't. I just lay on the

forest floor and felt sorry for myself – rightfully so.

Then the pain started again and before I knew it, my entire body was Shifting back. I couldn't control it

but I should of expected it. In the first few weeks of a Werewolf's Shift, they can't control when or where

it happens.

The Shift back was painful but it was quicker, probably only twenty minutes. And when I was back to

human form, I felt different and stronger. The pain was all gone but I was exhausted. I groaned as I sat

up, naked and cold, as I noticed that the dark night was beginning to turn to morning.

I glanced around the forest and saw my blood and frowned. My throat was dry and I was desperate for

a drink. I slowly got to my feet, stretching my body out – I definitely felt different. But I didn't dwell on it,

just considered how I was going to get home.

I found my dress on the floor, cringing as I picked it up. I had wrestled to get it off, so there were rips

and claw marks through the black satin material. "Damn" I muttered, but pulled it on anyway. My

underwear had not survived at all. The dress seemed slightly tighter than before and I was lucky that

the rips didn't reveal anything expect my stomach and parts of my backs.

I couldn't find my shoes, so I simply began to walk. Due to my new enhanced senses, I was able to

hear and smell things I had never heard or smelt before. I quickly heard the sound of a road and

walked that way.

My feet hurt as I walked bare foot to the road, before following it for about half an hour, with only one

car that passed by. When I came across a gas station I almost sobbed in relief. I made a beeline and

the guy looked up at me in shock. He simply pointed me to the bathroom and I slipped inside. It was

five am and I was sure he just thought I'd had a wild night and was taking the walk of shame.

Inside the bathroom, I stepped in front of the mirror and gasped in shock. The reflection that stared

back at me wasn't me, expect that it was me. I looked like a completely different person. My wild brown

curls had thickened and fell into long waves down to my waist, a red hint to the hair when the light hit it

right. My face had thinned slightly, my sharp nose and jaw line finally looking in proportion. My freckles

were still there but they'd faded, almost like a ghost of freckles previously there.




My skin had darkened a few tones as well, like I had caught the sun or had a father who wasn't as

white as he was. My body had changed too, and I almost sobbed in happiness. I made sure the door

was locked, before stripping my dress off.

My chest had finally filled out, going from an A cup to almost C – I guessed from the quick feel I gave

myself. My waist was more defined and my stomach lined with the promise of a six pack. My hips were

still large, but my thighs had thickened and supported them better. I had gained weight but it seemed to

be from muscles and curves. I didn't look older, but I actually looked my age for once.

I looked in the mirror and I saw my mother. "Finally" I whispered to myself, as my eyes danced with

unshed tears. Finally, I looked pretty. Possibly even more than pretty. I looked like a Latina beauty, just

like I had always dreamed I would look like. "Finally" I said again, smiling at my reflection.

I pulled my dress back on and ran my hand through my hair. I washed some of the dirt and dried blood

off my body in the sink, before using the toilet. I then headed back out to the main part of the gas

station. "Can I borrow the phone?" I asked the guy.

He gave me a once over and it took a second to realise he was checking me out. I had never been

checked out before. I almost thrust my fist up into the air out of happiness. The guy handed me his

phone and I used it to call my own cell phone. I didn't know Seth's number, or his office or even

Shawna's number. But I knew my own phone, and Shawna had my phone in her purse when I left.

"Hello?" Shawna's voice asked tenderly, worried and concerned but also hopeful.

"Shaw, it's me" I said and she sighed in relief.

"Alpha! Alpha, it's her. It's May" Shawn shouted and I heard more shouting from other people. Then,

Seth came on the phone.

"Where the fuck are you? I've got the entire Pack out searching. Tell me what the fuck happened".

I knew he was only angry because of worry, so I let it go. "I can't explain right now, I'm not alone. But

I'm hurt...Rafa he...look I need you to come and get me".

"You're hurt?" he growled furiously, "do you need a doctor?"

"Maybe. I don't know. I'm fine for now. I just need you to come and get me Seth" I pleaded. Despite the

fact we'd been fighting the last time we spoke, I just needed my mate to wrap me up in his arms and

kiss me. I just needed Seth's comfort.

"Alright, alright, calm down baby. Just tell me where you are" he said gently. I asked the guy at the gas

station for the address and then I rattled it off to Seth, he told me he'd be there in half an hour.

I waited silently until I saw Seth's sports car in the distance, speeding as it approached. It screeched to

a stop, and I saw two SUV's in pursuit. Seth jumped out of his sports car, angry as he slammed the

door...and walked straight past me.

"Seth" I said, grabbing his arm. He spun to me and froze as he looked at me. He looked me over, over

my changed appearance, and blinked as if making sure it was really me. "I Shifted" I told him. Seth

nodded wordlessly, eyes just staring as he struggled to find words. I wasn't sure what to make of his


But he was there and in that moment that was all that mattered. I dived at him, throwing my arms

around his neck as I clung to him. He instantly wrapped his arms around me, in a tight embrace, as his

face buried in my neck. "I was so worried" he whispered to me, as I heard the SUV's pull up and people

get out.

"May!" Shawna shouted. I pulled away from Seth to face the people coming to my side, and my best

friend skidded to a halt as she saw me. "Holy shit" she breathed out.

"I was thinking the same thing" Dean muttered, as everyone looked over as if making sure it was really


"What the hell happened?" Seth demanded, arms holding me possessively.

"There was a fight at the party and--"

"I heard that part from the others" he growled. I growled back at him, the noise erupting from my throat

before I could stop it. Seth seemed to blink in shock as I cleared my throat.

"Let me finish". I narrowed my eyes at him, before carrying on. "There was a fight, Rafa caused it and

when everyone was fighting he pulled me from the party. He told me that he was taking me back to the

Pack but he took me through a different forest. I knew it wasn't right and I tried to find out what was

going on. But then this guy showed up".

"A guy?"

"This Werewolf called Yemi...he was the one from Yellowstone" I explained and Seth's eyes widened.

"He kept shouting at me that he wanted me to take him back to Yellowstone, I didn't understand him

and he got angry. He attacked me and..." I trailed off, gulping deeply. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

Seth's arms tightened around me, "what happened?"

"He attacked me. He ripped into my throat". I reached up and touched my completely healed neck with

a gulp. "He ran off and Rafa...he just left me there to die".

"And then you Shifted" Seth nodded, "your body fought to keep you alive".

"It was so horrible" I admitted, a few tears falling before I could stop them. "I was all alone and it took

hours. It was so fucking painful". I leant into Seth and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the

top of my head – just like I had wanted for hours. His comfort.

"Come on, let's get you home" Seth said to me. He led me over to his car and opened the passenger

door for me. He closed it behind me before turning to Josh and Dean. "I want Rafa Nix. Find him and

the Yellowstone Wolf if you can".

"And if they are hostile?" Josh asked.

"Thenbring me their bodies".




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