The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 2059

Chapter 2059

Seth's grip loosened momentarily.

Cicely sneered, enduring the pain, and withdrew her hand before striding through the door.

Lana sat on the jury bench and upon seeing her, though apologetic, confidently said, "Don't worry, I've hired the best team to keep you safe."

Cicely nodded, "How are grandpa and dad doing?"

"They're fine. You just focus on yourself."

Then she was escorted to the defendant's stand.d2

Seth slowly made his way to the plaintiff's side and took his seat. Both could lift their eyes and see each other's faces.

Once spouses, now adversaries in the courtroom.

She stood, cuffed, in the center of the courtroom, encased within the defendant's dock, while Seth sat at the plaintiff's bench. The stark contrast in their positions struck Cicely with a sad hilarity.

She had always known her past self was shameless, clinging to him, doing so much, sacrificing so much, and now the irony was as biting as her former shamelessness.

What was it all for? Everything turned to a cruel joke in the end.

The trial commenced. The judge's gavel struck, reverberating through Cicely's core.

The charge against her was assault with intent to injure. Cicely clenched her fists, her trembling body an icy testament to fear. This term, usually heard in dramas or law classes, now labeled her in the worst possible way, as the accused.

Seth, as the plaintiff, naturally had his own legal team. The prosecutor presented his evidence, including the events that took place in the hospital room.

The first half matched Cicely's statement, which she did not deny.

"Ms. Cicely, what was Ms. Patty's emotional state at the time?" the prosecutor asked.

Images of that day in the hospital flashed before her, and she closed her eyes, "She was a lunatic."

"So, Ms. Cicely, knowing Ms. Patty was unstable, you deliberately provoked her with your words, correct?"

"Since when is having a normal conversation or an argument a crime?"

Cicely's team interjected, "The plaintiff's statements suggest entrapment. The term 'lunatic' used by Ms. Cicely doesn't equate to Ms. Patty's mental illness. In fact, Cicely was unaware of Ms. Patty's psychiatric condition."

Cicely paused, her gaze flickering towards Seth with a glint of confusion before quickly passing. "Yes, I didn't know. By 'lunatic,' I meant her bizarre statements and her actions of lunging at me with a knife, then stabbing herself. If that's not lunacy, what is?"

The judge deemed the objection valid.


At the hospital, Patty woke up, her eyes vacant as they fixed on the ceiling before discomfort made her shut them again. Within a minute, the door opened and two nurses entered for routine sterilization.

"Did you see the news? Mr. Diaz is suing the Ellis family's daughter. The trial started today."

"I saw it. Weren't those two about to get married? And that Mr. Diaz, isn't he the son of this patient? If his own mother nearly lost her life, even she is his wife, he wouldn’t let her off the hook so easily."

"It's savage. Ms. Cicely's father is still in the ICU..."

"Truly tragic."

The nurses didn't dare to speak further and quickly left the room.

Patty's eyes snapped open again, and she forced herself up from the bed. Pale and staggering, she made her way out of the room; within a few steps, her chest bled profusely, staining her clothes and seeping down to her pants.

The alarm blared as she exited, and the rushing doctors and nurses stopped her.

"Let me go..."

"Where is Creighton's room..."

"I need to find him..."

"Creighton. Creighton..."


The plaintiff's attorney tried to find inconsistencies in Cicely's story to convict her, but each attempt was rebutted by her defense. Though there was no verdict yet, Cicely felt that Seth truly intended to have her convicted.

Silently watching the expressionless man before her, she suddenly scoffed.

He didn't believe her words or her actions. He wanted to prosecute her over a hacked procedure. He wanted justice for his critically injured mother and took her to court.

She thought there was nothing more painful in the world than these betrayals, but she soon realized her naivety.

When the plaintiff's attorney gathered the documents and stood up to address the judge respectfully, "Your Honor, we request our witness be allowed to testify."

A witness?

Cicely's smirk froze as her eyes widened in shock.

A witness?

As she turned and saw the bandaged figure in a wheelchair being wheeled out, her vision swirled, and she felt dizzy.

Clutching the bars of the dock, the clanging sound echoed through the court, and she whipped her head towards Seth. "You're using her as a witness?!"

The attorney stated firmly, "Ms. Cicely, according to our information and your own statement, there were three of you in the room that day, and Ms. Danielle was fully conscious. She even tried to intervene during your altercation with Ms. Patty."

Cicely stared hard at Seth, blurting out, "Do you know who hates me the most in this world, Seth? You might as well kill me now!"

Seth's impassive eyes narrowed slightly, meeting the gaze of the woman clutching the bars, her eyes bloodshot with hatred and rage.

The judge banged the gavel, demanding, "Order in the court!"

Seth averted his gaze as the judge continued, "Swear in the witness."

Danielle was wheeled to the witness stand, took the oath, and was instructed by the judge to speak.

The gravity of lying under oath and its legal consequences weighed on her, but remembering Patty's pleading eyes and knowing this chance would never come again, she steeled herself and began to speak.

"Patty did speak a little harshly in the first place, which caused the defendant to become upset and in turn deliberately provoked Patty with her words, Patty got angry and took a fruit knife and slashed it in the air a couple of times, but didn't actually hurt the defendant, rather it was the defendant who was angry at Patty's lack of acceptance of her relationship with Seth, and in a fit of rage snatched up the knife and stabbed Patty in the chest."

Suddenly, Lana, sitting among the jury, shot to her feet. "Danielle? You better be telling the truth!"

Danielle's fingers were tremulously intertwined, but she feigned composure. "This is the courtroom, and I've just taken an oath, so naturally I won't lie."

All the while, Cicely had been fixating on Seth. When the judge demanded silence once more, she finally spoke, "Do you believe her?" Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

Seth's lips were a tight line, giving no answer. At that moment, the courtroom doors burst open.

Charlie, clutching his phone, his complexion an ashen blend of pale and discomfort. He approached the jury box with a troubled gaze fixed on Seth. "Mr. Diaz, something's happened."

Seth, reading the alarm in Charlie's eyes—a look he'd never seen on him before—felt a sudden tightness in his chest. "What?"

Charlie glanced at Cicely at the defense seat. He opened his mouth and hesitated for a while before speaking. "It's the hospital. There's been an incident."

Seth shot up from his seat, a storm brewing in his expression, "What incident?!"

At that moment, Lana's phone began to vibrate. It’s a call from the hospital. Confused, she stood and took a step away, answering the call. But before she'd gone two paces, she froze in place. "What... what did you say?"

Someone was whispering to the judge.

The silence from Charlie and the actions of everyone in the room gave rise to a pounding headache at Seth's temples. Rubbing his brow, he turned to the judge, "I request a recess..."

His words were preempted by the judge's regretful declaration, "We've just received word from the hospital. Ms. Patty has been pronounced dead. The charges against the defendant will be elevated from assault to murder."

Seth's hands clenched into iron fists.

Cicely was struck dumb, then instinctively looked to Seth, her thoughts not on the impending murder charge but on how this devastating news would break him.

"What murder charge?!" Lana's voice, sharper than ever, cut through the courtroom as she tried to rush forward, only to be restrained by the officers. "That woman killed my brother! She's the real murderer! I'm the one who should be suing her!"

Cicely's gaze suddenly froze on Seth. It was as if something had exploded in her mind and everything was a chaotic mess.

Seth's pupils contracted and his temples throbbed noticeably. No matter how much he urged himself to stay calm and composed, the anxiety in his heart couldn't be suppressed. He looked towards Charlie, but Charlie avoided his gaze with a sorrowful expression.

Cicely slowly reacted, slowly turning her head towards Lana, unable to believe what she was hearing. She offered a bitter smile. The tears started to roll down before she could stop them. "Aunt... Auntie, what did you just say... Your brother's dead... Which brother?"

"Cicely! It's your dad... Your dad is dead..." Lana closed her eyes, falling limp on the seat beside her.

Cicely's tears cascaded uncontrollably, but she shook her head, choosing not to believe. "No... I don't believe it... My dad was resuscitated. He's in an ICU ward right now, under intensive care..."

"It's all Patty's fault, that woman. She went crazy and burst into your dad's ward, telling him about the lawsuit you're facing."

Cicely's head jerked, then continued shaking, her face becoming a pallid white. "It can't be... It can't be... I don't believe it... How could my dad possibly die..."

Lana collapsed in her chair, "That woman died in front of your dad's bedside. Even in death, she wanted to take your dad with her..."

"Ah---" A sharp scream suddenly echoed throughout the whole court, startling everyone. Cicely lifted her hands to tightly clutch her head, screaming with all the strength she could muster.

It took minutes before anyone dared to speak in the wake of this unprecedented disruption.

A wave of dread washed over Seth, and when he finally spoke, it was to the judge, "I request a suspension of the trial."

The judge, collecting himself, looked at Cicely and cleared his throat, "Given the circumstances..."

"No need to suspend." A voice, raw and hoarse, rose slowly.

All eyes turned to the source—

Cicely lowered her hands and straightened up slowly, her gaze hollow as she faced the judge, "I confess."

A deathly hush fell upon the courtroom. After a moment, Cicely continued, "I'm the one who killed. I admit I'm a murderer."

"Cicely!" Lana's voice was a mix of shock and despair.

Seth felt as though a heavy hammer had struck him, his heart constricted. His features twisted into an expression of anguish as he roared at the judge, "I want to withdraw the charges!"

"I refuse. I am a murderer. The judge is right here. Do you intend to let a murderer walk free in court?" Cicely's voice was chilling, devoid of life.

Seth bellowed, "Cicely!"

She turned to him with a grimace that masqueraded as a smile. "This is what you wanted, isn't it? I can't walk away now."

As Seth stared at her contorted face, a laugh escaped Cicely, "I'm not going anywhere, but I won't be by your side either."

In that moment, Seth felt every nerve in his body shatter. His voice was ragged with emotion, "Cicely, you're not a murderer. Stop talking nonsense."

"I am the murderer."

If her father's heart hadn't given out, he wouldn't have died. If she hadn't tried to save Patty and Danielle, Issac wouldn't have died. Her foolishness had cost the lives of two people dear to her. She was indeed a murderer.

She deserved to die. And she must atone. To atone for the deaths of her father and Issac by serving time in prison.

Did she hate Seth? Yes, she did. So she chose this path of revenge.

Santino once said that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. The more considerate and understanding we are, the easier it was to become a backdrop that's taken for granted. Leaving a scar was better than being the passing of wind without a trace. The more he hurt, the more you won.

The more he hurt, the more she won.

Watching Seth's shocked and horrified expression, Cicely confirmed even more that she had won.

After all, he loved her.

"Seth, I will compensate you for the Diaz International incidents using the Ellis Group's shares. If you want to continue the pursuit, you can keep adding crimes to my account. After all, I am a murderer. I don't care about a few additional years of charges."

She paused for a moment, lifted her chin, the same haughty and arrogant Cicely. "This very day, there will be no grudges between us. We will part ways. From now on, you and I, we will never see each other again."

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