The Mafia’s Seductress



Once off the plane, everyone was in full beast mode.

“Dad you, Jacob and his team, Ric, Tony, get into position around the house incase he tries to run again. Johnny, Case and their buddies will be on the roof.” They all nod.

“Alfie, Ish, Javi, Rico and myself are with Isa. We know the plan and I want no mistakes. Rodrigo does not live to see the next day. Understood?” Again, they nod. With everyone in position, Rafael took me by the arm and we made our way to the front door of the safe house.

“Remember baby, this is just acting. Put on a good show for them. Make it convincing.” He kissed my head.

“I love you kitten.” We get into view of the door and see a man with a large gun standing gaurd.

“You must be some kind of stupid boy! Walking up here like you own the place!” He screamed and pointed his gun at us.

“I’m here to make a deal with your boss.” Rafael’s voice was cold and emotionless.

“Oh yeah? And what deal would that be?” The gaurd laughed.

“Give me Josie and he can have Isadora.” Rafael stated. Okay Isa .. breathe. You can do this. Make it convincing.

“What !?” I screamed and tried to shake loose his grip on my arm.

“You lied to me !?”

“Shut up.” He spat and yanked me forward.

“Well. Would you look at that. Seems you haven’t lost your old ways Shiv. Still fucking girls and tossing them aside like trash.” The gaurd chuckled.

“Shut the fuck up and go get your bos lap dog” Rafael growled. The gaurd glared at him with intent to kill but Rafael kept his cool. Not even a hint of nervousness. One of his men ran into the house and came back with Rodrigo standing behind him.

“Nice to see you again Isadora.” He smiled.

“Cut the bullshit Rodrigo. Do you want her or not?” Rafael was very convincing. Even i started to believe him for a second.

“Trouble in paradise? You would so willing hand over your prized possession for the redheaded whore?” How dare he call her a whore! I balled

“Answer my fucking question.” Rafael seethed. Rodrigo walked past his gaurds, out into the open. Big mistake asshole. I glance behind Rafael and see him give a signal.

“I don’t believe you.” Rodrigo said glaring at him.

“What’s not to believe? I’m here aren’t I? Ready and willing to make a trade.”

“Prove it.” Rodrigo smirked. “Hit her.” I looked back at Rafael who was smiling. “Unless you’re lying? Then there’s no reason for me to keep that redheaded bitch alive.” Rodrigo raised a finger in the air.

Rafael turned to me and I could see it in his eyes. He didn’t want to do it but this is to get Josie back and kill this son of a bitch for good. He backhanded me hard. This may have been all part of the show, but oh he will pay for that later. I dropped to the ground. Rodrigo put his finger down and clapped.

“Well, I didn’t think you had it in you! Well done.” He looked back at his gaurds.

“Get the bitch.” He demanded. His gaurds nod and go into the house. When Rodrigo turned back, he witnessed a large grin on Rafael’s face. The gaurds came running back, screaming.

“She’s gone!”

“What !?” Rodrigo yelled. Rafael picked me up off the ground and kissed my cheek where he hit me. He gently pushed me backwards towards where his brothers were hiding. I feel multiple arms catch me. The sound of metal ripping open flesh filled my ears and I see Johnny and Case slicing the gaurds throats. Rodrigo panicked looking at Rafael.

“You’ve pushed me too far Rodrigo. Too fucking far.” We see Cass with a battered and bruised Josie in his arms, walking from beside the house. I let out a sigh of relief to see she was alive and not too seriously injured.

“Gaurds!” Rodrigo shouted in a panic. Rafael’s laugh was cold. Sending shivers down my spine, and not the good kind. He wasn’t Rafael, he was The Shiv.

“Your gaurds and crew are dead, and soon, you will be joining them. But first, I’m gonna have some fun with you.” Rafael smiled.

“Fuck you!” Rodrigo spit at Rafael’s feet.

“You’re weak! Just like my pathetic excuse for a father!” “I think you’re gonna be my greatest work of art yet.” Rafael chuckled. He pulled out two blades and threw them at Rodrigo. Both planted themselves in his shoulders making him fall to the ground and scream. Rafael rushed over to him, hovering above him. “Now hold still.” He yanked one blade out and held it to Rodrigo’s throat.

“Scream all you want. It’s my second favorite sound in the world. In case you’re wondering, my first favorite is the sound your flesh is gonna make when my blade slices through it.” With that, Rafael went at it. Slashing and cutting up Rodrigo’s body. Blood was spurting everywhere. Flesh and muscle were literally flying off of his corpse. Taking the other blade out of Rodrigo’s shoulder, Rafael cut his throat slowly. Dragging the blade and watching as Rodrigo’s blood pooled around him.

When he was finally done, he stood up, breathing heavy. Rodrigo’s body was sliced ​​up from head to toe. Not a single inch was left untouched. Rafael dropped the blades and turned around, looking straight at me. He ran and wrapped me up in his arms. “I’m sorry baby! I’m so fucking sorry I hit you! Are you alright !?” I nodded and pulled away from him.

He looked a little hurt but it was soon replaced with shock when I reared my hand back and slapped the shit out of him. Hard.

“That will never happen again.” I said sternly. He nodded, I grabbed his face and kissed him. I let him go and run over to Josie.

“Are you okay?” She wrapped her arms around me and cried.

“Thank you.” She balled into my shoulder. I rub her back to sooth her.

“I love you J.”Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I love you too.” She sobbed. I turn back to Rafael.

“Let’s go home.”


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