The Mysterious Demon

Chapter 51 Memories

-Dominic’s POV-

“Thanks for coming, William,”

“Anytime D,”

I put my seatbelt on whilst sitting in William’s car and looked forward. Peace. I think that’s what my mind was craving. Away from the people I wasn’t used to. Away from the chaos I left behind. Peace.

I wanted to go somewhere far and away, somewhere I didn’t know. Somewhere to breathe. Yet I knew that wasn’t possible. I didn’t have the freedom for that plus it wasn’t safe.

I didn’t want to go to Xavier, I was in way too weak of a state to go and pretend to be strong with him. I also wanted to be away from my family right now. Arthur was with Xavier anyway and Nick was busy so I couldn’t go to him even if I wanted to. So the only person I could think of at that moment to get me away from school was William.

“What happened?” William then broke the silence and asked in a gentle voice, “You haven’t called me for something like this since you were 13.” he carried on. I didn’t answer him straight away though because I was asking myself the same thing.

“Sorry Will, I just- I don’t know how to explain it- I” He could tell I was struggling. He glanced my way when I went silent again before telling me,

“You’re breaking down arent you?” I looked at him with surprise which he noticed and nodded to himself, “I heard about what’s been going on from Arthur. You’ve gone through so much in such a small amount of time. So much pain. You’re independent and strong, always have been, but now you’re tired. I can see it.”NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

I gulped at what he said. Hands shook slightly but I stopped them from shaking any more. He glanced at me again, “Seems like I was right,” he then let out a sigh before putting a hand on my shoulder, “Don’t worry, D, it’s okay. I know where to take you.”

After that, we fell into a comfortable silence with the radio talking for us. I watched the city whiz passed us and was soon replaced by trees and a huge forest. It wasn’t long after when William stopped by the side of a road and got out. I followed behind him and looked around in confusion. Why did this place look familiar?

“Recognise it?” he chuckled, probably seeing my reaction, “probably not I’d imagine. You were only 11 when Arthur and I made this,” he carried on saying as he led me behind some trees and deeper into the forest. When we made it to a clearing, I gasped.

“The treehouse,” “Bingo.”

The treehouse was a place Arthur and William made as kids with the help of our father. We used to play there all the time when we were younger. Our summers spent here. Days, nights. It wasn’t very big or complicated. It didn’t even have a swing but this place was heaven to us. It’s where I was first trained, where I got closer to William. After my adoptive parents died though, everything changed and I forgot about this place. Forgot it all.

“Race you to the top!” William exclaimed and started running which made me break into a grin and run after him. We climbed up our old ladder, almost falling in the process, and went into the main room of the treehouse and once again, my breath was taken away. It was just as I remembered it. It was filled with all the same memories.

William seemed as excited as I was if not more because he started looking around and opening old boxes of things we had left here. “Oi! D! Look what I found!” he called and I looked over to see him raising a bunch of cards that I remember we spent ages saving up for. Cleaning, babysitting, doing whatever we could. Now they were just collecting dust. I laughed and said, “Those bring back memories,” “Tell me bout it,”

I decided to start looking through some things too until I stumbled upon a box with my name on it scribbled with the words, ‘don’t open!’ I chuckled at my younger self and opened the box only to be left with amazement. It was my old art set. I didn’t remember how I got them or why they were in the box but I remember having the set.

I then looked through the pages of my old sketchbook and smiled. I was so happy back then. I thought as I looked at the drawing of my old house, of my family, of nature, of my toys even. Before fighting, I loved drawing. Loved art. Loved beauty.

I kept looking through the sketchbook when I got to a certain place where the happiness had ended. I had lost Arthur already but now my parents had died at this point. I looked down and traced my hand over the picture of three gravestones. Done in black and white. That was the last drawing in the sketchbook.

I stopped after that and read the box again, ‘don’t open!’ I left these things here in order to forget on purpose. This is where everything changed.

I picked myself up from my spot and slowly walked to the edge of the room, dangling my legs over and leaning on the wood next to me whilst looking out into the distance. Looking into the nature I once loved.

William must have noticed my change in mood because he stopped talking about the things he had found and slowly walked up to me. He put his hand on my shoulder again which made me look up at him sadly. “No ones here. Let it out, Dominic. Let it out.” He told me before walking away and out of the treehouse.

Once I couldn’t see him again, I did what he told me to. I broke down and let it out. For the first time in a long time, I let myself cry. I let the tears run. I let myself sob. My tears were so warm. I had wished their warmth would remind me of a hug of some sort but instead, I was reminded of the pain of having boiling water thrown on my face. It was always pain I was reminded of. Always.

More tears continued to fall and soon, I couldn’t stop them even if I had wanted to.

Years. I had been holding these in for years.

“I must look like a wreck,” I mumbled to myself as I felt my injured skin. The makeup I was wearing to hide my scarred face had probably washed or smudged off by now. I could imagine no one wanting to see me in this state. No one being here to comfort me.

I was a mess.

I screamed out in frustration, in sadness. I sobbed. I carried on crying.

I was alon-

An arm wrapped around me suddenly and softly pushed me against the person’s chest. My tears stopped abruptly and I slowly looked up to see it was… Blake. He kept his arm around me and rubbed my back in slow circular motions. Sitting next to me with his head up and looking forward. I let myself relax a little in his arms. Leaning my head against his chest and quietly beginning to cry again. Cry the tears I had wished no one would ever have to see.

“I’m sorry,-” “Don’t be.” he cut me off.

“I’m here now.”


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