The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 78: Wedding Preparation

Chapter 78: Wedding Preparation

I snuggled into the other side of the bed as my hands searched around for Michael. Immediately I saw

that the other side of the bed was empty, I stood up abruptly from the bedside shock as I looked around

the room.

Where could he have gone? I wonder in my mind. Shrugging, I turned to walk into the bathroom to

relieve my bowel.

I winced as soon as I took a step. I glance down at my body to see that my legs were swollen as it has

just been run over by a vehicle ” Damn! That man! ” I cursed loudly, why couldn't he be gentle?.

“ Did you say anything?” Michael asked me from the doorway hiding a smirk on his face as he strolled

into the room. Both of his hands were inside his red Louis Vuitton shorts with a matching top.

I glared at him. I knew he heard me quite alright but he's pretending trying to tease me “ Thanks to you.

Now, my legs feel like it was run over by a vehicle ” I told him angrily as I turned to sit back down on the

bed. I don't think I could go to the bathroom in this state.

Michael ran his hands through his hair embarrassed as he avoided my eyes “ I'm sorry. I don't know

what came over me last night. The sex was different like it was my first time with you, I just couldn't

control myself ” He told me sheepishly with a shy smile on his face.

I sigh heavily. There was no need to get angry with him as I was also at fault. I blush as soon as I

remember screaming at the top of my lungs last night. I'm so thankful that his room was soundproof. I

wouldn't know how to face John and Emma today.

“ What are you thinking about so seriously? ” Michael asked me, his eyes laced with concern as he

stepped closer to me.

“Nothing, just wondering how I'm going to bathe in this state,” I told him pointing to my two swollen legs

earning another shy smile from Michael.

“ I could always bathe you. And who knows probably you might be kind enough to reward me” Michael

said as he winks at me. Telling me exactly what he will want as a reward.

“ In your dreams,” I told him scoffing as he smiled at me. I knew he was joking. I could see that he felt

bad for losing control last night.

“ Michael!” We both paused and turned toward the door where the sound was coming from.


I turned to him as soon as we heard a scream from outside our bedroom door, the second time.

“ Is that who I think that is?” I asked, trying to be sure I heard alright. Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

“ I'm sorry. Mom arrived early this morning, she said she wanted to see you. I completely forgot about

it, ” Michael rushed to explain himself. I couldn't help wondering why Mrs. Thompson would want to see

me. Hope this isn't another of her schemes to separate Michael and me?

“ Relax Angel, I'm here for you. Freshen up, I will keep her company ” Michael told me already going to

the door to see his mother. I nodded at him before forcing myself into the bathroom to shower.

“ Nina darling! ” Mrs. Thompson called to me as soon as she saw me descending the stairs with a smile

on her face.

“ Good morning, Mrs. Thompson ” I greeted her nervously as I let her guide me to the couch beside


“ Diana is fine. We're family now, okay?” she told me urging me to try calling her with her first name.

I gulped nervously as I struggled to say her name. I can't believe I'm calling her by her first name after


“ Diana ”

Mrs. Thompson smiled as soon as she heard her name “ That's fine! Huh! Nina I ___ I'm sorry for the

way we treated you. Actually, I've always known that you were the right choice for Michael but I guess

we were blinded by our greed ” Mrs. Thompson went on to explain as she apologized to me. I nodded

at her as I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. Finally, Michael's mom and I were getting


“ I'm no longer annoyed with you, Diana. Actually, I'm glad that I've been able to come out stronger and

it shows that the love Michael and I share is stronger than any challenges” I told her, Michael smiled at

me as he came to sit beside me. He took my hands in his and kissed them briefly.

“That's true. Thank you for forgiving me, Nina ” Mrs. Thompson said as she stood up to hug me. I

nodded at her if for anything I was glad that all my problems had ended. I only have to look up to the

future with brighter eyes.

“Now that that is out of the way. Can we go for the gown shopping?” Mrs. Thompson asks me with

hope on her face. For a second I was confused. Gown shopping? What gown? I questioned myself as I

turned to look at Michael who shrugs and looks away from me.

Then it hit me “ What? So soon? ” I asked her, I mean I was thinking after the proposal we could have it

maybe a month later but the wedding _______

“ It isn't too soon Nina. I mean you both have waited for a long time. Let's do it this Saturday ”

“ That's true, but _____”

“ There's no but. I've sent out the invitations already. We'll be having it this Saturday ” Mrs. Thompson

concluded with an air of finality.

I couldn't help sulking why is she like this? How could she plan my wedding without my knowledge? Is

this how wealthy people behaved? I was about calling her out for it when Michael held my hands, he

shakes his head telling me to let it go.

I nodded at him before turning to look at his mother who was watching us curiously

“ Okay. Let me change out of my dress ” I told her already on my feet about to go up the stairs.

“That's great darling. Don't worry, your mom will be joining us at the store ” Mrs. Thompson called at my

retreating back. I couldn't help sighing out loud, I couldn't wait to get this over and done with...

“ I'm sorry ” Michael whispered in my ears as soon as we got into the room.

“It's no problem. I understand, I just hope she'll give me the chance to make my own choices ” I told

him already shrugging out of my dress and getting into another as I couldn't help feeling anxious about

the gown fitting.

“ I think this one is better ” Mrs. Thompson's voice rang out to me where I stood at the pedestal

awaiting their judgment.

“ No. Don't you think the flare is too short? I want something longer that could reach the entrance of the

church ” My mother counter back with her hands to her cheek as she spells out the flaws on the dress

to Michael's mom.

I sigh heavily as I ignore them. It has been this way ever since we arrived at the store. This has been

like the thirtieth gown I've tried on without finding that one which Mom and Diana will approve of.

“ That's true but I still think this will do. I mean the bodice is beautiful and I love the off-shoulder

neckline, it enhances her curvaceous shape. I'm sure Michael will fall head over heel in love with her


Psst! Like he wasn't already in love with me, I said to myself glaring at Michael's mom who was trying

to convince mom to see her choice but mom was adamant

“ But I don't like the neckline. It's too open and exposes her cleavage ” My mom replied as she took a

long look at the gown both of them ignoring me as they both pointed out their likes and dislikes.

I needed to do something quickly else I wouldn't be leaving here anytime soon. I turned to the

saleslady beside me, her face was scrunched up in despair as she glared at both women in front of me.

I guess she was getting tired as I was.

“ Please can you get me my phone? ” I asked her, pointing to my purse at the far corner of a dress


“ Yes ma'am ” The woman replied as she went out to get my phone. She handed it to me as I turned to

excuse myself.

“ Where are you off to, Nina? We are not yet done with the dress ” Mom cried out to me protesting as

soon as I stepped down from the pedestal.

“ I'm sorry mom. I need to use the washroom ” I told her with a sad smile on my face.

“ Okay. Be quick about it. We still need to shop for the jewelry and shoe ” Mrs. Thompson replied

waving me off in the direction of the washroom.

I gather up the gown in my hands as I stroll briskly into the washroom. I rested my back against the wall

and took out my phone to put a call through to Lilian.

“ Hey, baby girl! Congratulations, I heard the wedding is this Saturday ” Lilian called into the phone as

soon as she picked it up.

I scrunch my face in disgust. This wedding thing is getting on my nerves and it's threatening my sanity “

I need your help ” I called slowly into the phone in frustration.

Lilian paused as she heard the tone of my voice “ Why? What happened?” Lilian asked gently as I

started explaining everything to her.

“ What? Those old women! Let me get my hands on them. I'm on my way. Don't fret Nina. I'll make sure

to put them in their place ” Lilian called angrily into the phone as soon as I finished my explanation.

“ Okay, thank you, darling. I know you've got my back ” I told her heaving a sigh of relief. For the first

time since leaving home, an excited smile graced my lips. I hung up the phone and turned to walk back

to the dressing room where my two mothers were waiting for me.

I was on my thirty_fifth dress when Lilian walked into the store with Joey in her hands. My mother

shrieked in excitement as she ran to pick up Joey from Lilian. She carried him in her blossom, singing

to him.

Lilian greeted them both before turning to look at me “ Wow!! Nina. That gown is lovely. It's so beautiful

” Lilian complimented me. I love the gown too but both of my mothers were busy finding flaws in it.

“ You think so?” Mrs. Thompson asked Lilian as she turned to look at the gown bending her head to the

left to look at it clearly from another angle.

“ But why does it look too simple and plain to me? ” Mrs. Thompson continued slowly without waiting

for Lillian's response. I couldn't help rolling my eyes at her. She sure is a symbol of perfection!

“ It's my wedding, for crying out loud ” My subconscious screamed up in my head thumping her feet in

distaste. I couldn't help agreeing with her.

“ But don't you think the length is too short. I want something with a longer length ” Mom replied as she

coos to Joey in her hands. I don't know what's with her, and length. Her wedding gown wasn't long as

far as I could remember. Unless they both set out to frustrate me today.

Lilian stood shocked looking from mom to Mrs. Thompson then back to me “ Wait a minute? I don't get

what's happening here ”

“What don't you get Lilian?” Mrs. Thompson asked Lilian looking at her with confusion on her face. She

turned to look at mom who shrugs like she couldn't understand it too.

“ Who's getting married?” Lilian asked them both with her hands folded across her chest as she glared

at them.

Mrs. Thompson laughed out loud like she couldn't believe that Lilian was asking her such an obvious

question “ Nina, of course. Who else?”

“ That's right. Then why isn't she choosing her wedding gown herself? Why are you both getting in the

way and forcing your choices on her?” Lilian asked both of them as I waited anxiously for their


Mom smiled sadly at me before walking to the waiting area to sit after apologizing to me. While Mrs.

Thompson turned to glare at Lilian “ Nobody is forcing anything on her. We are only pointing out the

pros and cons of each dress” Mrs. Thompson stubbornly refused.

“ But I _____”

“ I love this dress. Can you pack this up for me with each of the jewelry I picked earlier ” I told the sales

lady beside me who was looking up at me with a smile on her face? I was getting tired of arguing with

them. It's time I make my choice.

“Fine. Do whatever you want. And let's go for lunch before going to the confectionery for the cake

testing ” Lilian and I both sigh heavily as soon as we hear Michael's mom say that. Isn't she tired? I

mean she's old and all that but here she is already plotting our next move.

“ Damn! Mrs. Thompson is one stubborn woman ” Lilian complains as we both turn to watch her

already playing and smiling at Joey in my mother's hands.

“ But she will make a good grandmother ” Lilian continues softly. I couldn't help rolling my eyes at her.

One minute ago she was here complaining about Mrs. Thompson. Now, she's complimenting her. What

am I supposed to believe?

“ Can you show us the bridesmaids section?” I asked the saleslady who was already leading us down

the store. I dragged Lilian along as went in search of her gown as I anticipate our new location at the


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