The love of a Mr. CEO


Oh mia cara, the game has just begun, I think to myself already having a plan before getting back to work with a smirk.

Amelia’s pov.

The next morning I woke up with a smile on my face from my blissful sleep. Feeling fully rested, I stretch making an unattractive strangled sound before hopping out of bed and straight to the bathroom. Jumping into the shower I quickly wash my body as well as shave before getting out and wrapping a fluffy towel around my body.

I walk out of my room immediately shivering from the cold air against my wet body. I walk into my closet and grab a pair of lacy red undergarments internally smirking at my plan for the day. For an outfit, I chose a flowy nude colored top with a black pencil skirt and black heels. Adding a black blazer, I also grab a simple long necklace and pearl earrings not wanting to overdo it. I skip to my vanity to start my make deciding on eyeliner, mascara and a dark red lip wanting to feel a tad sexy. For my hair, I comb through it and leave it as is liking the way my waves cascaded down my back. Nodding at my appearance in the mirror, I grab my nude bag and walk down stairs to the kitchen to grab something.

I grab my coffee cup and decide on making some vanilla chai tea not feeling too hungry. I walk out of my door and down the stairs to my car, sipping on my tea slightly moaning as the warm vanilla taste assaulted my taste buds. Getting into my car, I feel a buzz in my pocket and take it out seeing I received a text.

Good morning Angel;)

I. S

Smiling, I open my phone and send a quick text before starting my car.

What happened to mia cara, princessa;)

A. W

I smirk, knowing my nickname would irk him greatly. Not even a minute later I receive another text but wait not wanting to die while driving.

Five minutes later, I pull into the parking lot, cutting the engine and grab my phone to read his text.

What did I tell you about that nick name mia cara?

I. S

I giggle getting out of the car without responding, wanting to irritate him further. Walking into the building, I politely greet the receptionist while checking in before walking towards the cafe to grab Mr. Stone his coffee. As I walk through the cafeteria, I give polite smiles to my co workers, my gaze unfortunately landing on Melissa. She glares at me and I shoot her a menacing glare of my own but continue my way to grab the coffee.

I give the cashier my order making sure to add that it was for Mr. Stone hoping to speed up the wait. As I wait, I glance around the cafeteria hoping to spot Connor but to no avail.

“Guess he’s running late” I whisper to myself before I hear the cashier call out that my coffee was ready. With a quick thank you, I grab the coffee as well as a few napkins before making my way out of the cafe.

With coffee in hand, I get inside the elevator and slightly pull my skirt down out of habit. As the elevator ascended to the top floor, my heart slowly began to creep up my throat until it was sitting in my mouth when the doors opened. Swallowing my nerves, I step out of the elevators and make my way towards Mr. Stone’s office, opening it after gently knocking.

Stepping in and closing the door behind me, I glance up at Mr. Stone with a smirk seeing him already gazing at me. His features seemed to darken as he raked his eyes up and down my body visibly gulping.

“Good morning boss” I say with a sultry tone adding in an award winning smile.

I can see him snap out of his trance before giving me a curt nod to which my smile grows larger.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“I brought you a coffee” I add walking to his desk and setting down the cup along with the napkins.

“Thank you Ms. Winters” he replies with another nod.

I strutted to my desk adding a little sway in my hips before sitting down to start my work. I can feel his eyes following my every move until I glance up at him again before speaking.

“Anything you’d like me to get started on Mr. Stone” I ask batting my eyelashes innocently. His eyes darken again with hunger causing my insides to flutter at the attention.

“I need you to look over this power point I’ve created for any mistakes and then I want you to call Mr. Maxwell and ask him if he will stop by each of the different departments of my company to check if everything is running smoothly. After that I want you to take these papers and fax them over to each company attending the meeting set for this Monday” he instructs walking over to my desk to set all the necessary papers down. I give him a nod before opening my laptop to get started on revising the power point.

He still hasn’t moved from his spot and after a few moments of trying to concentrate I eventually look up.

“Why are you looking at me like that” I ask slightly confused.

“You look very enticing when you’re concentrated, not to mention how tempting you look in that outfit mia cara” he replies huskily effectively making my cheeks tinge and my heart to flutter. He walks even closer to my desk and leans forward to brush my hair behind my ear. His touch leaves my skin on fire and I can’t help the desire that fills my senses. I grab his hand, gently caressing it with my thumb before removing it from my face so I can think straight.

“If you keep talking like that, I won’t be able to finish my work” I sass slightly irritated but not wanting him to stop talking.

“My apologies mia cara but you should have thought about that before putting on that outfit” he chuckles before adding “I won’t be able to concentrate knowing you’re sitting arms length away from me in such tempting attire.”

I blush before shaking my head focusing back onto the power point ending our conversation. He hesitantly walks back to his desk and begins working leaving us in a comfortable silence. All that was heard in the silence was the scribbling of pens and tapping of computer keys.

The power point was basically about how expanding his company internationally can be a huge profit for not only Mr. Stone but any partnerships willing to join. There were a few minor grammar errors but other than that it was fine. My next task was to call Mr. Maxwell, so I grab the business card Mr. Stone left on my desk and dial the number on the card. It rings for a few seconds before a masculine voice picks up the phone.

“Is this James Maxwell” I ask wanting to confirm who the person was.

“This is he, may I ask who’s calling” he responds politely.

“Yes this is Amelia Winters, assistant of Mr. Stone and I’m calling to give you a very specific task assigned to you by Mr. Stone himself” I reply professionally keeping my voice light and friendly. The rest of the conversation goes uneventful and after a few moments, I’m starting my final task. I grab the stack of papers and the list of emails before standing up to make my way across the room to the fax.

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