The Omega For Sale

Chapter 26

The maids scattered back to their respective chores the moment the Alpha’s frame retreated.

Emilia cut me a dirty look before brushing past me, bumping me with her shoulder and exiting the room. I watched as Zoe also left the room but it seemed like all the fight had left her.

She simply looked sad and she kept her head hung low as she made her way out of the kitchen.

“I’m sorry I got you in trouble. I didn’t mean for any of this to me.” Christie apologized by my side and I could see remorse and regret in the other girls eyes.

It wasn’t her fault in the least. I was the one that had asked her a question and she had simply been answering it. She had not been prepared for the attack by Zoe and Emilia and she also did not ask me to slap Emilia.

I gave her a small smile that I hoped was reassuring enough.

“It’s not your fault at all. If anyone should be apologizing, it should be me for getting you in trouble with Zoe.”

Jessy was still hugging my legs tightly and it felt like she knew that I was in trouble again.

Fear gripped me once more when I remembered that the last time I had left her behind to go to the punishment room, she had been kidnapped.

I didn’t think that the events had traumatized me enough to give me PTSD but watching my daughter holding on tightly to my legs brought back memories I would rather push away.

“You have to go Freya, if the Alpha gets to the punishment room and you’re not there, then you’ll be in even worse trouble.” Christie advised.

I bit my lips at her words, she was right. The problem was that I wasn’t willing to leave Jessy behind again.

Maybe I could bring her along with me and make her close her eyes while I was being punished.

The problem with that decision was the fact that I did not know the kind of punishment that the Alpha would choose to give me and the other girls and I did not want my daughter to witness something traumatizing.

Plus, I was pretty sure the Alpha was going to send Jessy out if he ever caught sight of her in the punishment room.

“Freya you have to go.” Christie whispered beside me again and I nodded my head in acknowledgment but remained standing in my spot.

“Is this about Jessy? I could watch her for you and this time I swear on my life Freya, I won’t let her out of my side for even a second. I wouldn’t let any harm come to her in anyway. You have my word Freya.” Christie promised.

I thought about it for a second before nodding my head. Squatting so I was at the same height with my daughter I took her hands in mine.

“Jessy you have to stay with Christie. I’ll be right back but you have to be with Christie at all times. Okay?”

Tears began to form in Jessy’s eyes at my words but I knew I couldn’t be here for much longer.

Wrapping my arms around her in a hug, I gently pushed her into Christie’s arms and hurriedly walked away from the room in the direction of punishment room.

I could hear Jessy begin to cry and Christie’s soft reassurances and my heart constricted in my chest.

I berated my wolf for letting me go out of the control but I knew it was mostly my fault too. I had done a terrible job with controlling my anger.

I pushed open the large door, my heart pounding in its cage at what was about to take place.

Upon entering the room I could see Zoe and Emilia on their knees in the middle room and the sight caused my heart to sink even more. This was really happening.

I joined the girls in the middle of the room on my knees and proceeded to wait for the Alpha.

“Look who is just coming in after the instruction was giving more than five minutes ago. Were you breastfeeding mommy? Is that why you couldn’t make it with the rest of the us?” Emilia mocked.

The bitterness that painted her words made me frown. Thinking back on it, I had never done anything to warrant the hatred that Emilia showed me.

It just seemed like she had a problem with me from the very first time when she realized I had been purchased by the Alpha.

I always knew that Emilia had a mean streak in her. From her comment in the truck to her general attitude to the rest of the girls it had not being very difficult to realize.

The question now was: Why exactly did she have a problem with me?

“Cut it out Emilia. You’re already in trouble, you don’t want to add to your punishment because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut.” Zoe scolded.

The head maid still sounded sad, the very dimmed light in the room did not allow for me to catch her face but I could see that her head was still bowed.

Emilia did not say another word after then and I sighed in gratitude. The last thing I wanted was her throwing more hurtful words at me in our already bad situation.

It felt like hours that we had been down on our knees and I could feel the burn from the hard wooden floor on my knees already.

The Alpha was yet to come and every second that went by increased my anxiety.

I could see the other girls shuffling in their spots and knew that the wait was affecting them too.

Then I heard it.

The Alpha’s heavy footsteps coming down the hallway.

The moment he pushed open the door to room I heard Zoe burst out in a sob. I couldn’t be sure if she had just begun crying upon hearing the Alpha come in or she had been crying silently in her spot before and just got too overwhelmed to keep doing it silently when he came in.

Either way she let our heart wrenching sobs that sounded like she was at the edge of doubling over from the intensity of the tears.

Myself and Emilia remained silent in our spot and the Alpha ignore Emilia, moving instead to the rack that held the different punishment tools.

He spent some time there, almost like he was trying to make the right choices when it came to each tool, but finally he walked to the front of and paused there.

“Zoe would you like to remind me of the rule that talks about peace in my home?” The Alpha asked and the head maiden nodded her head slightly.

“You demand peace and quiet in your home at all times. It doesn’t matter what the situation might be, you do not want to be disturbed by it.”

Zoe quoted letting out small sobs as she spoke. The Alpha nodded his head in satisfaction.

“Would you like to explain why my meeting was interrupted by your screaming?”

“I’m sorry Master. I just got so angry and and, I didn’t know. I just reacted without thinking.” Zoe explained, sobbing terribly.

Alpha Greyson ignored her and he moved his attention to Emilia to address her.

“And you, would you like to tell who exactly gave you the right to talk to another maid like you did to Freya?”

I could hear Emilia’s sudden gasp for air. Her head was bowed so low, I feared that they might kiss the ground soon.

“I-I just t-thought, I was g-going to jus-” Emilia began with a stutter.

“Silence.” He said before moving to the front of me.

“Raising your hand to strike another maid? Could you remind me what rule permits that sort of behavior in my home?”This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

From the way he had silenced the other girls I knew that he wasn’t looking for an answer to his question. I didn’t exactly have an answer to his question too so I chose to remain silent.

“Move to the center. Hands on the pole, do not let go for any reason.” He instructed Zoe.

I heard as the girl began pleading with him even as she moved to do as he asked. The Alpha did not seem to care about her pleading in the least because the moment her hands were holding firmly onto the pole, he let his whip crack in the air and kiss her back.

Zoe’s scream was almost drum shattering and I winced in reaction. The loud scream did nothing to deter the Alpha and he only kept at it until he reached the ninth lash and she let go of the pole.

“That’s an extra two lashes and a final warning. If your hands leave this pole during this punishment again, I’ll be starting all over.” The Alpha’s voice was icy and I shivered from the effect even when his words were not directed at me.

When he got to twelve he stopped the assault on Zoe and let the whip drop to the floor. He dismissed her and I watched as the head maid, limped out of the room in pain, with tears still streaming down her eyes and bitter sobs escaping her throat without control.

He moved to the end of the room where he had put the other tools that he had selected from the rack and when he returned, he had a cane in his hand.

I choked on a breath and my heart began to thrum wildly in my ears, if that was my punishment tool then I was in deep shit.

The pain from the whip was one of the worst pains but the sting from a cane was even harder to get over.

The Alpha pointed the cane at Emilia, then tapped it on the pole. The message in the action was clear and the trembling girl crawled towards the pole and held onto it.

“On your feet. Hands on the pole and do not let go till this is over.” He instructed.

I furrowed my brows in confusion at the instruction. Why did he need her to be on her feet?

The question was answered when as soon as Emilia rose to her feet and fixed her grip on the pole, the Alpha swung out the cane and let it land on her buttocks.

Emilia let out a loud yelp in reaction and when the second stroke landed, it came along with the tears and pleading. The girl shuffled from feet to feet like the floor was lava and I knew that it came from the sting of cane.

The cane was the omega’s trainer- Darren- favorite punishment tool back at my former pack and I hated every moment that I had to be punished with it.

Luckily, Emilia did not let go of the pole at any point and at stroke ten, her punishment came to an end. He dismissed her and once again dropped the cane on the floor, before looking in my direction.

When his eyes landed on my frame an unknown emotion seemed to flash from within his eyes, but it was gone before I could process it.

I cut off the eye contact and dropped my eyes to my lap that held my nervous wriggling fingers.

“On your feet, hands on the pole.” The Alpha instructed.

I swallowed heavily but moved to do as he said.

There was no tool in his hands and that confused me and it caused more fear to wrack through my frame.

I held onto the pole tightly not wanting to worsen my punishment before it had even begun. I pricked my ears, trying to make out what the Alpha was doing or what took he intended to punish me with but all I got was the sound of his heavy footfall coming back in my direction.

There was a moment of silence where the only sound that could be heard was my ragged breathing and then an instrument was coming in contact with my buttock.

I couldn’t exactly tell what it was but the fact that I had not been prepared enough for the strike made me jump a little in reaction.

The strike hurt but it wasn’t as bad as I had expected it to be. It was more like the effect of a hard slap but this time from a wooden surface.

The strike came the second time but the effect was even less severe. In fact it seemed to send a heat through my body that warmed me up from the inside.

After the fifth strike, I felt a tightening in my abdomen and heat in between my legs from the effect of the particular strike.

My eyes widened in realization when I caught the scent in the air.


I was getting aroused from my punishment.

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