The Mafia Contract Series

Book 2 —C31

I get the call almost as soon as we set off from the town. David’s father called and informed me of Jasmine’s whereabouts and a white heat tore through me as I pictured her heading back to the Rossi mansion without me. “Why the fuck didn’t David call me?” I snarl down the phone and Scott says nervously, “I’m sorry, sir. He asked me to call and tell you because apparently, your wife was distressed about a conversation regarding her sister, and he didn’t want to add to her worry.”

“What call?” It’s as if all the control is slipping away from me because it appears I’m the last one to be told anything around here and he says gruffly, “Mrs. Bourne is worried about her and said she didn’t seem herself after the call. She was a little distracted and told David she needed her medication that she left behind. I’m sorry, sir, I thought you should be informed.”

I dial David’s cell right after cutting the conversation and as soon as he answers, I growl ominously, “If that car moves an inch before we get there, I’ll kill you. Lock her in and wait for us, and that is a direct order.”

As I cut the call, Roberto looks around. “Problem?”

“You could say that. It appears that when you take a wife, they bring a lot of unnecessary baggage with them.”

“So, what’s your plan?”

“We go and find her.”

This is just what I need–a distraction to keep my men from the mansion while the cameras are installed. Not that I’m looking forward to spending any time with Franco Rossi and his disgusting wife, but it will kill the hours between now and meeting my sister and her bastard husband.

This truly is the day from hell.

As we drive, I can tell Roberto has questions and I hope that Giovanni isn’t telling him anytime soon and as we head toward the city boundary, I am preoccupied with what the hell I’m going to do about the shit I’m in.

JUST OVER ONE HOUR LATER, we see the car on the edge of the road, and I pray to God Jasmine is ok in there. Just the image of her walking back into that vile house sets me on edge and as the door opens and David helps her out, I snap at Giovanni to ride with David and follow us close behind.

To be fair, he looks more than happy about that and as soon as I see Jasmine’s anxious face, my heart sighs with relief. She’s angry but unharmed, and that’s all I care about right now.

She waits until she’s seated beside me, and the partition is closed before saying angrily, “I could have been there by now. You don’t know what you have done.”

“Then tell me because after the day I’m having, I could use some light relief.”

“Light relief.” She stares at me incredulously. “If you think my sister being imprisoned and married off to some creep my father has arranged and her current boyfriend probably being hung drawn and quartered as we speak, then yes, I’d call that light relief.”

She is positively fuming, and I say quickly, “What are you talking about?”

“Don Torino’s son Sebastian. I mean, why him? My father hates Don Torino, and it’s miles away.

Daphne will be all alone on the other side of the country, locked in hell with a sadist.”

“Don Torino.” My defenses are raised because this is not a coincidence. Don Torino is closely allied with Massimo, and they are the best of friends. Franco told me he despised Massimo, which makes me wonder why he would allow this. It was why he agreed to my own marriage, and I wonder if he’s assuring everything’s covered. He can’t lose and is protected on all sides, and it’s like the biggest betrayal in a day that they are spilling out of the gutters. Then the rest of the conversation registers and I say quickly, “Her boyfriend?”

“Yes, Angelo. Daphne fell in love despite everything with Eddie, the son of my father’s underboss, Joe. It appears they were caught together, and Daphne is locked in her room awaiting her marriage and I’m guessing Eddie is in a bad way by now and from what Mrs. Castle said, his father is too.”

“Are you telling me Franco has his underboss strung up next to his son?”

I’m astounded, and she says angrily, “Why are you surprised? You know what a bastard he is.”

“And what will you achieve by going in there alone?” I am so angry, and she puts her head in her hands and sobs, “I just want to save my sister. I didn’t plan it out. I just wanted to get there.”All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

I sympathize more than she knows because I’m the same with Winter. I’m so powerless against her husband and yet I won’t give up. The cards are stacked high against us, and yet I’m still desperate to free her. Free us all from the disease that is Massimo Delauren.

How can I be angry that Jasmine feels the same about her sister, so I say gruffly, “Leave it to me.

I’ll sort it.”

Pulling her against me, I rub her shoulder and offer her comfort when only one thing will work. I need to save her sister, but it won’t be easy because interfering in another man’s business could make a very bad day a lot worse.

WE REACH the Rossi mansion and Jasmine can’t stop her foot from tapping, making me snap. “Relax, don’t let them see your fear.”

“That’s easy for you to say. You have none.”

She turns away and I remember how hard I’ve worked to control my fear. I hide it away in a deep, dark corner of my soul and never let it surface. If it does, it will be the end, for me, anyway, and so I say gruffly, “I mean it. Take a deep breath and don’t make them think this is anything but a family visit.

Trust me, I’ll sort this.”

She turns and looks so hopeful I feel like the biggest bastard alive and hope I can follow through on my promise and as the gates swing open as they register the plate, I hope to God today is the day I get to end Franco Rossi’s miserable life.

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