The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 61: Nina

Chapter 61: Nina

There was a distinct chatter of voices closer to me. I couldn't quite catch what they were saying or who

they were?...

I struggled to stand but noticed that my hands were tied by a strong robe that could only be used for

animals. I struggle to free my hands from it but it was effortless.

My throat was dried, I wanted to scream for whoever they were to come take me out of here but no

words were coming out

I squinted my eyes in the darkness while trying to see if there was anything that I could use to know

where I was but nothing as the room was blank save for a black drum at the far corner of the room..

“Is she awake?” A man groaned out the words. He moved closer to me, I couldn't make out his features

in the darkened room but I was confident that I'd never met him before.

My eyes intently seek out the necklace on my neck, I relax as soon as I see it glowing at my chest. It

was the only light for me in this darkened place. I hope Michael found me in time before whoever it is,

killed me…

“No, what can we do? I hope the boss won't be angry with me when he comes. I only gave her a small

dose of chloroform which she inhaled. She ought to be awake by now”

I gasped as soon as I heard that voice. It was the taxi driver that picked me up at the Lush Beauty

earlier. Who asked him to do this? What does the person want from me? I questioned myself softly as I

tried to get the tears back from my eyes. I have to stay strong for my family and especially Michael.

“Don't worry, your job is done here. Come, let me settle your payment then you can go” The other man

said, his voice coming out a bit muffled due to the mask on his face. I assumed he was the front man in

this kidnapping. Who was the boss?

My head was aching, I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding as soon as the door closed

signifying the exit of the men. I wish Michael would get to me before the boss comes. I searched

around the floor looking for the pen I was holding earlier. I exhaled as soon as I saw it lying limp by my


I shifted closer to it, I wanted to switch it on but that is going to take much more of an effort from me as

my hands were tied up at the pole where I was sitting down at…

I let my left leg which was loosely tied move closer to where the pen was, I was breathing heavily as I

tried to switch it on but it kept sliding out from my legs.

I heard the door click open again, immediately I tried to position my legs back, my leg unconsciously

met with the switch on the pen, using all my strength, I pushed the switch down causing it to go on. I

was so excited that I couldn't help smiling even in my predicament.

Instead of the man's voice from earlier, a woman entered the room. She stepped a step away from me

and turned to the man who had obviously followed her into the room..

“Why isn't she awake yet? Gosh! I wanted to give her a piece of my mind?” The woman complained

bitterly, making me wonder who she was and in what possible way had I offended her before?

Her voice was extremely familiar, I tried to search my brain where I had possibly heard her voice but it

was furtile. I didn't know if it was because of the chloroform I had inhaled earlier or the effect from my

accident before that's still making my brain fuzzy…

“This is too dangerous. I only allowed you in because she's still asleep, it will be bad if she wakes up

and recognizes you. You need to leave here Immediately” The Man said, his voice was a bit clearer

now, he had probably removed his mask. I tensed as soon as I heard. Who was that woman? I should

know her right..

“You don't need to worry about that. I'm sure she won't be leaving this place alive, I will make sure of

that. Get that into your thick skull, bitch” She walked closer and slapped me loudly on the cheek. I

forced myself from wincing, wouldn't want to break my cover of pretending to be asleep.

She stormed off the room closely followed by the man. As soon as the door closed, only then could I

allow myself to cry as I sobbed slowly in the room. I kept chanting to myself that all will be well in as

much as I pretend to be asleep, they won't do anything. Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

My back was aching from the iron steel where it was rested on and I couldn't feel my hands and legs

anymore. My mind immediately went to my parents, they would have probably found out by now that I

was missing. I hate making them worried and I didn't know who kidnapped me.

The door opened almost immediately before I could prepare myself, the man was a light walker since I

didn't hear any of his footsteps before. He stared at me with an annoyed expression on his face, I

wondered if he was the boss or not?

“I see that you are awake. I was getting worried, hope you like your new place. I got it especially for

you” The voice, Oh my God!. I recognize it's Austin but why would he kidnap me?

“Austin?” I questioned him softly, straining my voice to speak as I was still thirsty from earlier.

“Yes, you are right. Now that you've seen me, I guess I don't need this anymore” Austin answered as

he peeled the mask off his face. I scolded myself for speaking out, if this was just like in the movies, I

guess I won't be leaving here alive then…

Austin turned to walk out of the room but paused“ I will come around again to play with you, but be very

rest assured that you won't be leaving here alive”

He told me the same thing that the woman had told me earlier, who was she? I doubt she couldn't be


She was with me earlier today at Lush Beauty, she won't risk being caught for this. I subtly glanced at

the pen to see that it was working perfectly well. I smiled to myself, at least if I'm gone, I will make sure

that Austin and his accomplice rot in prison…

“Austin, when did you arrive?” The man from earlier asked Austin as he stepped into the room.

“ I see you are awake, it takes longer than I had expected” He said to me, his eyes darkening with

contempt. I could see how Austin was a friend to him, they were both merciless..

“Where did you go? What would have happened if she had escaped?” Austin screamed at the man and

made him walk out of the door.

I exhale and rest my back against the steel rod where I was tied to. Congratulations Nina, you are still

alive. I was scared, Austin was still coming back and what does he mean by playing? Hope he's not

planning to kill me today.

And where the fuck is Michael? I thought he said he would be able to find me with the necklace. Where

is he now?

I didn't know how long it was that I had stayed awake talking to myself, the room was suffocating me

that even without Austin making any effort, I will be a dead person from lack of air.

I didn't know when I fell asleep on the bare cold floor but I awoke as soon as I heard the sound of water


I sat up abruptly and gulped nervously as I saw Austin and the other man filling the drum with water. I

got scared, what is he trying to do? Hope he's not going to drown me in that drum..

Austin turned to look at me as soon as he sensed my eyes on him. He smiled excitedly as soon as he

saw the fear in my eyes. I scolded myself for giving him that satisfaction that he could hurt me.

“Don't worry Nina, I won't kill you just yet. I'm only curious as to see what water could do to someone”

His eyes widened from mischief causing the smile to spread across his face.

“I'm so excited for tonight. I'm finally going to try all of my fantasies with you and I trust you won't

disappoint me”

“Why?” I asked him pausing, to gather my thoughts together as my brain went spiraling with the

thought of being dead

“ Why are you doing this to me? Have never really done anything to you. I even helped you out at first

when you need my help and with your mom I___”

Austin helped up a finger to stop me, his eyes getting red from anger“ You really want to know why I'm

doing?” He asked me as I nodded. Though, I suspected it because of Michael and Mia.

“ Don't worry, you'll find out very soon by my actions” With that he stepped out of the door after giving

me his mischievous smile.

I glanced at his accomplice who was pouring water in the drum continuously without any rest. For every

water being poured causes my heart to leap a fraction more. I had always hated the water since

childhood. I never really learned how to swim because I dreaded going near the pool.

A time like this I couldn't help scolding myself that if only I had learned the basics of swimming I would

have been able to stay alive in the water longer.

The accomplice came over to untie the rope from my hands. My first instinct was to kick him on the

crotch and escape but I didn't know where this was, I wouldn't make it far before they found me.

“You won't be able to escape this time, I will make sure you die by my hands” The man grinned at me

showing his teeth. I step away from him causing him to laugh the more.

“What are you doing Xavier? Get her into the water already. I'm dying from suspense already?” I

cringed from Austin's tone of voice. I never knew he was this bad, I thought Michael said he was

getting treatment for his sickness.

Xavier, just as Austin called him, lifted me effortlessly from the floor and carried me into the drum. I

kicked and turned in his hands but all my efforts were in vain.

He finally deposited me into the water. I sank immediately into the ground and succumbed to fate. I

vowed that in my next life I won't love any man as much as I love Michael and if I do, it won't be a


I lost count of the numbers of time I was dropped into the water and taken out. For every time, Austin

set a timer for how long I would last in the water, he increased it every minute until my body couldn't

take it any longer.

“What's going on? She isn't making any noise. Take her out of the water now, I don't want her dead just

yet, I still have a lot to try with her” I heard Austin screamed to Xavier who ran to take me out of the


Though I was unconscious but my brain was still very much alive as Xavier fought to remove all the

excess water from my system.

I cough and came back as I turned to see Austin pacing around the room“ That's good ” Austin told

Xavier. He walked closer to where I was lying on the floor.

“You are a very strong girl, Nina Miller. I could see how you've survived that terrible accident” He ran a

hand down my cheek before patting it.

“ Feed her some food to eat, I need her ready for my next experiment” He said to Xavier before

stepping out of the door.

I cough as Xavier helps me to my feet, he took the plastic chair where Austin had vacated earlier and

handed it to me. I sat down glad that I wasn't going back to the cold floor anymore.

I took the ballpen from the floor as soon as Xavier left the room. I shut it off and played the recording, it

played perfectly fine. I was excited to see that it was okay. I hide it at the back of the drum and willed

myself to sleep while mentally preparing myself for another torture from Austin.

I hope this time Michal finds me before the psycho finally decides to kill me.

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