The Rogue Alpha’s Claim

Chapter 90

Ariel’s eyes fluttered open, but her body screamed in protest as it ached all over. The memory of last night was still foggy in her brain, and no matter how she tried, she couldn’t remember the details.

She rolled to the edge of her bed and placed her feet gingerly on the floor, trying to stand up, but her leg buckled beneath her, and she fell on the floor.

“W-what the…” Ariel glanced around her as she struggled to piece the little fragment; her legs felt like they were made of jellies, and it was only one person who would answer this. “Laura?” Ariel tried to reach her wolf, but all she got was a static silence, and it frightened her.

“Laura?” She tried again but got no response, and she reached for the bed, hoisting herself up. She lay on the bed, her eyes closed, as she tried to recall the events of the last night.

She could remember the intense pain she felt as her bone broke, and she shivered from the muscle memory. They hadn’t been exaggerating when they said it was probably the most painful experience one would experience, and she wondered if this was going to happen whenever she shifted.

Ariel could recall seeing paws for feet, but that was all she could remember. The rest of the memory remained hidden behind a thick wall.

And when she tried to think harder, a searing pain shot through her head like a lightning bolt.

“I give up!” Ariel groaned, resigning herself to fate. When Laura woke up from whatever slumber she had been in, she was going to provide her with the information.

Ariel wrapped herself in the blanket, and she curled into a tight ball, shutting her eyes to sleep, but the peace was disrupted when she heard the footsteps heading for her room.

Ariel’s lips curled into a smile as the familiar scent wafted through her nostrils, and the door creaked open, revealing a smiling Judith.

“Ariel, you did it!” The woman shrieked as she entered inside, walking straight towards her and enveloping her in a warm hug. “You were so beautiful.”

“Thank you,” Ariel murmured into her shirt. It was impossible not to be affected by her bubbling personality. “How did I look? I can’t really remember all that happened after I shifted; it was all foggy from there. Is that supposed to happen?”

“You don’t have to worry about that; it is a common first-time experience, but you will become aware of it the next shift or the one after.”

“Oh!” She exhaled, her tense muscles relaxing at her words. “I was afraid for a second, but I can’t feel Laura, and I am afraid that she has somehow vanished.”

“You don’t have to worry about that; your wolf is just recuperating from the shift and the run. I never knew she was such a fast sprinter; almost no one could keep up with her.”

That would explain why her legs felt like lead.

“Was I okay, for a wolf?” Ariel asked, her voice barely above a whisper. She hadn’t told anyone of her irrational fear that somehow she wouldn’t be what the ideal wolf was because it had been long since she was with them, and she was afraid of the consequences.

“Of course, dear. You were a perfect wolf; I would take a picture next time for you if you wish to.”

Ariel’s eyes sparkled like a tiny glow. “Really, I would really appreciate that.”

Judith lingered in Ariel’s room, their conversation flowing nonstop. The older woman had answered every question she had until Ariel was exhausted and fell asleep.

Ariel woke up from her slumber, and she stumbled out of bed, dragging herself to the dining hall. She could devour a whole whale if it were possible-that was how hungry she was.

Luckily, she made it in time for dinner, and she hadn’t even sat down when everyone flocked around her, curious about her shift.

Apparently, she was of a larger size; that was only possible if she were alpha blood. Many knew of her condition, but they had no idea of her lineage, and they were curious.

Ariel had entertained their question and curiosity, gloating in their praise, happy to be the center of attention, and it wasn’t for a negative thing.

She basked in their praises, savoring each bite of her meal amidst the laughter; although she couldn’t compare it to her pack-Kane’s pack-she was happy she was loved here.

Ariel retreated back to her room after the meal, her feet pounding on the stairs as she ran, but her feet halted in the air as a foreign scent wafted to her nose.

She could tell that scent anywhere, and now that she had shifted, the scent was overwhelming, threatening to consume her-and she wouldn’t mind.

She staggered on her feet, holding the wall for support, when the guard rushed to meet her.

“Miss Ariel, are you alright? One reached out to stabilize her, but she evaded his touch.

“I-I’m f-fine.” She stammered, her mouth hanging open, and her eyes darted around until they landed on one of them, and she held him. “I-Is anyone in my room? Did anyone come in or leave?”

The guards exchanged a glance among themselves, and they shook their heads. “We have been keeping watch, and no one has entered or gone out.”Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hmmm.” The air escaped her lungs, and she hoped it was just a figment of her imagination. Yet she stumbled inside her room, brushing past their hands.

Her heart was pounding behind her ribcage, threatening to burst out of their confinement, but yet her foot carried her inside, a little part of her wishing that she could see him.

Her gaze searched every inch of her rooms, checking the hidden places for wherever he may be hiding, but nothing was out of the ordinary.

She turned back to her bed, but her eyes landed on the red envelope that was sitting pretty, and she walked towards it as if in a trance.

His scent was overwhelming, as if he had rubbed himself on the envelope, and the thought sent a fiery red down her cheeks as she imagined Kane jerking off on it.

The memory sent a wave of pleasure down her spine, and she took a deep breath, trying not to succumb to the temptation. It would be so embarrassing that she got turned on because of a piece of paper.

Ariel’s fingers trembled as she picked up the envelope, and she lifted it to her nose, closing her eyes and taking a big sniff, inhaling his scent. “Yes.” Ariel sighed in bliss.

It smelled just like she had imagined it-like home, like her mate.

Ariel painfully tore the paper away from her nose, and she sat down, bracing herself as she opened it. She removed the note that was inside, and she began to read.

“Dear mate,

Let me use this medium to congratulate you on your shift. You were nothing short of breathtaking-as usual-and the coat seemed to glow in the moonlight. Did you enjoy our run together? Because I did. It has been so long since I saw you that I couldn’t resist it, and I am looking forward to when we meet again. Hopefully, this time, you will be conscious of experiencing it. I will be coming back for you, my love, and you should already know it is futile trying to escape me. With love.


At the bottom right were three drops of a suspicious white fluid.

“W-wait, he couldn’t possibly?” Ariel brought the paper to her nose and took a sniff, inhaling the pure maleness in its form, and she recoiled.

What was she thinking? Of course it was Kane; the man was crazy enough, and he could do such things.

Her heart was pounding erratically, and fear gripped her with its icy hands, refusing to let go.

Somehow, Kane found out she was shifting yesterday. The man was always one step ahead of her; hell, he had even run with her while she was unconscious.

There was only one person that was conscious during that time, and she was going to explain all that she did.

“Laura! You have some explanation to do!”

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