The Mysterious Demon

Chapter 49 A New Chapter

-Blake’s POV-


My world, for the most part, had gone silent. I had blocked everything for a while. People. Places. For months, everything had gone grey.

I’d see her sometimes. Convinced she was back. Argued that she was right there in front of me, talking to me, laughing with me. But I was wrong. Hallucinating maybe. Jake would often tell me that. I was even sent to the hospital for it, given medication.

I’d like to say I was healing. Maybe completely healed. After all, I was able to sit in her house like I am now with the rest of the gang without getting a panic attack, without being hurt and upset about her being gone,

“But she rejected me!”

The rest of the guys and I were listening to Zack’s rediculous story, waiting for Nick to return in order to tell us some ‘important news’. When he said it, he was surprisingly optimistic, a grin plastered onto his face which was weird to us. We hadn’t seen him like that for a while after what happened.

The clock hit 9 am when we heard the main door opening. “The must be Nick,” Jason said and we all waited, expecting him to come in but instead we heard another voice through the walls.

“Wow, my gym room is a mess, you couldn’t have cleaned up a little? There’s still blood on here!”

My whole body went rock solid, hairs pricking upwards at the voice. I looked around to see the other guys holding expressions of confusion. Zack and Jason reached for their guns that were by the sides just in case an attack was needed when,

“Sorry, we’ve been using this place as our base for a while and haven’t had the time to clean,” Nick’s muffled voice was then heard too which made us relax a little but still unsure. Who was he talking to? It sounded like-

Suddenly, the door to the room we were in was opened to reveal her. She had grown taller, hair was longer, body firmer, and face even more beautiful than it had been when I last saw her. My eyes could only focus on her. Her sharp jawline, her shining grey eyes, her confident aura. It couldn’t be. I couldn’t accept what I was seeing. I couldn’t because it was her.

“So, Nick isn’t the only one who’s changed I see,” she grinned while studying all of our faces, “Hey guys,”


No no no no no, “I-it can’t. I stopped hallucinating. I’ve healed I swear-” I held my head with both of my hands and shut my eyes as tight as I could. I couldn’t get worse again. I couldn’t.

Jake responded quickly and pulled me up and into a hug, “You’re not hallucinating. It’s okay Blake. Calm down.” He tried but I couldn’t accept it. I looked up to see her again. Face filled with concern as she turned to Nick who also just entered the room with Xavier and Arthur following behind him.

It seemed she asked Nick something which I couldn’t quite hear over my shivering breath but Nick answered her with a frown, “He’s been like this ever since you left,”

I closed my eyes again. Trying to get my head together. Trying to tell myself that I definitely took the medication and I’ll be okay.

Jake’s arms unwrapped from me slowly which made me open my eyes again to see her approaching me. My breath hitched into my throat and my body froze in place. Her hand raised and she gently put it against my cheek, looking me in the eye and telling me, “Blake it’s okay. We’re okay. I’m here.” Her saying this calmed me down instantly. I was able to breathe again.This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

“Dominic,” I said gently and she smiled before pulling me into a hug. A hug that seemed to give me life in itself. That seemed to bring light back into the world I stood in. I hugged her back. Her smell was intoxicating, breath was soothing, touch was mesmerising. I could feel again.

When she pulled away she turned to everyone else and teased, “Is one hug all I’m going to get?” which made the guys break out of their similarly shocking figures and grins formed on all of their faces before we came together for a group hug.

A few minutes passed and we all had settled down in the, most of us with one question in mind.

“Dominic, how are you alive?”

Zack didn’t hesitate as much as everyone else though it seems and asked right away. I didn’t complain though. We all stared at Dominic intensely and looked down with a grimaced expression.

“Okay, well, I believe it’s fair if I start from the beginning.” She started and we all nodded in support, “A while ago, I was told by the doctors that my heart was failing because it was being continuously suffocated by my lungs. This could cause it to give in at any moment. The exact treatment wasn’t known yet-”

“So it wasn’t lung cancer?” Jason asked and she shook her head negatively, looking as if she was ashamed which made me look at her with pity.

“Why would you lie about something while you’re dying?” Jason carried on questioning and Dominic looked as if she was going to answer but before she could, she bit her lip and held her shirt around where her heart was. This action worried me, Arthur seemed to catch on too.

“Let her explain!” Arthur exclaimed which made the room go quiet enough for us to hear Dominic’s nervous breaths.

“They had wanted me to stay in the hospital for further testing. They told me to quit everything. Drinking, smoking, fighting, but I couldn’t handle something like that. I didn’t want my life to change because of something like that. So, I told them I’d carry on living normally,”

“That’s crazy,” Jake said but before he could say anything else, Nick’s voice interrupted him,

“Listen to her,” Nick growled and that’s when we knew we had to shut up. When Dominic was pronounced dead, Nick turned dark. He lashed out at everyone all the time. He would go to the gym often and spend hours beating up punching bags. The fear we once had for him came back so now as he stood leaning against a wall with his arms crossed, we stayed quiet and listened.

“They gave a bunch of medication that I had to take daily. You’ve probably seen them in my drawer,” I thought back to which drawer she could have been referring to and I realised. In her kitchen, she had a drawer which is hard to open because of how many pills and medication packets were in there. I hadn’t thought she had to take them all.

“I was okay at first. There were times I’d get dizzy, vision blurry for a little while, things slow and I’d have a hard time breathing but it wasn’t that bad and at times I’d forget so I assumed it was okay and stopped taking the meds,”

“Which, let me remind you, was a stupid decision Demon,” Xavier then said from next to her making Dominic relax and smile before shoving him slightly,

“Shut up Champ. Anyway, it got worse and I got put into the hospital and as you saw, I was flatlining. I told you guys I had lung cancer because it would be easier to accept than just me not taking my medication and the rest of the situation. I also didn’t know if that was it or if I’d wake and have another drift again. Most of all, I wanted to heal. ” I took in a breath

“After what you guys saw at the hospital, I woke up again and Xavier asked me what I wanted to do. I told him to tell them it was done. My suffering was done. It was time for me to fix myself. He told you guys I was dead in order to clear my mind a bit to let me recover. For three months I went through tests, scans after scans, therapy, and finally, I was let out. I still had meds to take for as long as I live but I’m pretty much cured. For the next three months, I was training with Xavier, getting my strength back, living with him since I had to have some sort of supervision. I showed myself to Nick a week ago and here we are now!”

She concluded and I was able to relax. Satisfied. I was able to feel satisfied with everything again. Our questions were answered and I was glad to have her back, safe and sound.

“Wait, I still have a question!” I turned to my brother with a confused look but smiled anyway, knowing it was going to be something stupid.

Jake then pointed at Arthur and asked, “how come he knew before us?” Once this question was asked I noticed even Nick looked at Dominic with confusion but Dominic and Xavier started chuckling at it.

“That was totally your fault,” Dominic said between her chuckles towards Xavier,

“Was not!” he replied, “You were the one who had to flip me like that. If you didn’t then I would have heard him coming.”

“Why’d you give him the key?” Dominic argued, hand against her mouth, trying to contain her laughter.

“Can you guys explain already?” Zack cut them off jokingly which made Dominic look back at us casually. The nerves from before gone completely.

“Xavier and I were training in his gym room and Xavier had forgotten that Arthur was going to come over that day and that he had previously given him the key to the house. We were sparing and during it I had flipped Xavier so I was on top of him, holding him down when Arthur came in,” Dominic started laughing and turned to Arthur, “Your reaction was hilarious. You were like, ‘WHAT THE FUCK?!” Dominic mimicked and Xavier burst out laughing causing us to do so as well.

“How else was I supposed to react?” Arthur argued, finding this less funny. “My baby sister, who I thought was dead by the way, was on top of my friend who is ten years older than her as if they were going to fuck. Of course, I was going to be shook!” He exclaimed which made us laugh even more.

“Man, it’s good to be back!”


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