The Joy of Revenge

Chapter 69

CHAPTER 69 Boatmen Sheriff It was past midnight and I was standing on the dock overseeing the delivery… alone. “Sheriff, the crates are on the rowboats heading your way,” the delivery man said through my CB radio. Two crates on each rowboat.” “Copy that. Do not, I repeat, do not leave your location until I have eyes on the delivery,” I said. “It’s just a precautionary measure. In case something goes wrong, the boatmen can row back to your location.” “Sure thing, Sheriff.” I heard the displeasure in his voice. He clearly did not want wait and I couldn’t blame him, but I had a feeling in my gut that something was off. Especially with Liam late for a scheduled delivery… for the very first time. “If all goes well, it will be a big pay out for all of us. Now do what I say and keep an eye on the prize,” I scolded him. “Will do.” I checked in with the boatmen. “Boatmen, if you see anything out of the ordinary, you let me know,” I reminded them. “If you hear one of us scream that means we’re in trouble,” Roger, who was one of Liam’s men, joked. “Very funny, Roger,” I replied. “Row faster so we can all head on home.” “Rowing as fast as we can, Sheriff. The crates are heavy,” Roger whined. I rolled my eyes. “Fine! Just get here in one piece!” I decided to check in with Tanner, hoping he hadn’t fallen asleep. “Tanner, what’s your situation?” I asked. Aside from keeping an eye on the parkside of the lake, he was also in charge of receiving the extra cargo that Dan wasn’t suppose to know. “Waiting, Sheriff,” he answered. It was a relief to hear his voice. “Good, son. You know what to do,” I said vaguely, knowing I was surrounded by vultures. |||

1/6 CHAPTER 69 Boatmen “Yes, Sheriff, Tanner replied. So far, so good. phone suddenly began to vibrate in my pocket. If it wasn’t Liam, it was most probably his oked up at the sky and prayed it was Liam. y, it was Theodore. I groaned, knowing there was a problem. “How can I help you, Theodore?” I asked calmly. “The CCTV cameras are out, Nathan,” he said icily. “All of them?” I asked, not believing what I was bearing. “Yes, all of them,” he answered. “I’ve been trying to call Liam to fix the problem, but he hasn’t returned my calls. Is he there with you?” “No, not at this moment, but he’s on his way,” I lied, not wanting Liam to have anymore problems. Between him and his father, I liked Liam more. Theodore was one cold-hearted and selfish sono fabitch. He made me do all his dirty work for a pittance, unlike his son who was generous.

“Have him call me when he arrives at Hillcrest. If anything happens to the cargo, I will hold you and him responsible,” Theodore threatened. I shrugged my shoulders at his empty. threat. Like he was going to kill me with all the dirt I have on him. “Theodore, if you don’t trust us, why are you allowing Liam and me to be in charge? Why aren’t you here making all the calls?” I asked impatiently. *Because, Nathan, I am not a lap dog, unlike you and those insects around you,” he answered coldly. “Have Liam-” A loud cracking sound from nearby made me jump in fright, interrupting my conversation with Theodore. If I wasn’t mistaken, it was from a s niper rifle. I pocketed my phone and took out my CB radio and my night vision binoculars. With a sni per in the area, the boatmen were sitting ducks.

chats fired, I repeat, shots fired,” I said through the radio while peering through my binoculars. “Boatmen, I need you to check in with me, over.” I waited for an answer, but there was only silence. I searched through the lake, adjusting my ||| O MONTA 2/6 CHAPTER 69 Boatmen binoculars when the lights around me suddenly turned on, blinding me. “What the f uck?!” I yelled, rubbing my eyes. I continued to contact the boatmen. “Boatmen, check in, I repeat, check in, over.” Nothing. “Delivery man, any sight of the boatmen?” I waited for a reply, but I only got static. My phone began to vibrate again. Thinking it was Theodore, I pulled out my phone angrily, but discovered it was Jack. I exhaled deeply before I answered his call. “What is it, son?” “Sheriff, I just got a call. Cynthia McDowell has been shot at her residence. An ambulance has been dispatched and I’m on my way to Highand Oaks. Liam should be there any minute. I’ll cover for you until the delivery is finished,” he said s I ran my hand through my hair, frustrated. Who the f uck shot Cynthia McDowell? I wanted to punch something. Everything has gone to sh it! “I’ll get there as soon as possible. Keep me posted,” I said, trying to keep calm. “Will do, Sheriff.” I was about to radio Tanner when I caught sight of one of the rowing boats seemingly floating towards me. I squinted my eyes and caught sight of the back of a boatman seated on the boat. I let out a huge sigh of relief. For a second there, I thought I had lost them.

“Sorry, I’m late, but I can see I’m just in time,” Liam said, walking quickly towards me to the end of the dock. “Jack left to go to Highland Oaks. Something about a shooting incident.” “Yeah, involving Cynthia McDowell.” “What?!” I saw Liam’s face turn pale. It wasn’t his problem though, it was mine. “Don’t worry, Mayor. Ambulance is on its way to help her. From what I deduced from Jack’s call, it sounds like a case of accidental discharge,” I said to ease his worries. I pointed to the boat which was moving straight towards the dock. “Let’s get your cargo secure before-” 316 CHAPTER 69 Boatmen I suddenly froze from what I saw. As the boat hit the dock, the boatman fell back, revealing a gun shot wound in between his yes with blood dripping down his face. It was Roger. I heard Liam gasp in horror, but after noticing the boat was empty, his face quickly twisted with rage. “The crates are gone!” He angrily stomped his foot on the wooden planks of the dock. “Sheriff, find whoever stole from me and make sure you do what they did to these men!” Big Man Lou “Two crates on each rowboat.” But there was an extra crate on another rowboat headed towards the opposite direction. “Do not, I repeat, do not leave your location until I have eyes on the delivery. “It’s just a precautionary measure. In case something goes wrong, the boatmen can row back to your location.” The Sheriff’s voice on the radio was demanding and arrogant. “Sure thing, Sheriff.” The driver of the delivery truck didn’t hide his irritation. He scared of him. wasn’t “If all goes well, it will be a big pay out for all of us. Now do what I say and keep an eye on the prize, the Sheriff ordered. I heard the driver smirk. “Will do,” he replied before pocketing his CB radio. He turned around and gestured to the two men withContent is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

him. “You two, lock the back and let’s go.” “We aren’t going to wait?” the one wearing brown boots asked, puzzled. “Maybe if we wait, we might get paid ex-” “Don’t I pay you enough from what Cohen gives us? We delivered the merchandise on schedule, so now we go,” the driver said, climbing into the driver’s seat and closing the door. “No one in their right mind is going to steal those crates. Come on, you p ricks. Capo Ba stone needs a cleaning crew. Councilman Cris Murdock killed a girl.” I was underneath their truck recording their conversation. It was just a hunch, but I figured they may say something useful… and thankfully, I was right. The underbosses will be 4/6 CHAPTER 69 Boatmen delighted to know that Cris Murdock has added another accolade to his growing list of achievements and that Liam Cohen was stealing from the Angels of Darkness. Once the truck left, I ran back to my small black van parked in the woods. For this heist, it was my base of operations. I could see everything happening on the small monitors without any obstructions. “Boats are in the water,” I said through the coms. “I repeat, boats are in the water. Leave no one alive.” The men were divided into three teams. The first team, comprised of assassins in scuba diving gear, was tasked to kill Liam’s men, then fasten ropes onto the boats. The second team, am, stationed at the deep end of the lake, was assigned to pull the boats to land and unload the crates with the help of the divers. The third team were the couriers. After we received-intel from Leo and Benny confirming the cargo were crates of wine, the members of tithe third team would each take one crate of wine, load it onto their motorcycle, and drive off tto where Domenico’s delivery truck was parked in the dense part of the forest just outside New Salem jurisdiction. SSecond team will then assist first team out of the lake, then drive to the designated rendezvous point

where another truck is waiting for them. As for me, I’m going to the biker bankalong the highway to meet up with some new friends and try to infiltrate the drug. basisiness from the inside. Because our three underbosses had solid alibis, no one will suspect them… just as long as none obtus get caught. We had to time worything perfectly. The team stationed at the deep end of the lake had to wait for the cleoptityaolcheck in with the Sheriff before knocking him and his two men. unconscious. The drivers had to wait for the boats to reach the middle portion of the lake. before emerging tibo the water and shooting the men on the boat. Everything was going ginoothly until the loud sound of Sam’s s niper rifle had the Sheriff practically jumping itu che lake. It gave the second and third team less time to unload the cargo off the boats and get the crates strapped onto the motorcycles. “Base,” one of Domenico’s mmas said through the coms. “We’ll send a boat towards the Sheriff to distract him. “Make sure you get back across thhealke in time. You guys only have thirty minutes of oxygen left in your tanks, I reminded dem. Quickly now.” 5/6 CHAPTER 69 Boatmen “I’ll cover for them,” Sam said, his voice was low and raspy, giving me the creeps. Sam, the Lone th was Beaufort’s protégé. Just like Beaufort, he never missed a target. “Cohen’s on e for you to skedaddle. I’ll holler back when all the boys are on dry d out,” I said. I quickly pressed a button to hide all of my equipment and e back of my van. Once I was comfortable in the driver’s seat, I sped off to meet up Ol’ Tucker. I parked my vehicle at the back of Blazing Bikers Bar, Sam finally notified me that it was mission accomplished.

“Boys are all accounted for, Sam said. “Heading out to the rendezvous point.” Time for a bottle of whisky. Chapter Comments Luna-Mom POST COMMENT the saying” revenge is best served on a cold silver platter ” is appropriate for the Joy of Revenge VIEW 1 COMMENT > ל 23

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