Lucas’ POV

I was incredibly worried. It had been two long days since we last spoke. We were both stubborn, but in the end, it was me who was hurting the most. Do you want to know why?

All I wanted was for her to stop working. She carried the heavy burden of being my wife and a mother to our child. I wanted her to enjoy her life, to have the freedom to pursue her own happiness.

I had my own work, my own business, and more than enough money to provide for us. I could take care of her, and that’s all that mattered to me. That’s why I initially asked her to give up her business. But she didn’t take it well; she was offended, even though that wasn’t my intention.

The truth was, she didn’t want to give it up. I tried talking to her, but she didn’t respond. I became sulky too, and I stopped coaxing her. I knew I was in the wrong, but I thought she would understand what I wanted.

All I wanted was the best for her. She was my wife, and I didn’t want to burden her with something I could easily provide. But as I arrived home from work to an empty house, the darkness and silence enveloping me, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of panic. Call me paranoid, but the fear of losing her again haunted me, and I didn’t want to experience that pain once more.

It felt like a punch to the gut, searching for her in the darkness. I called her, but she didn’t respond. I immediately jumped into the car and dialed Stephanie’ number.

“Good evening, little brother. I’m almost going to sleep now. You’re lucky I’m still awake and going through my nighttime skincare routine. So, what’s on the agenda?” Stephanie answered playfully, seemingly trying to provoke me.

“Where’s my wife?” I asked with a serious tone, not in the mood for games.

She responded sarcastically, “Bro, maybe she feels too bad about having a husband like you, the only thing you’ve given her is heartache. Poor Zara.”

Cursing under my breath, I was beyond exhausted. I knew Stephanie too well; she always enjoyed tormenting me and playing with my emotions.

“Stephanie, listen carefully. I don’t have time for your nonsense. I need my wife!” I shouted, my anger boiling over.

She laughed on the other end of the line. “Oh, my baby brother is so cute when he’s mad. Don’t worry, I was just teasing you with what I said. I just wanted to torment you because you’ve been tormenting Zara. Poor thing, it seems like you two had another fight!”

I pulled over to the side of the road, feeling overwhelmed by a mix of anger, sadness, and nervousness. I couldn’t bear the thought of almost losing my wife again. It would be torture.

I don’t know why, but I had this strange urge to confide in Stephanie about our fight. I was exhausted, and I realized that not talking to Zara was-

I felt like a lost puppy, without direction or purpose.

“Because what Zara said is true. She loves her business, and you just want to take away something that has been a part of her for a long time. If I were Zara, I’d be furious with what you said, you jerk!” Stephanie spoke loudly, causing my ears to ache.

“I’m just thinking about what’s best for her.”

“Is what you want really best for her? Lucas, listen, you’re married to a woman who’s independent enough to think for herself. She can say yes or no based on her own judgment. If you always dictate what she should do, then you’ve married a robot.”

“I can provide her with everything!”

“Think about this, Lucas. Zara loves her passion, and she knows how to balance her business and family. I can see it in her. She’s not an ordinary woman, and you should consider yourself lucky to have her. Don’t mess things up with her again. It’s normal to have disagreements, but don’t let it reach the point where you lose her. You’re still healing,” Stephanie advised, and finally, it started to sink in.

I hadn’t been thinking clearly. I only considered what I wanted without consulting or considering her. Stephanie was right, and I hated that she was right.

I immediately drove to Mom and Dad’s mansion. When I arrived at the manor around ten o’clock, I met Dad in the living room. Thoughts of the earlier argument still weighed heavily on my mind, and I felt utterly foolish for my actions.

I entered our room, finding my mother and daughter fast asleep. Exhausted from the day’s events, I stripped down to my boxers and a shirt, leaving me feeling bare and vulnerable. But being beside my husband, I found solace and a source of renewed energy.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Wrapping my arms around Zara, I nestled my face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her comforting scent. In her embrace, the weight of the day began to lift, and a sense of peace washed over me. This, right here, in her arms, was where I belonged. This was home.

“Lucas?” My wife’s sleepy voice broke the silence, and I noticed his eyes fluttering open.

“I’m sorry, my love. I realize now how narrow-minded I’ve been. I apologize for not considering your feelings enough. I thought I was doing what was best for you, but I see now that I was mistaken. I’m sorry, and I promise to be more aware from now on,” I confessed sincerely, hoping he could sense the depth of my remorse.

A soft smile graced his lips-the smile I yearned to see every day, even as we grew older, until the very last breath I took.

“I forgive you, Lucas. Because I love you, for better or for worse,” Zara replied, her words carrying the weight of her unconditional love.

The day at work seemed endless as I dealt with meetings, calls, and the usual business matters. However, despite the hectic schedule, my mind kept wandering back to Zara. I couldn’t shake off the worry I felt earlier when she suddenly felt sick.

I sent her several messages, but she reassured me that it was probably just something she ate. Still, I couldn’t help but feel uneasy until I saw her in person. Work became more of a distraction than usual, allowing me to focus on something other than my concerns.

The evening approached, and I hurried home, eager to see my wife and son. As I entered the house, I could hear their laughter from the living room. I couldn’t help but smile at the joyous atmosphere. But when I saw Zara’s expression, a sense of anxiety washed over me.

“Hey, how’s my favorite girl doing?” I greeted her with a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Zara smiled back at me, but I could see something different in her eyes-a spark of excitement and a hint of mischief. “I’m doing great, Lucas. Enrique and I were just having fun.”

I joined them on the couch, and Enrique immediately jumped onto my lap. “Daddy, guess what! Mama has a surprise for you!” he exclaimed with glee.

“A surprise? What is it, my little man?” I asked, trying to play along.

Zara giggled, seemingly enjoying the moment. “Well, you know how we always wanted to have more children and expand our family, right?”

I nodded, not quite sure where this was going.

She continued, “So, we decided to try again, and… I’m pregnant, Lucas!” Zara’s eyes were shining with happiness as she revealed the wonderful news.

My heart skipped a beat, and tears welled up in my eyes. “Are you serious? We’re going to have another baby?” I couldn’t contain my joy as I hugged Zara and Enrique tightly.

“Yes, Daddy! I’m going to be a big brother!” Enrique chimed in, sharing in our excitement.

I was over the moon. The news felt surreal, yet it filled my heart with immense happiness. Zara was pregnant with our second child, a new life that we would create and welcome into our family. It was a dream come true.

I looked at Zara with so much love and adoration, feeling incredibly grateful for having her in my life. She was the woman I loved, my best friend, and now the mother of my children.

After a moment of soaking in the happiness, I chuckled, “Well, I guess I won’t need to call the caterers to complain about the garlic smell anymore.”

Zara laughed, playfully nudging my shoulder. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”

“Of course not. It’s a part of our journey now-a reminder of this special moment,” I replied, kissing her forehead.

We spent the evening celebrating our impending parenthood, talking about how our family would grow and how Enrique would be a wonderful big brother. Zara already had plans to involve him in taking care of the baby and teaching him or her all the things he had learned.

As the night grew darker, we tucked Enrique into bed, and I held Zara close, basking in the joy of our newfound revelation. I couldn’t wait to embark on this journey with her and our growing family.

The next day, we decided to visit the doctor for a more thorough checkup. The excitement only grew as we saw the ultrasound, witnessing the tiny heartbeat of our unborn child. It was a magical moment that brought tears of joy to both of our eyes.

With the doctor’s assurance that everything looked healthy and normal, we left the clinic, hand in hand, ready to face this new chapter in our lives.

Throughout Zara’s pregnancy, I made sure to be there for her every step of the way. I attended every doctor’s appointment, helped her with household chores, and took care of Enrique to give her some rest whenever she needed it. I wanted her to feel loved, supported, and cherished during this special time.

As the weeks passed, Zara’s belly grew, and the excitement in our household escalated. We started preparing the nursery, selecting baby names, and sharing our dreams for the future.

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