The Mysterious Demon

Chapter 62 A New Fight

-Dominic’s POV-

“He’s done what?” Xavier asked nerve struck.

“He’s convinced them all that he’s doing this for my benefit. They’re trying to get me to go to some people to get ‘wiped clean’ or some bullshit like that.” I responded dryly. Unlike, Xavier I wasn’t really angry, I was just tired of it now.

“I know I said that we shouldn’t trust them but I didn’t know that they couldn’t be trusted! Fuck this!” He exclaimed, flailing his arms in the air before holding the bridge of his nose to calm down. “Fine. It doesn’t matter. We were alone for four years, we can carry on working alone. Remember, act normal, don’t let them get anything from you. I just-” He clenched his fists, “I just can’t believe they fell for his lie!”

“They fell for it?”

I turned my head to William who came through the door and gave him a small smile in reply to his own. He greeted Xavier too before carrying on, “No but seriously? That lie was so obvious and fake, even for me.” He turns to me again, “your brother’s a dumbass,”

I rolled my eyes and turned to my collection of contact lenses on my desk. “You tell him that and I wish you luck on dodging the bullet that chases you after that.” I hear a scoff in reply but nothing was said for a short period of time. Not until I felt hands land on my shoulders. To my right, I could see Xavier in deep thought whilst leaning against a wall so the hands must have been William’s.

William’s face then started getting closer to my own as he leaned down from behind me which made me stay on guard, ready to react if he tried anything but, “You okay?” he asked which made me look up at him questionably. He continued when seeing my reaction, “about the whole situation, I mean. Arthur refuses to tell me anything important except that what he will do will probably ‘destroy everything’ which is worrisome. I also feel a bit betrayed because, since we’re best friends, I expected him to tell me if things were bothering him. You guys are siblings so I can’t begin to image what you may be feeling.”

“Fuck being siblings. He said she’s not his sister and so she won’t be.” Xavier finally spoke up in anger. William must have heard this for the first time because his eyes widened and he turned to me as if to confirm but I couldn’t reply. Instead, I scrunched my eyes closed and looked down until Xavier carried on talking. “Has he told you anything else apart from that?”

“Not really. He did tell me about this time with the gang though. Apparently, it was hell. Almost like being stuck in prison but without the cells. The gang was filled with disgusting people and an endless amount of them, more that one base could hold. So I assumed he was hinting there were more of them, aside from the one’s Demonic here killed off.” William informed. Xavier and I took in this new information.

“Could that mean that the guy that I killed wasn’t the true leader of the gang?” I asked and Xavier looked at me intently,

“It’s a possibility.”

Suddenly, there was a specific combination of knocks on the door so I put my hood up before we all looked in its direction. The door opened to reveal the owner of the bar, the only non-involved man that knew everything about every fighter, myself included, which was why he was able to come into the room as he has.

There was a gleam in his eyes. He looked excited. “M. D! Do I have a fight for you!” I raised my eyebrow with newfound amusement. Rarely did the owner look this excited for a fight.

“What’s his name?” I asked and he grinned back,


Monster. A street fighter’s name in which I thought I’d never hear again. This name and the disappearance of the fighter of which the name belonged to was why I started drinking energy drinks. Monster Energy was my way of replacing him. Replacing Arthur.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

It saddened me though because although I missed the name, missed him, we weren’t in a good position with each other at all and it’s disappointing. It’s disappointing because I’d much rather fight him and be able to enjoy it to the fullest without having to hold onto all these difficult emotions. Why did he have to choose now out of all times to come back here?


I watched as he entered the ring and wanted me steadily despite the match not starting yet. He continued walking towards me, looking me in the eye as I took my leather jacket and handing it to Xavier who stood behind me. “Let’s make a deal,” He proposed,

Well, we may not be on the best terms but I guess I could enjoy this a little.

“That depends on the terms. If it includes money then f**k yeah!” I exclaimed and I could see him trying to surpass a smile, making me internally happy to see.

“If I win this fight, you’re coming with me,” He stated quietly but after hearing his condition I burst out laughing. From behind me, I could hear Xavier chuckle along too. I smirked and cockily announced,

“You? Beat me? I think you’re just in this ring to make me laugh!” When hearing this the audience goes crazy, cheers louder, laughter, all here, cheering me up infinitely.

I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him in so my head was by his, “But I agree to your little bet,” I whispered in his ear before pushing his shoulder away from me roughly.

Arthur underestimated me. I knew that during his time as a street fighter he was one of the top twenty fighters but that wasn’t enough to beat me anymore. I knew his fighting style. I knew his weaknesses. Back then he couldn’t come close to beating Xavier and although I didn’t know how much he progressed in these four years, I knew he definitely wasn’t stronger than me. Besides, his number one weakness was me.


He swung his fist towards me. I commended him for having the courage to go all in straight away. I could have blocked his punch but instead, I decided I wanted to test his strength so I let the fist hit. It was a solid punch, no doubt there, but as I rubbed my jaw I noted that it wasn’t a punch that would do any considerable damage to me. So, I stepped back with a grin, blocking his next punch with one arm whilst going in with a real punch of my own. It hit him hard, his head flew to the side due to the impact.

I then jumped into the air and gave him a flying kick which made him fall and groan out in pain. He charged at me after getting up and tried hitting me again but I knew he couldn’t. I easily blocked his punch, pushed both of his arms away and in one swift movement I crossed my hands, grabbed the inner back of his collar and pulled to the side, suffocating him and knocking him out.

I guess you could say this was revenge. For leaving me, hurting me, ignoring me, insulting me and threatening me. All of it. There was no better way to release all of my anger than in my ring. And that I did. With pride.


“Sorry man, I guess I win this bet.”


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