The Billionaire’s Pretty Thief

Chapter 59

It was one Blazes friend, and he had come to his house to look for him as he was not at his office and his phone was not connecting.

“I am sorry sir, please do not be mad at me”, Gina spoke out as she got up to her feet. Marco, who was stunned by her beauty, stared at her with his eyes and mouth widely opened.

” Sir, are you okay?”, she further asked and the other maids who were attracted by the voices, rushed to the living room to find out what was happening.

“Sir Marco, welcome to our home again”, the maid spoke out with a smile on her face, and Gina, noticing that the others had arrived, kindly excused herself in shame and she walked quickly upstairs to her room.

Marco’s eyes did not have her body, while she climbed the stairs till she finally disappeared, and not holding himself back from inquiring, he turned to the maids and asked about the beautiful lady that he had just seen.

“Oh, she is Mr. Blaze’s guest and she is here with her dame”.

Marco had found something in Blaze’s house that did not want him to leave anymore and forgetting the reason why he was at Blaze’s house, his mood was just smiles all through.

Breathing profusely at what had happened, Gina, held her chest with her right hand feeling so embarrassed at what had gone on downstairs.

” How did I not see that someone was coming behind me?”, she questioned herself but her answers were stuck in her throat refusing to become known. Thinking of the fine young man that she had knocked down, Gina could not help but agree that he was handsome and smelled good too but climbing down from her fantasy, she thought back to the fact that, she was just a maid and such a man can never fall for her.

“Gina, you better get to the privy cause that is what you were going to do before that horrible incident happened”, she murmured while leading the way to the lavatory.

Crystal was quiet throughout the journey and her heart was filled with joy but at the same time, she was so embarrassed by the situation that she could not even look at Blaze in the eyes again. He had noticed her silence and embarrassing position as it had everything to do with the kiss that he had given to her.

” Are you okay?”, he asked making an effort to set off the lull that was between them but Crystal still keeping her gaze on her dress nodded positively to his question.

“Are you feeling embarrassed about what happened some moments ago?”, Blaze pressed on and Crystal’s face had already constructed some bubbles of sweat out of anxiety.

” I think that I am fine”, she responded. Blaze smiled at her and kept on driving for some minutes catching a glimpse of the resort where he was taking her, he said,

“Take a look at that”.”

At what without?”, she asked without putting up with her head and Blaze focusing on the road but still managing to pull her head up, turned it softly to the side, and her reaction was wowed by what she was seeing.

“This is amazing”, her eyes glittering from her view outside the car screen.

She was happy to see how everything was arranged and the beach was amazing. Her whole attention was focused on what she was seeing outside while her heartfelt joy.

” Is this where place you were talking about?”, she asked turning her gaze to Blaze and her smile brightened up his existence.

“Yes, this is where I wanted to bring you caus’causeigured out that you needed some good time”, he spoke out, driving his way to the parking lot, with the help of the security agent who was directing him consultation well.

Before Blase could place well, Crystal just wanted to get out and head to the beach and as soon as the contact of the vehicle was cut, she told Blaze to unlock the door for her to go down.

” Hey, calm down, we are going to get there eventually okay!”, he said, and the expression on Crystal’s face had gone to a sorrowful one. Blaze not wanting that to happen held her hand and without her expecting what was going to happen, he pulled her towards him while his eyes met hers.

Crystal looking around to see whether people were looking at them, swallowed some saliva inside her throat and asked him what he wanted Blaze letting out a teasing smile slip out of his lips asked,

“Are you quite sure that you want to know what I want?”.

The atmosphere was already getting hot for her so with a struggle, she managed to squeeze herself out of his arms. Her lips shivered as she looked at him and her bud could be felt sliding in between her legs.

” Shall we go now to the beach?”, she asked but Blaze walking closer to her, made her feel uncomfortable as she walked backward. She was looking at him and the fright in her eyes could be seen clearly but she decided to stay steady.

“You do not need to be scared of me Crystal, moreover, I am not going to hurt you”, Blaze whispered but Crystal thinking back to the unpleasant incident that had happened in his house on the first night, moved her lips and let out,

” I do joy trust you as you have once taken advantage of me before or have you forgotten about that so soon?”.Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“If I was as bad as you are saying or thinking about, you would not have come to me in such a period right?”, his voice got onto her ears while his stare made her melt slowly.

Lowering her head, she made a way out of the piece that he was blocking her, and looking around she asked whether they were going to finally head to the beach or stay there all day.

His attention was focused on her and his heart was rising, he could not keep the truth again from her much longer as he had deeply grown madly in love with her. He had to find a way to fix things there before they could go back to the city and that place was his only chance to remedy the situation. Crystal pulled his hand and They both went inside the building that was standing in front of them.

She was wowed by what she was observing and asking Blaze why he had not brought her there yesterday, he smiled and said,

” I wanted you to have some great first”. It was clear that Crystal was an innocent soul. She was all over the place when they got inside and all she wanted was for Blaze to hurry up and show her around.

“Wait Crystal, I need to make some reservations”, he explained but Crystal had completely gone off after listening to him say that he was to get accommodation.

” Why are you getting a room, we did not plan to stay here for long right?”, she asked all suspicious but Blaze told her to calm down and that it was just for precaution. He further explained that it was better to be safe than sorry because, they might get carried away by the fun and nightfall could meet them over there but Crystal being categorical about the whole thing, refused to listen to him.

“Look, I know what you’re thinking, and trust me it is not going to happen”, she spoke out but he made an effort to convince her to change her mind and even proposed that they could be in a separate room but she still denied it.

” Let’s go Mr. Blaze”, she grumbled and Blaze not having any other choice but to follow her, kept back his card in his pocket and they left for the beach site. It was a beautiful and sunny day, with a lot of people there.

Crystal could not but open her hands wide open as she left the cold breeze to blow her sorrows away. It had been long she had not been to such a place and there she was, with the man that she was madly in love with but could not say.

“Do you want us to get some swimsuits?”, Blazed questioned while he pointed in the direction of the boutique, which was just close to the inn.

” No thanks but I would rather stay in my dress, moreover, we are going back soon right?”, she asked and her smile was everything to him. Crystal saw a little girl playing in the water, and her eyes opened just by admiring her move on the banks of the water.

“Can I walk a little on the beachside”, she inquired and Blaze asked her whether she was familiar with the place, she said no,

” But I just want to exercise my legs a little while enjoying this beautiful view that I have here”, her response was immediate. He permitted her to go but he was watching her closely as she was very fragile.

Blaze had walked to the ice cream seller to get two cones of ice cream, when staff from the hotel, came running with an orator in his hands, asking Everyone to leave the beach and get inside where it would be safe for them.

The different people who were there tried to ask him what was going on but not wanting to scare them, he asked them to follow his colleagues inside.

Blaze who was feeling nervous about the situation walked up to the person and asked why the matter was after presenting himself but the staff felt honored to have such a great personality on their beach and told him there was a torrent of rain that was going to pour down very soon so everyone had to be saved.

His mind quickly went to Crystal, and out of fright, he threw down the ice cream cone and began running in the opposite direction in search of Crystal who could not even be seen amid the crowd.

Puzzled at the reaction of people, she looked at them getting up on their feet and making their way out of the beach in their numbers.

“Where are they all going to?”, she asked but her attention was captivated by the drop of rainfall on her face. She wiped it and when she had a look at the liquid her head was raised to the sky to confirm whether what she was thinking was real.

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