The Mysterious Demon

Chapter 42 You Look Great

-Dominic’s POV-

-Hey M. D we haven’t seen ya in a while, mind giving us some entertainment?

I looked down at the text for a moment. It was from one of the guys on a charge of setting up the street fights. I responded back to the text saying ‘I’ll be there’ but that wasn’t why I was hesitant.

Why wasn’t it Xavier? I thought as I packed my things and got ready for tonight.

Normally we’d let each other know when our fights were and when to arrive even if Xavier was a bit less dependant on me and did most of it all on his own, I’d still always hear from him. However, ever since I got out of jail I hadn’t heard anything from Xavier and that was worrying. Even if he was the strongest street fighter in the world, that didn’t make me any less worried for him.

He was the closest thing I had to family for a large portion of my life. He was my rock, my support. he cared a lot about me and I cared a lot about him. We just expressed it in our fists rather than our words.

It wasn’t long before it was 11 pm and time for me to get going. I made my way through the back entrance of the bar and stood faced with the guard. He quickly moved out of my way and let me in once seeing me approach. He was afraid of me like a lot of other people in this bar was but the fear was well deserved.

When I first started trying to get into this bar in order to fight, I had to countless things such as sneaking in, asking for free passes and faking my identity but soon Xavier told me I had to prove my strength in order to be able to fight here comfortably. And that’s what I did. I had a fight with the guard. That was the only way I could gain his respect and fear. This was also what attracted the owner to having me work here. Now I have all the respect I need as a fighter.

I walked inside with confident strides towards the street fighter’s section. Music was blasting in the background, alcohol was in the air and I could hear the multiple screams and shouts of people who are heard to both party and watch our fighters entertain. And although I preferred the smell of blood, sweat and tears over alcohol, my nose has started to remember it as if it was my natural smell.

Once I got to our designated area I came to see it was crowded as usual which made me smile. Nothing had changed in my absence. That’s what I had thought anyway, except when I started walking to my room I noticed the fighters would glance my way and move away before whispering to each other which caught my interest.

Whispering was not something us street fighters did.

It was obvious they were whispering about me but I decided to ignore it and keep walking but before I could reach my room I was spun around by a guy that I was fairly familiar with. “M. D.” he treated with his hands on my shoulders, holding them with a tight grip. I raised my eyes brow slightly looking straight at him. “Grinder.” I greeted back, a bit wary and even more worried about Xavier now.

“I don’t think you should go in there. Have a break! I think you need it!” He said, trying to pull me away from my door but I stood my ground. Have a break? I haven’t found it for two months. What’s he on about? I thought before replying, “No, I’m fine bruv. I was called in to come and fight.” I informed calmly, crossing my arms.

He looked nervous at my new position but kept trying to pull me away anyway. “No, you need to go,” he instructs but I didn’t have the patience for this. I took a tight grip on his wrist and twisted it behind his back in one swift move making him groan in pain. The room was already paying attention to us but now no one was trying to hide it.

I leaned back slightly to make sure the whole room heard when I said this, “Look, alright, you don’t tell me what to do.” I said and let him go with a little push. This time he turned back but didn’t try to stop me.

I had finally got to my door and reached for the handle but paused mid-way and stared at it.

The door used to have the sign, ‘M. D and Champ’ engraved on it but it had now changed. Who the fuck was Angel? I thought in almost anger as I looked at the new engraved sign that now read, ‘The Champ and Angel’.

Confusion settles in. Could he have-? I thought whilst opening the door slowly but as I did, my confusion turned into realisation. He replaced me. I stood in anger, hands trembling in utter anger, but more than anything, I was upset.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

I watched as he trained her, running through a basic punch. She had an ill form too, unbalanced. There was nothing strong or threatening about it.

She then leaned in close to Xavier and giggled seductively into his ear still unknowing that I was at the door. Watching that was when I snapped.

“What the fuck?” I almost shouted which made Xavier’s head snap in my direction almost immediately. “You replaced me with a fuck buddy?” I asked, stepping forward, letting the door slam behind me.

If she had actually been a good fighter then I wouldn’t have been as mad but that wasn’t the case at all. She was nowhere near worthy of replacing me.

Xavier looked down in -what I hoped- was a shame, leaving my questions unanswered. The bitch, on the other hand, snarled at me, walking towards me with daring confidence until our faces were inches away from each other.

“You bet he did bitch. And guess what? I’m way. Better. Than. You.” she said, poking my chest with each word. I’m going to kill her. “Stop it, Clair,” Xavier ordered from behind her with a sigh, still without looking at me in the eye which made me ball my hands into fists. That coward.

“No, because she needs to know her place-” Clair started saying but I didn’t give her the pleasure of finishing that sentence because instead, my fist made contact with her cheek and then a kick was made onto her stomach, making her fall and cry out in pain. I kneeled down next to her, making sure to look down on her with disgust.

“My place will forever be above you.”

I stated which seemed to spike her anger. She tried reaching for my hair but I was smarter than that. I punched her back down before she had the chance. I was about to go for another blow when a larger hand told of my own. I looked back with murder in my eyes to see Xavier holding me back, still avoiding eye contact.

I stood up after that, getting the message. I’m not wanted here. I then took a few slow steps back. Surprisingly, Xavier’s hold was firm as if he didn’t want to let me go and yet when he did it was soft and gentle, as if with sorrow.

I watched as the chick clung onto Xavier after I moved back. Crying into his chest making him look away from her. He hated people crying. In the bar, it was a sign of weakness and, in this case, embarrassment on his side.

-Xavier’s POV-

I hated this woman. Picking a fight with one of the world’s strongest street fighters and then crying in front of her when defeated. It was humiliating not only for her but for me.

I couldn’t wait to get out of this situation. One I wish I wasn’t in, to begin with. But I didn’t have much of a choice. During the two months Dominic was away, the bar needed another way to interest people. That way was by using Clair, a stripper as a fill-in fighter for M. D. Clair’s fighting skill was almost at zero but people like seeing the role play her and the other acting fighter put on and that was deemed good enough.

I hated it though. It was the exact opposite of what Dominic was fighting for, the aim that I respected so much. And now one of the heads of the bar has put Clair on my shoulders, thinking she may be a good profit competitor to The Mysterious Demon. I couldn’t argue with them either, my income was on the line.

I didn’t know if telling this to Dominic was the right decision though. Right now, she was angry, a state where I wouldn’t be able to convince her of anything even if I tried.

Whether she would forgive me after this or not I didn’t know. I wouldn’t be surprised if she never wanted to trust me again after this, even if I was supposed to be the only person she could put her faith into. No matter what excuse, I let her down.

“Haha see? You can’t fight me! You can’t defeat me bitch! I have the Champ!” I cringed at Clair’s words. She was the one in tears and she still had the nerve to spit out something like that? Dominic could ruin her life!

I half expected Dominic to lash out in anger like she did a second ago but instead she gave a sympathetic chuckle before casually turning around. “I stopped myself from killing you, you slut. But if you really insist on fighting me then get stronger. Get stronger and I dare you to try and fight me in the competition next week. At least then I won’t be stopped.” She challenged head half to the side.

My eyes went wide. Fuck. That was the first time she had personally challenged someone to a fight. I tried to contain a grin from forming. She’s matured.

I looked up at her but was then temporarily frozen. Our eyes met and I knew she wasn’t only talking about ‘Angel’. She was challenging me too which made a chill go down my spine.

After that, she started taking long strides towards our door but just as she was going to open it I called out to her,


She stopped in her tracks but didn’t turn around. Instead, like before, she turned her head a little to the side, letting me know she was paying attention. I stood up quickly. Not caring that the action made Clair fall and whine next to me.

Apologising to Dominic now would be a waste of time. She wasn’t going to accept my apology. Instead, I asked something else with my arms outstretched to the side.

“How do I look?”

It was a stupid question that had nothing to do with the situation at hand, but I knew. I knew this question would determine Dominic and I’s a future relationship.

Normally, when I would ask this question, she would say I looked awful. That was just the relationship we had, it was our nature. We would both laugh at it. It was normal. It was us.

But if she says anything else then-

“You look great.”

I’ve lost her.


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