The Lost Luna Is In Our Midst (Moon Goddess)

Danger is getting nearer

Cory Pov

“Cory, what is happening to you? Why have you been acting cold and distant for a while now? Is anything the matter? Is anyone bothering you? Are you alright? ” Ella asked all at once, she was dressed in her nightgown. And she looked genuinely worried and concerned.

“Look Ella, I am perfectly alright, and no one is bothering me! I just want to be alone, I am tired of everything, okay? ” I replied curtly, I guessed my reply surprised her because she kept looking at me with a widened mouth.

I didn’t mean to be cold, odd, and rude, but a lot of things have been going on lately, and I feel confused and worried. My mind has not been at rest, and I feel restless.

I can’t even sleep, I feel empty, I feel stressed.

“Why didn’t he pick up my call? Is he alright? Is he still mad at me? Can it be true?” A lot of thought passed through my mind, and I kept asking myself numerous questions.

Actually, all of this started when I woke up yesterday night.

I had a dream, it was more like a nightmare because it was really scary.

I am not the type that believes in dreams or vision, but this time around, I felt greatly bothered. The dream looked real, it was as though I experienced everything that happened in the dream in the real world.

I am not making things up, and neither am I imagining things. They need my help, my people are in a desperate and tough time, and they need their king to fight, and protect them.

But I just can’t return back, I’ve left everything already. They won’t accept me back so easily. Moreover, as at the last time I did research about my king title, I heard that another person was in power. And all of this distracted me from going back.

“Oh really!” She yelled angrily, “Are you going to keep ignoring me like I am some unimportant person? Are you planning to act mute throughout this night? ” Ella purred into my ears with her annoying tiny voice. And I was forced to look at her.

“What exactly do you want from me? Haven’t I told you that I would like to be left alone?! ” I asked angrily, I was starting to get annoyed at her childish behavior.

“Why is that? What do you need alone time for? Why do you want to be left alone? ” she yelled at me, “Or are you starting to get bored and tired of my body? ” she asked with suspicious eyes.

“I won’t be answering that question, think about it yourself, and I am sure you will be able to answer it, ” I replied and stood up from the bed.

“Why not? Does it sound senseless to you? Ella asked with a husky voice and also stood up from her bed.

“Ahhhh! ” I signed in distress, “Ella darling, please not today, ” I begged with a gentle voice, and I quickly came to her bedside.

“Oh! So you are now calling me a troublesome woman? ” she asked with a hoarse voice. I knew that she was trying to get on my nerves, so I gently massaged her lower lips with my thumb.

“You are my queen, my life, my one and only darling wife, I will never call you a troublesome woman, I dare not! ” I replied and pecked her on her nose.

“I love you so much Cory, you mean the world to me, ” Ella said and wrapped her arms around my neck. I also hugged her back, burying my head in her neck.

“Da… dad, ” Little Luna’s cute voice distracted us from our lovey-dovey scene. And we both turned to look at our little girl.

She was dressed in a short gown, and she wore a pop sock. She was carrying a sweet in her hand, and she looked very happy.

“My little princess, ” My eyes gleamed on seeing my daughter, and I carried her in my arms.

“Hi… ” Luna stuttered, her eyes were glowing like the moon.

“How are you doing my love?” I asked her gently and pecked her forehead.

“Fine pa pa. See! ” She enunciated and showed me the sweet on her hand, with a slight smile.

“Oh, moon goddess! ” Ella sighed, “Where did you see Luna? Haven’t I warned you to stop licking my sweets, sweet is not good for your teeth! ” Ella scolded her, and Luna kept blinking her eyes at her mother.

“Oh, look at the girl I am talking to, she doesn’t even have my time! ” Ella lamented and closed her eyes.

“Hey baby, calm down, take it easy. You are obviously scaring her with those eyes of yours, ” I said and pecked Ella’s cheeks. Her face turned red immediately.

“Papa! ” Luna snorted, and I quickly turned to look at my only daughter.

“What is it, my baby girl? Are you alright? ” I asked her gently, her lips were pouted, and she squinted her eyes at me.

“Op… open, ” She said and stretched out her hand to me.

“Don’t open it for her, she shouldn’t be licking sweet, because her teeth are just developing,” Ella notified me and left the room.

“Hmm,” my little girl whined, her puffy cheeks and deep dimples made her look cute.

‘ I was in a dilemma, should I obey my wife’s instructions and throw away the sweets to protect my baby’s teeth? Or should I take the risk, to see my daughter happy and smiling?

But then again, Ella is always right, she is my wife after all.

“Give me that, love, ” I said and collected the stick sweets from her.

She looked really happy, l guess she thought that I wanted to obey it for her. But she was disappointed when I threw it into a trash can.

“My papa! ” Luna screeched and burst into a frightening cry, shaking her body in anger.

Her tears really broke my heart, and I tried to console her, but it didn’t work, she kept crying.

And for a few seconds, I felt compelled to obey her every instruction.

*It sounds funny, right? I mean a father feeling inferior to his daughter. *

Actually, for a while now, I have been noticing Ella’s strange behaviors, and it really scares me. Sometimes, she talks to herself, and most of the time, she keeps staring at the space, and whenever I call her, she doesn’t answer.

Not that she doesn’t want to answer, but it seems she is on another planet.

I am very curious to know what is happening, but there is no chance.

There was a time when I nearly unraveled the mystery, unfortunately, it is not a pleasant memory….


“Ella? Ella? Your daughter refuses to stop crying, where are you? ” Cory asked as he walked out of their new house, he was searching for his wife, Ella Biber.

Ella was sitting down on an armchair in front of the house.

Cory walked to her side and observed her.

Ella’s eyes were closed, her face looked calm, and her head was bowed.

Cory’s Pov

I got really curious, and I stared at her in awe, wondering what was happening.

I gently placed one of my fingers on her head, and I felt a sharp pain in my chest, it was as though some strong forces were pulling me into a long and lonely path.

I was really scared, and I tapped Ella on her shoulder.

Ella opened her eyes in alert, her eyes looked green and they looked shallow and lonely.

I kept looking into her eyes, and I felt hypnotized.

I wanted to look away, but I felt powerless and weak.

“What are you doing? ” Ella faltered, her eyes were returning to their normal color.

“Your eyes are magnificent…… ” I admired her eyes.

“Hmmm, ” She looked shocked, and although she tried to pretend, her expression betrayed her.

Ella’s Pov

“Hmm, ” I was shocked, and my expression betrayed me.

I was in a trance, communicating with my fellow sisters. Suddenly I felt a cold hand on my head, I was shocked, and I kept wondering who touched me. So I opened my eyes, only to see the curious eyes of Cory Biber.

“Ella, who are you? ” he asked that annoying question again, and fear gripped me at once.

“What do you mean? ” I asked and intentionally flared up.

“Your eyes were normal…. ” Cory said in amazement.

“Are you calling me a witch? ” I asked sharply, and I could see the shocked/confused look on Cory’s face.

“I will never say that against my…… ” he stammered in shock, and I felt sorry for yelling at him.

“Wherever…” I murmured, and that was how I escaped questions and questioning interviews.

Back To Present.

It has been really strange, and strange things keep happening.

Sometimes I think wild, while sometimes my thoughts are neutral.

*Could there be something that Ella is hiding from me? Is she not loyal to me? ” I am fond of asking myself that question.

“Uncle Cory! ” Randy’s little voice echoed in the room, snapping me out of my daydreaming.

Luns stopped crying at once, I guess she was happy to see her best friend, Randy.

“Randy! ” Luna called out to the boy, and Randy smiled at her.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“Randy, what are you doing? And how is your brother? ” I asked him, with a smile on my face. Randy returned the smile and bowed.

“I am fine Uncle Cory, I came here to spend some time with little Luna Queen, ” he replied, referring to Luna by her full name.

I could sense the happiness in his voice, and I stared at him suspiciously.

*I hope it is not what I am thinking.* I reasoned with myself, *They are still young and naive.*

“Well, I am sure, Luna is more than excited to see you, ” I replied, pushing aside my suspicious feelings. Luna also squealed in joy, and she spent her arms out to Randy, begging him to carry her.

Randy smiled and he waved at her, “Hello little Luna, I can see that you are in a good mood today, ” Randy said, as he observed Luna’s cheerful behavior.

“My daughter is always in a good mood, ” I replied happily, I was feeling proud of being her dad, “She is Luna Queen Biber after all,” I added, with a curved smile on my face.

“You are right, She is the greatest Queen,” Randy joked and laughed merrily.

“By the way Randy, how is your father doing? Is he around? ” I asked, as casually as I could. I didn’t want him to suspect me.

“Actually, my father has not returned home since he traveled three months ago, but he sends us gifts and money, ” Randy explained. He looked a little bit sad.

“Oh! So you don’t know when he is coming back? ” I asked curiously.

“I don’t know for sure, but I overheard when my stepmother was talking to Raphael, she told him that father will come tomorrow and that he must try his best to impress him. Not that I care! ” Randy scoffed and turned his face at me.

“But, why are you asking Uncle Cory?” he asked curiously, his brows were furrowed.

“Nothing, I am just curious, ” I said and dropped Luna on the bed.

“Here, you can play with her, ” I told him and turned to leave the room.

“Tomorrow? So soon? It only means one thing. Danger is getting nearer, and war is coming to my doorstep, I need to……

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