The Mafia Contract Series

Book 2 —C34

Hot tea and brandy are being handed out in the most surreal gathering I have ever witnessed.

Two dead bodies lie slain in a building I never want to see again in my life and four of us are wrapped in blankets, shivering by the open fire. Angelo has his arm around me and won’t let go for a minute as Daphne and Eddie huddle together in terrified shock. Joe, Eddie’s father, looks destroyed as he stares into space and the room is full of silent menace as everyone comes to terms with what just happened.

I killed my father and Daphne did the same to our mother. We will burn in Hell after serving life for murder. I can’t even comprehend the enormity of this situation and I suppose I’m in shock as I tremble in my husband’s arms.

After a long while, Angelo takes control of the situation and says in a commanding voice. “What happened today stays in this room. We will never speak of it again.”

He addresses his men and says firmly, “Arrange a clean-up crew and Joe…” The beaten man looks up in fear as Angelo says cruelly, “Pull yourself together and take control.”

“I’m sorry.” He blinks as if he’s been dragged from a darkened cave into the sunlight and Angelo growls, “You are the underboss of the Rossi family and in the absence of the Don you step up and take control. You now answer to me as the husband of the eldest daughter, and this family is now part of my own. Do I make myself clear?”

He snaps out of his trance as Angelo offers him a lifeline and says gruffly, “Don Sontauro, you have my loyal service.”

I watch in amazement as Eddie shrugs off his blanket and stands beside his father and says in a proud voice, “Mine too.”

One by one, my father’s soldiers move to stand beside them and offer their own pledges of loyalty and I can’t check the tears that fall as I realize what’s happening. It’s over. For every last one of us, because now fear has been replaced by hope.

As I stare at my husband, words aren’t enough to explain how much this means to me and as his eyes glitter with power, I whisper, “You have mine too.”

Daphne stands and moves beside Eddie and says bravely, “Mine too.” Then I’m shocked when Roberto moves to stand beside the Rossi family and says in a deep voice, “You have mine, too.”This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

One by one they come and pledge their allegiance to their Don and my heart is so full of love for this man who has set my family free and given me the world.

Angelo takes my hand and pulls me to my feet and nods. “Then we know where we stand. Joe and Eddie will take over and report back to me. Daphne will take on the running of this house but now we must leave you to deal with the shock.

“We’re leaving?” I’m concerned about that because it’s obvious that Daphne needs help and Mrs.

Castle steps forward and places her hand in my sister’s and nods to me, mouthing, “I’ll take care of her.”

The tears blind me as I head toward my sister and as we cling together, I kiss her soft cheek that looks so raw with pain. “I’ll be back very soon. I promise.”

She sobs in my arms, and I glance across at Eddie and say firmly, “Take care of her. And of yourself, Eddie.”

He wraps his arm around her and offers me a small smile. “I love her, Mrs. Sontauro. I will do anything for her.”

The pure love in their eyes reminds me of my own situation. Angelo likes to control me and that’s all this is. I’m his and he protects me, but just once, I wish he looked at me like that.

A strong hand on my back reminds me I have a duty and, emotionally drained, I turn and walk away.

IT’S ONLY when we’re in the car that it hits me, and I start shaking as soon as we pull away from the horror of what just happened.

Angelo is thoughtful and just rests his hand in mine, which is the only comfort I get as he starts rattling off a list of things needed to Roberto, who listens keenly. They are discussing the business of merging our two families, and only the fact they left Giovanni behind tells me we’re now one powerful force to be reckoned with. A merger of the deadliest kind and the only emotion in me is pride. I killed my father, and I will never forget how good that felt.

WE MAKE it home and I’m emotionally drained. Mrs. Bourne heads out to meet us and looks concerned. “Ma’am, let me help you.”

I look down and see my blood-soaked dress and feel no emotion, which should worry me because I suppose I’m in shock and it may manifest into problems later.

I’m surprised when Angelo says roughly, “We don’t have long. We need to shower and change if we’re going to make the restaurant on time.”

“Angelo!” I can’t believe what I’m hearing, and he says coolly, “We have business to attend to and I will not let my sister down.”

It strikes me how calm he is, as if the past few hours never happened and I wonder about that. Is this his life? Murder, revenge and mutilation before showering and heading off to a swanky restaurant uptown.

I’m not sure I can cope with this and as I hesitate, he growls angrily, “You will shower, change and look like a queen because you are my wife, and you will be expected to play your part.”

Mrs. Bourne looks so wretched I’m almost sorrier for her than me and as Angelo strides upstairs, I follow him quickly, pushing away the trauma and focusing on what he needs me to do.

I’M NOT sure how we do it, but I meet Angelo downstairs in less than an hour and my mouth waters when I find him waiting in his black suit with a crisp white shirt, as always looking like the successful mafia Don he is.

His eyes burn as they set fire to my soul and even though I am now a murderer, I can’t see past my desire for this man. I’ve taken a leaf out of his book and pushed the trauma away to deal with another day because something about the serious tone to his voice told me tonight is more important than I think it is.

His eyes glitter as I walk toward him in a white linen pantsuit, with a black silk camisole beneath.

I have tried so hard to be the perfect wife for him and dressed accordingly to complement my husband. He was there for me when I needed him most, and I will never forget that. He dropped everything to be with me and then dealt with the most horrific situation with a calm authority that was needed.

Now it’s my turn to stand shoulder to shoulder with him and so I must put aside what happened today and focus on getting through this evening.

“You are beautiful.” His soft voice of appreciation makes me shiver inside as he slides his arm around my waist and presses a gentle kiss to my cheek. He whispers, “Be strong, Jasmine. I need you to be the strongest you have ever been, and tonight we talk.”

“What do you mean-talk?”

I’m surprised and wonder what’s going through his mind and he says huskily, “We have much to say, but not now. There is something I need to tell you, but it must wait because this dinner is the most important thing in my life right now and I need your support.”

I nod and step away, gathering my defenses around me like the most impenetrable armor and as we proceed to the door, he shuts himself away in that dark place in his mind and I know that I’ve lost him-for now, anyway.

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