The Temptress: Tempting the Devil’s son

CHAPTER 1 Lucifer’s son (Prologue and first chapter)


~~APRIL 10, 2000~~

••SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH••This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

It was a stormy and hazardous night. The raging thunder rumbled loudly in the sky. The blinding yet furious lightning bolt flashed in the midnight sky. Another jolt of lightning flashed in the dark sky, hitting a watch tower that subsequently caught fire.

The thunder and lightning ceased entirely for a moment and from the black skies the rain poured down in torrents, drenching anything that stood on its way. Violent looking tornados were seen sweeping houses and trees and vehicles off the ground. It felt like the end of the world. The storm was rather ominous since the weather forecast hadn’t predicted the storm earlier.

A young boy of around twelve years of age was seen sweating profusely despite the chilly weather. A loud scream escaped his lips, piercing through the air as he woke up from the scary nightmare. His hands were shaky and his heart was drumming in his chest. He was too scared to even notice the raging storm that was threatening to end the world.

In his dream, he had been chased and killed by a classmate he had bullied in school the previous day. His name was Blake Houston. A very weird kid and he had been nicknamed ‘LUCIFER JNR’ since a lot of horrible things always happened to people around him.

With his slightly shaky hands, he turned on the table lamp. His eyes darted to the small figure that was staring at him with menacing eyes. Fear immediately gripped his entire being and he coiled himself up on the bed.

“W-w-what are y-you doing here?” He asked in a shaky voice. His body was trembling so much that he immediately peed on his pants.

The boy who was seated on the couch looked at him with amusement dancing in his eyes. He scoffed and said, “What a loser!”

His voice was soft but the hatred seething in his voice didn’t go unnoticed. He rose from the couch and ambled towards the scared figure on the bed.

The boy who was seated on the bed started yelling for help, hot tears were trickling down his eyes.

“It’s of no use. No one will save you. I put your parents into a deep sleep so you can scream all you want but it’s not gonna stop me from killing you.” Blake said in a bored tone.

“P-p-please, please don’t kill me. I would never bully you ever again!” He burst into full blown tears. He knelt down on the bed and begged for his life with fear flashing in his eyes. Was this really the end of him? Had he known, he would never had ganged up with his friends to beat him up.

“Apology not accepted.” His eyes suddenly flashed red and the boy on the bed immediately felt an invisible hand choking him to death. He was lifted from the bed by the hand and was now floating mid-air. He held his hands around his neck and tried to struggle with the invisible hand that was wrapped firmly around his neck.

Knowing that it was impossible to fight the hand off, he resigned himself to fate. With his dying breath, he asked in a whisper, “Who are you?”

He pursed his lips and then a sinister smile gleamed on his face. He answered in a mocking tone, “Haven’t you already figured it out Mark? Since you’re dying anyways, I might as well tell you,” he paused for a few seconds before continuing, “I am Lucifer’s son so I think the name I was nicknamed suits me perfectly. Say hello to my dad when you see him in hell! Maybe he will try treating you better… or maybe not. After all, you bullied his son.”

His last statement was filled with strong detest. A cold looked flashed in his eyes and the boy immediately dropped dead with his dilated pupils staring into space.

“Good riddance.” His lips twitched a little, a small smirk forming on them as he stared at the dead boy. He straightened his suit jacket and walked out of the room. It was time to go hunting for the rest of the gang that beat him up and made a fool out of him. He was gonna kill them all one by one and look ’em dead in the eyes. Only then, would his revenge be complete!

They were all going to pay. No one messes with Lucifer Jnr!

Chapter 1

~~~17HOURS AGO~~~

It was morning and a beautiful one at that, the sun had just started to rise. Shafts of sunlight shone through a cumulus cloud as it extended over the western sky.

As the clouds started to disperse, the sun came out of its hidden place. Soft rays of sunlight spilled over the beautiful meadow making it drown in soft glows. The sight was very enchanting to stare at. One could bask in the beauty of this place forever.

Mother and son stood at the summit of the hill. The breezy wind ruffled their hair making it look disheveled, yet it felt like the wind was actually whispering through their hair.

“Dawn is so beautiful mom,” Blake said pushing back his hair that the wind had ruffled. It was futile since the wind ruffled it yet again.

“Indeed it is. The world is a beautiful place and it would be so much better without those pesty humans!” Emily said with a tone full of malice, her seething eyes plopping down to look at the big and bustling city that was on low grounds. He hummed softly in response. He always knew his mom hated humans but he never know why. They were both humans after all, could a person hate their own kind?

He started in a small voice, “Mother, we cannot hate our own kind…”

“You mustn’t say that!” Her sharp and high pitched voice cut him off. Blake furrowed his brows as he stared at his mother’s tall figure with a bemused expression. He had always felt his mother was hiding something from him, but he just couldn’t place his fingers on it.

“Blake, there’s something I must tell you, since you have now come of age.” She puffed out a loud breath and said in a soft tone, her eyes flickered with emotions as she gazed down at her child.

He pursed his lips and frowned a little. He had a feeling he might not like what his mother was about to say, but that not withstanding, he still questioned in a small and melodious voice. “What is it?”

“You’re not human Blake!” His mother declared sharply and then she continued in a soft whisper, “You’re the devil’s son.” Blake who had found what his mother had said amusing, laughed so hard, so hard that, that he could almost feel the air in his lungs elude him. He seldom laughed but this one was really funny. The devil’s son? What a joke!

Emily frowned upon seeing him laugh so much. She had actually expected he wouldn’t believe her. Who would believe that she had a one night stand with gorgeous man without knowing that he was the devil?! No one!

When she had found out she was pregnant, she had wanted to abort the baby, but quickly discarded the thought of it when she received series of warnings from Lucifer himself. She had a dream where the man had warned her not to abort the baby. He had told her he was the devil and the boy was his heir and that she mustn’t abort the baby.

She thought it was a lie and she was just having weird dreams. Not until she had been involved in a bus accident that killed all the passengers including the driver while she was left untouched without a single scratch. People thought it was miracle that she had survived, but she knew otherwise. It was actually the devil warning her!

“It’s true! Remember all the bad things that always happened to people around you, people who you loved, people you were close to. They all died Blake because you’re Lucifer’s son. You can never feel love. It’s a taboo for you to love anyone…”

“Stop it…” he shouted, abruptly interrupting his mother. He shook his head in disbelief. “That’s not true. You said it was just a coincidence…”

Emily bit her lips and said with a trembling voice. “I only said that to make you feel better. People blamed you, how could I add to your misery? Blake, all Twenty-two people you’ve ever loved all died because of you. You’re not meant to be good, it’s in your nature to be bad…”

He placed his hands on his ears and covered it tightly. His eyes were now starting to water as his tears trickled down his eyes like a river. He just couldn’t believe it. Was his mother playing a prank on him? However, the earnest expression on her face told him that she was actually speaking the truth!

“Lies! I refuse to believe you. How come you’re still alive? Why are you not dead?!” He thundered in a loud voice, one that was so powerful that it echoed a thousand times.

She sobbed and cleaned her tearstained cheeks. She bit her lips so hard that she tasted her own blood. She trembled slightly before mumbling, “I have a brain tumor. I have just few months to live.”

Her voice was barely audible but his ears still picked her words. His eyes widened in horror, river of tears were now trickling down his cheeks. He shook his head in disbelief and laughed. He held both her hands and stuttered, “M-m-mom, you’re are… j-joking right? This is obviously just one of your jokes. Mom, it’s not funny!”

The sadness and pain in her eyes were enough proof that she was dead serious. He was left to drown in his emotions, his breath was shaky and his heart clenched so hard that he felt like he had taken a stab right to the heart.

Now that he thought of it, he actually remembered that whenever his mother had always combed her hair, a large chunk of it always followed. She lied that the shampoo she was using was causing her hair to break. It was all a lie!

All the headaches she always had. She lied that it was the stress of working at her small flower shop had made her prone to headaches. She had recently developed a terrible cough too or was it the fact that she had been taking a lot of medications that were strange to him. What about her sudden weight loss? She really had cancer and he was the cause! Was he really the devil’s son? How could he live without his mother?

“I have no regrets, so don’t worry about me,” she beamed a soft smile, trying to ease the tension but that did nothing. Her lips quivered as she continued, “Tomorrow is your eighth birthday. Your powers will manifest tomorrow and so would your true nature. When you’re thirty, your powers will be at its peak only then can you destroy the world and fulfill your father’s dream…” She coughed into the handkerchief in her hands. She stared at the blood stained handkerchief and squeezed it tightly.

Blake’s eyes darkened, his heart bled when he saw this.”There must be something I can do. I promise you mom, I won’t let you die!” He assured, his voice full of determination.

She smiled softly and ruffled his hair. It was obvious she didn’t believe his words. Lucifer could only destroy but he couldn’t repair after all… She quickly changed the topic, not wanting to talk about it anymore. “Come on. Let’s go home. You have to get ready for school.”


Blake entered the restroom and sighed. He had just excused himself from a class that he found exceptionally boring. Not much to his surprise, he had clearly understood the topic at first glance, thus making the topic boring to him. The teacher was still busy explaining the topic to other students so he quietly excused himself from their midst.

He turned on the sink tap and washed his face with the running water. He stared at the mirror and reminisced about what his mother had told him this morning. He had to think of a way to save his mother. She mustn’t die.

The door of the restroom opened and five boys strolled into the restroom casually. When he saw them, his expression turned cold. He knew them. They were all his classmates and archenemies.

Mark was their leader and they both hated each other. Blake hated him cause he was an asshole. Mark hated him cause he was the best student in the school.

A year and a half month ago after Blake registered at the school, he had easily replaced Mark and always came first place, while Mark was always topping second place. This gave rise to competition and extreme hatred for Blake. First position was his but Blake had taken that away from him. He overheard from one of the teachers that the principal was considering giving Blake a double promotion!

He was currently too young for the class he was in and now they wanted to give him a double promotion! Were they planning on making him graduate highschool at age eleven!!! That had annoyed Mark to the core. It was time they taught him a fucking lesson. One that he would never forget.

Blake turned off the tap and ignored their hateful glances. He knew he didn’t stand a chance against them so it was best to ignore them. Just like he had always done. He made his way to the door but Mark stood on his path, his eyes plopping down to look at him with disdain.

Blake had a small and short stature that made him seem vulnerable and easy to bully. Often times, he was always alone and didn’t like to socialize. But once in a while, some of his classmates always tried to befriend him. His cute looks and high level intelligence made him the hotshot of the school. Not to mention the countless competitions he has won for both himself and the school. Being the school’s idol, it was natural that people wanted to become his friend.

No one dared to bully him, unless they wanted to get in trouble with the principal. One thing that was left a mystery to people was how all ten students that had succeeding in befriending him all died in mysterious ways.

A recent misfortune befell on his best friend. He had been involved in a car accident a month ago that left him with a broken spinal cord, leaving both his arms and legs paralyzed and a comminuted fracture on both his legs with no chance ever being normal. He was just as good as dead. His parents were considering putting him to rest soon to end his misery.

A lot of accusing fingers had been pointed at him. Some said it was a coincidence, some said he was possessed with the spirit of death. Even the boy’s parents blamed him and hadn’t allowed him to visit his friend at the hospital.

A frowned easily manifested on his face as he stared at all five of them. He tried to head through another direction but Mark blocked his path once again.

A slightly annoyed Blake said in a soft but menacing tone, “Get out of my way!”

Infuriated by his words, Mark pushed him to the ground and snorted, “What makes you think you’re so good huh? You’re nothing Blake. You’re just a cursed child. You don’t even have a father. You’re just as useless as your adulterous mother. It’s time I put you in your place!”

Blake’s eyes darkened in anger, he opened his mouth and threatened, “Lay a finger on me and I will make you pay!”

Mark laughed and so did the rest of his friends. He strode over to Blake who was on the floor. He kicked his stomach which so much force that he coughed out blood. Blake winced and groaned on the floor in pain. “Make me pay? In your dreams. Isn’t this wonderful? You should always be below and I above, and not the other way round.” His lips twitched a little before breaking into a wide grin. He loved seeing him this way. A feeling of accomplishment flooded his entire being. His next words were but a brutal command, “Beat him up, boys and make him bleed.” The boys immediately pounced on him, the kicks, the blows, their insults, their mocking laughter, and the pain he felt. He vowed to recount this memory and kill them all. They would beg for their lives but he wouldn’t heed to their pleas. And just like that, he slowly lost consciousness.

The door immediately burst open and an angry looking principal rushed into the washroom. The teacher had suspected something like this would happen when the other boys left the classroom so she had informed the principal.

He gazed at the five boys who all had satisfied grins on their faces and then at the unconscious boy who was covered in his own blood. Fear immediately gripped the man’s short and fat form, his face turning red and his eyes smoldering in anger.

“Oh my God! What have you all done?!”

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