The Broken Warrior's Daughter

Chapter 38

Chapter 0038 “Oh, I’m winning alright.” | retort as we head to the starting line.

We get set and dad shoots a starter gun. We both take off like a shot, climbing up to the first obstacle. The first one is primarily upper body strength. I’m strong, but not as strong as Liam and he gets ahead of me. The next obstacle is balance. | cream him here and not only catch up, but get ahead as he falls and has to climb back up. The next obstacle is core strength mixed with upper body as we have to swing from bar to bar and also judge the distance so we don't fall, similar to a flying trapeze, only there are multiple shapes. | can feel Liam catching up to me, so | take a chance and rather than catching onto the circular ring, | arrow myself through it and catch the next bar, swinging myself onto the ramp and running to the next obstacle. From there, objects come swinging off the walls to knock us to the ground. This requires a combination of agility and balance. Liam and | are neck and neck when we finish this one. Next up is the rope ladder that takes us nearly to the roof and a balance beam that is only about 2 inches wide. We run across, both of us nearly losing our footing before jumping to the slide, sliding back to the ground then racing to the finish line. We both hit the buzzer sounding that we won at the same time. We tied.

We look at each other, sucking in air like we’re about to pass out and then we both start laughing, falling to the ground. | lay on my back and Liam sits with his arms around his knees, both of us trying to catch our breath.

“Nice job you two. When you catch your breath, I'll meet you inside.” Liam recovers faster than | do and leans over me. “I'd say we're pretty evenly matched, wouldn’t you?” | look into his beautiful sage green eyes and smile. “I almost had you.”Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

He smirks back, “Almost doesn’t count, beautiful.” He leans in and gently kisses my lips. | respond instantly, my hand going to his hair.

Liam takes this as approval and deepens the kiss as | moan softly. He nips my bottom lip requesting entrance to my mouth. When | open, he wastes no time sliding his tongue inside, seeking mine. Our tongues fight for dominance again, and he wins, taking this opportunity to slide his hand under my tank top so he is touching skin. A shiver of pleasure runs through my body and a possessive growl rumbles through his body, causing my nipples to harden in pleasure. His hand begins to graze the bottom of my sports bra and he moves closer so his body is laying beside mine and | can feel the heat of him through our clothes.


He leans over me, sliding one leg in between mine. | can feel his hard length against my thigh. It’s considerably larger than | was expecting, having nothing to compare it to. But if I'm being honest, even just feeling it, I’m not sure how that monster would ever fit inside me. Before | can go too far down that road, Liam runs his thumb over my pebbled nipple and my back arches involuntarily as | gasp in pleasure. That feeling goes straight to my core, causing heat to pool between my legs.

Liam moves to kissing my neck, and | feel him taking deep breaths. | know he can smell my arousal. “You smell so fucking good baby.” | would respond, but I’m overwhelmed with the rush of sensations I’m feeling. I've masturbated before, sure, but that never felt like this.

| feel Liam's canines graze my marking spot and | stiffen in his arms. “Liam.”

He pulls himself away from my neck. “I know, baby. We need to stop before | get too carried away. But damn, you smell so good.” He watches me as he runs his thumb over my nipple again and I’m not sure what he sees in my eyes but my lips. part and it elicits another growl from him, causing me to moan in pleasure again.

He groans, pulling away from me. “Come on baby, if we stay like this for another minute, I'll be tempted to skip dinner and have you for dessert.” He hops up to his feet and extends his hand to me. | take it and he pulls me to my feet, pulling my tank top back down.

He takes my face in his hands, kissing me gently. “You will be the death of me. He takes my hand and leads me back toward the house. +15 BONOS

Chapter 0039

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