The Joy of Revenge

Chapter 111

CHAPTER 111 Bargaining Liam I was sipping champagne inside Virtue’s boutique watching customers purchase clothes and accessories with this goofy grin on my face. I just couldn’t believe it. Virtue said yes to my proposal. The moment she said yes, I had vowed no one would hurt her not even Pete McDowell. She was under my protection. Come Spring Formal, I will make sure she is protected and will instruct all my men to shoot to kill.. While I relaxed, Virtue helped her customers with fittings including choosing the right accessories to match their purchases. She was patient and soft spoken and looked genuinely sincere as she assisted everyone who came to her with a question. I yawned, finally feeling the restless nights I’ve had sleeping at the hospital. It was so. uncomfortable trying to get some sleep on the only chair inside my father’s hospital room for the past few nights. My lack of sleep topped off with the champagne was making me woozy. I needed to get some rest. What I needed was a vacation. I should have Dan plan a trip so I could take Virtue to Chicago with me to do some shopping. “Liam, let’s get you into the office,” Chip said, noticing I was tired. “You can make yourself comfortable on Virtue’s couch. It’s big enough for you to sleep in.” unpose to be “No. I probably just need a cup of coffee,” I said, feeling embarrassed. This was suppose a celebration and here I was practically falling asleep. “I’ll bring you a cup after you take a nap. For now, you should go and get some rest,” Chip- urged me. “Chip’s right. You need some rest, Liam. Come on. I’ll help you put your feet up,” Dan said, suddenly appearing by my side. I nodded my head reluctantly, handing my empty glass to Chip. “You don’t think Virtue will mind if I leave her for a nap?” All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“Of course not,” Chip said. “Her shop is your shop. Go and make yourself feel right at home.” 776 I followed Dan into Virtue’s personal office. It was set up like a huge lounge area with a nice stay here the middle of the room under a fur rug. It was clean, soundproof, and cool. I inhaled deeply as I walked inside, taking in the scent of Virtue’s expensive perfume. Ah, I could forever. I loved her scent… I could live everyday just sniffing her. soft I went directly to the couch and sat down, sighing as my back pressed against the cus hions. Dan dimmed the lights and took a seat behind Virtue’s big white customized desk. “So, when will the big day be happening?” Dan asked while I closed my eyes. I shrugged my shoulders. “I’ll have to talk to Virtue first, but I’m thinking Virtue is the epitome of a June bride. It will give us enough time to get to know each other more before we tie the knot,” I said lazily.

“Sounds good,” Dan said. “It’ll give us enough time to plan the wedding too. What about a pre-nup? Are you going to ask her to sign one?” I laughed. “We haven’t gotten married yet and you’re thinking of divorce. Personally, I don’t think I need one. What I do need is an heir. Imagine having a little boy and a little girl looking like Virtue. I’m assured handsome kids.” “A pre-nup is just for you to protect your assets, Liam. If you promise her a specific amount, she won’t run after the mansion or any other property you have,” Dan murmured. “But she may take custody of our children. That I won’t allow, Dan. Divorce is out of the question. The only thing that will separate us is death,” I muttered under my breath. Dan paused realizing what I meant. “No, Liam. You can’t do that to her.” I know killing her wouldn’t give me any satisfaction, but I had to protect my own interests and I didn’t want any of my children to live away from me.

It would break my heart. “No one will take my children away from me, Dan. No one,” I replied, hoping to end the conversation. “Fine. Just don’t be difficult, Liam. Virtue is such a nice person and I know she’s patient. If you at least meet her half way, I believe the both of you will stay together until old age. To tell you honestly, I actually see her as someone who can serve as councilwoman,” Dan said, a wishful tone in his voice. That was actually a great idea. Cris was becoming a liability and Virtue would make a great replacement. 2/6 I raised my arm and pointed at him. “This is the reason why we’re friends. You have so many great ideas. Virtue will make sure a Cohen will preside over the people if she becomes councilwoman. She’ll give them everything they want while we continue our operations from under their noses. Who knows? I can run for a national position while she stays here and becomes mayor. It will be like a dream come true,” I mumbled, exhausted. I fell asleep, dreaming of my future with Virtue. I dreamt of our happy family. In my dreams, I saw my father happily playing with the children in our front yard, while waving at us as Virtue and I left the mansion to go to work. It was picture perfect. Suddenly, I found myself at his bed at the hospital. He had a scowl on his face… a far from the happiness I saw just a moment ago. cry “Son, are the rumors true? You proposed to Virtue Sullivan?” He asked. There was no use hiding anything from this man. “Dad, contrary to what you might believe, Virtue will make a good wife,” I argued. “Liam, you’re suppose to marry someone else,” my father said. “I’m sick and tired of being a puppet. This woman I’ve arranged for you to marry will be our ticket to becoming masters of our own universe. Aren’t you tired of working for someone else? Because I’m tired. You need to do this for us, Liam. Virtue Sullivan is just a pretty face. I guarantee that she will become a liability for us. If I were you, just

hand her over to Pete.” “Dad, I’d rather kill Pete.” “And have the big boss kill you for killing him? You aren’t thinking straight, son. We can’t touch them. Our ancestors made sure of that,” my father argued. “If only I had the guts to fix this… Now, it’s too late.” “What do you mean?” I asked, pulling a chair and sitting down beside his bed. “I should have married Cynthia McDowell when I had the chance. All I had to do was swallow my pride. When they moved to New Salem, Victoria Ortiz suggested I marry Cynthia. and take the position as Capo Bas tone from Pete. If I had just done what she recommended. me to do, you would be Capo Ba stone, not that sniveling child Cynthia called a son,” he explained. “Dad, if you couldn’t do it, what makes you think I can?” I asked. “You had the chance to marry for love. I want that. I want to have the freedom to choose who I marry. Virtue may not be part of the Angole of Darknace, but I soo her being good for this family. As for Pete. 3/6 I’ll talk to Ortiz. Maybe we can come up with an arrangement. Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll fix this. I promise. Just accept Virtue as your soon to be daughter-in-law.” My father nodded his head, accepting my promise. I heaved a sigh of relief, thankful I took the chance of bargaining with him. “Alright then. Just know I’ve always been proud of you, Liam.” “Thanks, Dad.” I reached over and grabbed his hand. My father and I don’t always see eye were family. Family was important to me. to eye, but we Jack My phone was vibrating. I took it out of my pocket and answered the phone call. It was the

Sheriff. “Jack, I need you to come to the hospital. We have a big problem,” he said. “Sure, Sheriff. Should I tell Liam that I’m headed there?” “You’re with Liam?” “Yeah. It’s the opening of Virtue Sullivan’s boutique. I’ve been here since ten managing the crowd. Why? Does this have anything to do with Liam?” I asked. I heard the Sheriff sigh. “It’s good to know you’re with Liam. I need you to drive him here. I need his permission to conduct an autopsy on his father’s body. I need to rule out foul play,” he explained. “Theodore Cohen is dead?!” I blurted out without thinking. Good thing I was away from the crowd. “Why hasn’t anyone told Liam?” “I’ve been trying to get a hold of him, but he won’t answer my phone calls,” he answered.” Since you’re already there with him, I need you to tell him and bring him here.” “Sure, Sheriff,” I said, not knowing what else to say. “I’ll grab Liam and head to St. Elizabeth’s.” 4/6 Liam about his dead father. I couldn’t do it. I needed help. I decided to ask Virtue for her help. The crowd had begun to disperse now that the food and drinks were almost gone. I saw Noah talking to Linda Jacobs near the long table which was now full of dirty plates and glasses that Bo’s staff were now collecting. “Norma says he’s headed to Texas before he makes his way back here. I don’t know where he’s going to stay since he sold their house. Someone s natched it right up according to Lisa. And to think that house costs a pretty penny,” Linda Jocobs said to Noah. She suddenly covered her mouth when she saw me coming. I wondered who they were talking about. “Hey Noah, have you seen Liam?” I asked, hoping he knew. I couldn’t find Liam anywhere. “He’s inside with Dan,” Noah replied while pointing at the store with his thumb. “Hey, everything okay?”

“I just need to find Liam,” I said, not wanting anyone else to hear the news of Theodore’s passing. “Excuse me.” I rushed inside and saw Virtue helping one of the townsfolk with a dress. “Virtue, I’m sorry to bother you, but I need your help,” I said. She smiled at me and gestured for Chip to help the woman with her dress while she spoke with me. “Sure. What can I do, Undersheriff?” She asked sweetly. I bent down to whisper in her ear. “Something has happened to Theodore Cohen. I need you to tell Liam for me,” I answered. She looked up at me, surprised. Her smile quickly disappeared as she saw the grief in my eyes. “Oh my Go d!” She exclaimed. “Uhm, Liam is in my office taking a nap. Right this way please, Undersheriff,” she said gesturing for me to follow her. I followed her to the back of the store, past the fitting rooms and the storage room to two doors standing g across from each other. The one on the right was the bathroom while the one on the left was her office. All the doors except for the storage room door were painted a dark. charcoal color which contrasted sharply against the white paint of the walls. If I were to buy a new house, I would consider painting it a charcoal gray. It was manly and warm. 5/6 Virtue opened the door to her office and I followed her inside. Soft orange lights glowed from the light installation of the ceiling, making the room appear dark. No wonder those things had so many kinds of lights on them. You could play with them to make some of the lights your nightlight when needed. Her ring sparkled against the light and I felt a wave of jealousy. However, I had to set it aside. There were more important things to think of like the death of the former patriarch of our town. Virtue walked quietly to Liam who was seated on the couch… snoring. He was really tired. She put a hand on his arm and gently roused him from sleep. “What?” Liam asked as his eyes opened.

“Liam, darling, I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but something has happened at the hospital.” Chapter Comments POST COMMENT NOW 5 6/6 The Joy of Revenge

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