The Lycan King’s Breeder


Chapter 70: Avalyn’s POV

“We can’t stay here Ava. We can’t fucking stay here!” Emily hissed for the umpteenth time.

She moved to the small window beside the bed and tested the strength of the bars.

“If I can break this, I can jump down and get help-”

I let out a loud sigh that interrupted her suicidal ideas. “Emily you will die. Have you seen how far up we are?” I asked her from my corner of the bed.

She shook her head and looked out again. “Listen, you don’t fucking understand Ava! Desmond is a monster. He is going to kill us and the goddess knows I will break all the bones in my body first before I let him touch you or the baby in your womb!”

I looked down at my belly and rubbed it. “I don’t know Emily… I don’t feel pregnant… What if it’s a lie?”

She turned to look at me from the window. Her shoulders slumped and she came to sit with me. “You look pale Ava. You threw up three times ever since you woke up. Your pulse is faster, I think they are right,” she whispered.

Tears danced in my eyes. I didn’t want to be pregnant in this place. I didn’t want to lose my baby again.

Emily pulled me into her and patted my back. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise,” she whispered.

We were still in that position when the door suddenly burst open.

Emily jumped to her feet and stood in front of me in a defensive stance.

The guard gave her a long look before scoffing. His hands were behind him. He brought one forward and threw a long black dress toward me.

Emily caught it swiftly and threw it back at the man’s feet.

“What the fuck is this?” She hissed like a snake.

The man’s eyes turned dark and he bent over to pick up the dress again. “He mentioned you were quite a handful,” he muttered.

The hair at the back of my neck stood as fear crawled at me. This one wasn’t like the other guards, he was a killer and he wouldn’t hesitate to do it.

“What do you fucking want from us?” Emily growled like a wounded Lioness.

An evil line grew on his face as he threw the dress in my direction. Emily caught it again but this time before she could throw it back at the man, I took it from her.

His head cocked to the side and he fixed his eyes on me.

“I don’t want anything from you. We only want Avalyn. The boss wants to have dinner with her in ten minutes. Wear that dress and meet me outside. If in ten minutes you are not done, I will come back here and kill the princess,” he finished and my blood turned cold.

“You must be fucking dreaming! She is not going anywhere with you!” Emily yelled.

The man pulled up his second hand and there was a gun in it. “Maybe I should kill you now and tell the boss it was a mistake,” he said and before I knew what was happening, he fired a shot at Emily.

“Emily!” I yelled as Emily fell to the ground.

My heart started ramming into my chest. My head started spinning and I feared I was going to pass out.

“Fuck!” She cried out and I looked down at her to see that the shut was to her leg and not her head.

“You missed you fucking idiot!” She winced.

The man chuckled and returned the gun to his back. “That was a warning.” Then he looked at me, “you are down five minutes. I’ll be outside,” he said and stepped out of the room.

My hands were trembling and my vision was blurred by my tears but I moved to the dress and started putting it on.

“Do not listen to him, he is bluffing,” Emily winced on the ground as she tried to pull out the bullet.

“I am not going to let them kiss you, Emily…” I whimpered. “Monty will come here with Talon and they will save us both, alive! Please, let me do this,” I said as I struggled out of my clothes and wore the dress.

“Aah!” Emily screamed as she yanked the bullet out of her leg. Her hands were bloodied as she looked at it. “Fuckers smeared it with silver. It will take some time before I heal…” she explained to me.

I shook my head because all I got from her explanation was that she could die if that man returned to shoot her again.

Like a curse, the door flew open and the man cocked his gun again.

“I am ready! I am ready!” I yelled running toward the door. “Please don’t shoot her,” I pleaded.

He looked at me and smiled. “Good. You are learning. Let’s go,” he said.

“If any of you fucking touches get I am going to-” Emily’s voice got drowned as the man shut the door. He sealed it with at least seven locks before he pulled my hand and led me through a rickety wooden stair.

When we stepped out into the night air, the burning torches in the distance caught my eyes.

Unlike within the building, there was no electricity outside. There were burning torches lining the path. If I wasn’t kidnapped, I would have thought the scenery was beautiful.

We were in the middle of a cleared portion of the forest and from the cold breeze blowing against my skin, I could tell there was a river nearby.

The torched path opened to a bigger space and there was a large table at the center with only four chairs. The table was filled with different kinds of food. And candles served as a source of light.

At the head of the table, the tall man from earlier -the one they called Desmond, sat there boring his eyes into my body.

The guard pulled a chair closer to Desmond and pushed me into it. Then he bowed at him and walked back the way we had come.

“Forgive my men’s barbaric attitude. Thank you for joining me,” he said with that crack of a smile, I could never forget.

I just looked at him, not knowing what to say.

He picked up his cutleries and started eating his food. “You should eat. It’s going to be a long night,” he said.

I looked at the food and remembered Monty’s warning. They might have poisoned it, I’d rather starve.

“You know, Avalyn, you remind me so much of your mother,” he began and he gained my attention.

“You knew my mother?” I asked.

“Mary was a beautiful woman. Those green eyes haunted my dreams till I became obsessed with her but you know what she did?” He dropped his cutleries and wiped the corners of his lips.

I shook my head as a cloud of confusion settled within me.

“She rejected me and ran off to the human town to be with your excuse of a father. I am so glad Talon murdered the fool… That’s one thing we agree on,” he whispered the last part to himself as he picked up his wine glass.

“Werewolves are meant to be with werewolves…” He turned his eyes to me and I felt a chill run down my spine. “Or with hybrids like you…”

“What do you mean?” I whispered. My brain refused to work. Nothing he said made any sense.

“Your mother was a werewolf and after she foolishly fell in love with that man, she gave birth to you and died. Now, I want you to take her place, the hole she left in my heart is still empty, Avalyn, I want you to fill it,” he said in a hoarse voice as his eyes danced with flames.

Surely, the man was mad. Because he couldn’t have my mother he thought he could have me?

“What do you say, my dear? I will give you everything you need…” he continued and I felt like puking.


I heard a very familiar voice call behind me and I turned to find Willow.

“Don’t be so surprised, she is my ally,” Desmond said with excitement, then he turned to glare at her with an automatic scowl on his face. “Why are you here?”

Rather than answer, she turned her cold deadly blue eyes on me. “What is she doing here?” She whispered harshly. “You were supposed to kill her! Why is she still alive?!”

“Relax my queen. You and I had a deal. You wanted her out and now she is, what I do with her is none of your business,” Desmond told her.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

Her eyes flashed in anger and she walked closer to him. “Listen, you are in trouble! Talon is coming-”

“Let him come, he will only get lost in the forest!” He said with a chuckle.

“You don’t understand!” Willow cried out desperately. “That stupid Monty told him about this location. He is coming right now with his army! You need to leave!”

The excitement in his dark eyes disappeared and rage replaced them. He looked like a psychopath, as he got up from his chair.

“How do you know this?” Desmond asked her.

“Because I had to kill the boy myself before he exposed me too!” She retorted and my heart cracked.

She killed Monty?

“Guards!” He yelled and about a dozen men appeared from the shadows.

“Take Avalyn, back to her room. We need to prepare for battle!” He ordered.

My heart started beating faster. I didn’t know if it was excitement or fear.

The guard dragged me back to the room and practically threw me inside. But thankfully, Emily caught me before I hit the floor.

“What’s going on outside?” Emily asked as she helped me to my feet.

“Umm… I-” I didn’t know where to start. “Monty is dead.”

Emily’s eyes expanded and a thousand emotions swirled in them, I understood a second later what she might have been thinking. “No, Talon is still coming. They are on their way…”

“How did you-” she started to ask but I shook my head.

“Willow. She is here. She is a traitor. She has been working with Desmond all along,” I told Emily.

“What?!” She brought her hands to her mouth and moved to the window again in shock. “I have always known that witch was full of shit, but this?”

Suddenly a blinding light filled the room and seconds later, an explosion followed, shaking the building from the core.

“They are here!” Emily announced running to the door. “We need to break this down!”

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