The Mafia Contract Series

Book 2 —C28

When Angelo leaves, I spend the morning trying to repair the damage from the night before. I must soak in the tub for at least an hour, and it’s so good to calm the ache between my thighs. It’s not only there either. It’s as if I’ve been in a car wreck because my whole body feels bruised and sore. He was rough, almost as much as he was gentle, and as I relive every delicious moment, I find myself disappointed that we’re heading out tonight.

I only want him. To be close to him and to share my body with him because I can’t breathe properly when he’s not around. What if something happens to him and he doesn’t come home? Back to me and to this bubble we have created where we shut the world out. It could all end in hours, which is why I told him what I heard. The fact he reached out and drew me closer told me I had done the right thing. My loyalty is with him now and it feels good.

My day is spent pampering myself and resting after the hard night before. Around lunchtime I wander into the kitchen and meet a smiling Mrs. Bourne, who slides a coffee across the marbled counter.

“How are you today?” Her kindness as always wraps me in comfort, and I smile happily. “I’m good, thanks. You know…” I sigh with pleasure. “I’m going to like living here.”

“That’s good to hear.” The slight twinkle in her eye makes me giggle and for a moment, I enjoy a sense of freedom I have never had before.

“Is Marianne around?” I was hoping to catch up with her and Freya after school and maybe go for a walk in the grounds or something.

“Sorry, love, she’s taken Freya out for the day.”

“She has.”

I’m a little surprised and note that Mrs. Bourne looks as confused as I am. “She came and asked me after breakfast. Apparently, Don Sontauro called her husband aside this morning and told him to take his family out for the day.”

“He did?”

I’m surprised at that and a little anxious because what is he playing at?

Mrs. Bourne also looks confused and shrugs. “It surprised me too, but perhaps he’s a little happier than normal and felt generous.” She winks, causing me to smile because I hope she’s right. I like knowing that my husband’s happy and yet I’m certain there’s more to it than that.

Mrs. Bourne sighs and I watch her grab a large tray from the cupboard and start loading it with snacks and a few mugs.

“Who are they for?”

“The workers.”

“What workers?”

I’m curious and she shrugs. “I was surprised too, but Don Sontauro told Benson he was expecting workmen on site today and to make sure they were fed.”

“What are they doing?”

It’s the first I’ve heard of this, and she shakes her head. “Who knows, but they will be done by early afternoon, apparently, so it can’t be much.”

“Can I take the tray?”

She looks startled. “I don’t…” “Please, Mrs. Bourne, I’m curious, I guess, and they must be trustworthy because Angelo arranged them.”

“I suppose, but I insist David goes with you.”

“Who’s David?” I’m confused, and she looks surprised. “Did he forget to mention? Typical.

David is your own personal guard. His job is to keep you safe and make sure you’re protected.”

“Since when?”

“Since you arrived. Didn’t you know?”

Actually, Angelo did mention something about a guard, and I’m surprised I haven’t met him yet.


She nods and types out a text and I wonder if I’ll be allowed a phone. I would love to call Daphne and check in on her. I need to hear she’s safe, at least.

“Mrs. Bourne…” She looks up and I say anxiously. “I don’t suppose I could use your phone to call my sister.”

“I don’t see why not.” She looks curious. “You must miss her.”

“I do–a lot. She is all I’ve had for my entire life.”

She looks sad. “It must be hard. The Don misses Winter too. It must be agony not seeing her.”

“But we are.” She looks up in surprise. “Tonight, apparently. We’re having dinner with them.”

“With Winter and Don Delauren?”

Mrs. Bourne looks shocked. “Didn’t you know?” I’m surprised and hope she hasn’t prepared a meal already and she sighs, seeming troubled. “He told me you were dining out, but not who with.

That’s not surprising though because I’m never told the details. I’m surprised because it will be the first time they’ve met since the funeral. It’s a good sign though, don’t you agree?”

“I guess.”

We are interrupted when a deep voice says, “Ma’am.”

I see a young man around Angelo’s age heading toward me, looking curious.

“Oh. Hi, I’m Jasmine, you must be David.” I say nervously and he stares at Mrs. Bourne as she says with a smile, “Don’t be offended if he doesn’t use your name, Mrs. Sontauro. I hope you won’t mind, but it’s not how things work around here. To the staff you are Mrs. Sontauro, or ma’am. If you don’t like it, you’ll have to take up with the Don.”

I’m surprised but understand how things work. My own parents were never referred to by their names and my heart sinks when I sense my life running parallel with theirs.

“That’s fine. I understand.”

I offer him a small smile and wonder if I can still make that call and Mrs. Bourne must have a sixth sense because she nods to David and says firmly, “We need you to call Mrs. Sontauro’s family home and ask to speak to her sister Daphne.”

He says nothing and pulls his phone from his pocket and starts scrolling. Mrs. Bourne adds, “The number should be on the contact database.”

“Oh.” How do I not even know my own home phone number? It reminds me of what a princess I’ve been all my life. I’ve never had to do the basic things most people take for granted and it appears nothing’s changed here. I wish I could have my own things, my own life and not have to ask anyone for help all the time, but I guess it’s all down to security as always.

I’m surprised when he hands me the phone and when I hear the familiar voice of our own housekeeper, Mrs. Castle, the tears spring to my eyes as I’m transported back to a previous life.

“It’s me, Jasmine.”

Her sharp intake of breath makes me smile and she whispers down the phone, “Are you ok, love?

I’ve been so worried about you.”

“I’m good, thanks, to be honest, more than good.”

I sense my companions listening in and move away to the bifold doors and stare across the manicured lawn.

“Can I speak to Daphne? Is she there?”

The brief silence causes me concern, and her voice shakes a little. “She’s not available, love. I’m sorry.”

“Where is she?”

There is something in her tone of voice that’s not helping my anxiety and she whispers, “I’m sorry. I can’t say, but I’ll tell her you called.”

“Please, Mrs. Castle, is she ok?”

My heart is thumping as she tries to reassure me. “She’s fine, just a little shaken up, and the doctor gave her a sedative to help her sleep.”

“What happened?”

My mind is racing with horrors, and she sighs. “Y our parents are angry; you know how things are. She’s confined to her room.”

“But she’s, ok?” This is not going well and I’m so fearful for her.

“Listen, love …” I hold my breath as she whispers fiercely, “She’s alive, and that’s a very good thing. She is to be married to a man of your father’s choosing and she didn’t agree with his choice.

I’m afraid she’s coming to terms with it and will be taken tomorrow.”


My head is spinning, and I’m sick with worry.

“Don Torino’s son, Sebastian.”

“Why him?”This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I’m shocked because Don Torino is a bigger bastard than my father and I thought they hated one another.

“Who knows how this business works, Jasmine?” She sighs heavily. “I’m guessing it’s business, as always.”

My heart is breaking for Daphne and Eddie, because where does this leave them? I was resigned that it was never going to work and if anything, at least their relationship was never discovered but marriage into that family, it’s a disaster.

Mrs. Castle says with an urgent whisper, “Listen, I’ll have to be quick in case anyone overheard, but your father found out about Eddie. It’s not good.”


My heart thumps as she sighs. “They were seen, and Daphne has been locked in her room and Eddie-well, I’m guessing you can picture his fate.”

“But his father, he works for mine, won’t he protect him?”

“It’s not looking good for him either, Jasmine. Trust me, you are well out of it. Daphne will be soon. It’s my only hope so I can breathe easily again.”

She raises her voice and says with no emotion, “I’m sorry, Jasmine. Daphne is out today.”

I hear the sharp tones of my mother as she barks, “Is that Jasmine? Give me the phone.”

My heart races as I prepare to be transported back to Hell, and she says roughly, “Why are you calling? Have you let the family down again, you stupid bitch?”

“No, I was just checking in.” I inject some steel into my tone. “I mean, I thought you may be worried or something.”

The sarcastic edge to my voice obviously registers because she snaps, “I don’t have time for your tantrums. God knows I’ve raised two daughters who have let me down in every way. Thank God you’re off my hands at least and you had better not let the family down. If your father believed for one minute your new husband was displeased with you, he would send you to the afterlife himself. Now don’t call us again unless you have something that will benefit this family.”

She cuts the call and so many emotions roll into a balled fist deep inside my gut. Daphne is in trouble and I’m not there to help. I am powerless to help her and just hearing the venom in my mother’s voice, transported me back to a place I cower in fear from. It’s like a flashback to when I had my soul ripped from inside me and I’m guessing Daphne’s life has taken a distinct turn for the worse and I need to check she’s ok but how?

Mrs. Bourne clears her throat. “The tray is ready. I can deal with it if you need a moment.”

As if in a trance, I hand the phone to David and try to muster a smile. “It’s fine. I’ll do it.”

As she hands me the tray, I walk on autopilot to the door that David holds open for me and as we head outside, I can’t think about anything other than my sister, who is probably going through her own personal hell right now.

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