The Turning Point

Everything was going on well for Ellie and the plan she had set in motion was moving well in her favor. She was still worried about how to handle Kevin but at the same time, she was focused on getting Daniel’s approval and the only way to get that was to make the collaboration with the Oswell Fashion Group happen. Since the day she met with Natalia, she hadn’t gotten in touch with her to give her the feedback on what she had proposed, as Edward had advised Ellie not to. Edward wanted Natalia to be the one eager to meet Ellie and not the other way around, hence, the reason he advised Ellie not to communicate with her for days. This suggestion of Edward actually worked as Natalia couldn’t hide her excitement the day Ellie finally called.

‘Hello, may I know who this is?’, Natalia had said the day Ellie called.

‘Hello, Natalia. This is Ellie, the lady you met at the mall …..’, Elle said, trying to explain herself but couldn’t finish her statement as she was cut short by Natalia.

‘You do not have to introduce yourself. I already know who you are when you mentioned your name. I can’t forget such a beautiful name. You kept me waiting all these while. I have been waiting for your call’, Natalia said with joy and eagerness, which made Ellie surprised.

‘Really? You were waiting for me? I am so sorry about that. I got really busy with work, hence the reason I couldn’t get in touch with you as soon as possible’, Ellie responded.

‘You people must work a lot at Lion Fashion Group, it seems’, Natalia responded, which got Ellie astonished.

‘You knew I work with Lion Fashion Group? How did you get to know?’, Ellie asked, scared that all the efforts she had put into making the collaboration a successful one, were about getting wasted.

‘Truth be told, I ran a check on you. You left a great impression on me the day we met which made me looked forward to meeting you again. I had thought you would call to give a feedback the following day but when I didn’t get your call that day and the day after, I decided to run a check on you. Hence, the reason I know you work with Lion Fashion Group’, Natalia responded.

‘I …’, Ellie was about to say something but what Natalia said, made her stop.

‘Where are you? Are you available to meet up with me right now? I think its better we have a one-on-one conversation’, Natalia said, with a sense of urgency in her voice.

‘You mean right away?’, Ellie asked, shocked, not understanding the way things were taking turns.

‘Yes, right away if you are currently not occupied’, Natalia responded.

‘Sure, I am idle for now. Where should I meet up with you?’, Ellie asked.

‘Let’s meet at Tiago Cafe , the one right in front of the company’, Natalia said.

‘Okay. I will be there in the next 10 minutes’, Ellie responded, checking her watch.

‘Okay, then. See you soon’, Natalia said, hanging up on Ellie.

Ellie headed out to meet Natalia after having informed Edward about it. On her way out, Sophia had seen her entering a cab in a hurry which arose her suspicion. She wanted to know where she was heading to and so, trailed her. While in the cab. Ellie who had no idea that Sophia was trailing her had called Clinton to inform him about her meeting with Natalia.

‘She requested for you to meet with her even after having known that you work with Lion Fashion Group?’, Clinton asked, surprised by what he had heard.

‘Yes, she did and I am currently on my way to meet with her’, Ellie responded, anxious.

‘Seems you left quite a big impression on her the last time you met. She normally cut of communication with people that work with Lion Fashion Group once she gets to know where they work but yours seems to be quite different’, Clinton responded.

‘Seems like I am special and lucky’, Ellie said, smiling.

‘Well, I wish you best of luck. Just make sure you keep me updated with the outcome of the meeting’, Clinton said.

‘Sure, I will. Till then’, Ellie said, hanging up.

On getting to the cafe, Ellie had called Natalia to inform her.

‘Wow, seems you like keeping to time. I will be there with you in the next three minutes’, Natalia said hanging up. Just like she had promised, Natalia joined Ellie at the cafe at the specified time but what surprised Ellie was that, she was not alone. There, Collins, her husband and the owner of Oswell Fashion Group was beside her, walking towards where Ellie was sitting. Ellie was shocked but even in her confused state, she composed herself and stood up to welcome them as they got to the table she was sitting.

‘Hello, Ellie. Sorry for keeping you waiting. This is Collins, my husband and the face behind the Oswell Fashion Group. I am sure you know him’, Natalia said, introducing Collins, while having her seat.

‘Hello, Mr. Evans. It is nice meeting you’, Ellie said in a polite manner, stretching her hand forth to shake that of Collins’.

‘Hello, Ellie. It’s a pleasure to meet you too. So, you are the lady my wife has been on and off about. She has always discussed about you since the day you two met. You must be somehow special since you will be the first person from Lion Fashion Group that she will have a liking for. The first day she spoke about you, I was wondering who could have captivated my wife’s heart but on seeing you today, I realize one can be captivated by how beautiful you are’, Collins said laughing, which got both Ellie and Natalia laughing too.

‘Thank you for the compliment, sir’, Ellie said, smiling.

‘Even your smile is captivating’, Collins said laughing, trying to make the environment as lively as possible.

‘Don’t mind my husband, he jokes a lot and which is the reason I fell in love with him’, Natalia said, laughing.

‘Are you such it was because of my joke or because of my handsomeness?’, Collins said, touching his face, which got both Ellie and Natalia laughing.

This scene was witnessed by Sophia who was watching from outside the cafe as they discussed and laughed.

‘How was she able to get to Collins within a short period of time? How is she able to achieve what I have been trying to? No, I can’t let her win. I will make sure to stop this’, Sophia said with frustration, heading inside the cafe with one thing in mind; to stop Ellie from getting the collaboration.

As soon as she entered the Cafe, Ellie had spotted her approaching their table and she wondered how she got to know where she was.

‘Hi, Ellie. What are you doing here?’. Sophia said, acting all nice as soon as she got to their table. This made Ellie to roll her eyes and ignored her. Ellie wondered what she was up to

‘Are you having a business meeting and with whom are you having the meeting?’, Sophia continued, turning around to face the Evans, pretending as if she was not aware of their presence.

‘Oh …, Mr. Evans? I didn’t know you are the one seated. I have been meaning to meet you. It’s nice meeting you. I am …’, Sophia said, pretending to be surprised and was about introducing herself before she was cut short by Natalia.

‘We already know you to be the daughter-in-law of the Lion Fashion Group but don’t you think it quite bad of you to jump on people ‘s conversations without asking for permission?’, Natalia said, sounding as harsh as she could be. This made Ellie laughed and which got Sophia angry but couldn’t show her spitefulness.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

‘My bad, Mrs. Evans. I didn’t mean to. I was just overwhelmed by having to see Mr. Evans here’, Sophia said, trying not to show how angry she was towards her . As soon as she said this, Natalia rolled her eyes.

‘Ellie, are you here to meet them concerning the collaboration?’, Sophia said, trying to put Ellie in a tight corner.

‘Will you keep shut?’, Ellie asked, trying to make Sophia shut her mouth.

‘Actually, we are here to have a discussion with her about the collaboration, so if you don’t mind, please excuse yourself’, Natalia said, showing Sophia the way out.

‘You knew about my intention?’, Ellie asked surprised, with her eyes wide opened.

‘Yes, I do. Lion Fashion Group has been wanting to have a collaboration with us for a long period of time. When I discovered you are one of them, I realized why you approached me that day. I have always been the one stopping my husband from having a collaboration with the company due to the personal grudge I hold against the Porous family’, Natalia said.

‘You have a grudge against my family?’, Sophia asked.

‘Will you stop being rude? I told you to stop butting in’, Natalia said yelling, which made Sophia kept quiet.

‘I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to take advantage of you. I was just in a tight situation’, Ellie said, feeling remorseful and apologizing to Natalia.

‘It’s okay, darling. I quite understand. You remind me of someone, someone very dare to me and whom I could do anything for but she is no more. I see her in you and so, I am ready to do anything for you. I have spoken with my husband on your behalf and he is ready to have the collaboration with your company’, Natalia said, holding Ellie’s hands and smiling at her with love in her eyes.

‘Really?’, Ellie beamed with joy, finding it hard to believe what she had just heard.

‘Yes, that’s true. I will be signing the collaboration contract with the company on my first son’s birthday which is in a week’s time. But before then, samples of some sketch designs should be sent to our Fashion team for them to check and choose the ones we will be working with. Congratulations, Ellie’, Collins said, shaking Ellie’s hand.

‘Thank you, Mr. Evans’, Ellie responded smiling. This scene got Sophia who was still standing and watching annoyed and she uttered loudly, ‘What an annoying sight!!!!’.

‘Excuse me, you are still here? Will you leave honorably or allow them to drag you out?’, Natalia asked.

‘Don’t you get, Sophia? You are not welcomed here. So, get lost’, Ellie said, standing up and whispering into Sophia’s ear.

‘Don’t think this is the end. I will make sure you pay for the humiliation you made me face today’, Sophia said, walking away.

‘If you do not mind, we will like to get back to work. Hoping to see your beautiful face, soonest’, Collins said, getting up, which made Ellie giggled.

‘Ellie, I will discuss with you later in the day. Do enjoy the rest of your day. And for being my Shopping Assistant, we will talk about that’, Natalia said, also getting up, ready to leave.

‘Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Evans. You really made my day. I will look forward to receiving your call, Natalia. Have a safe trip on your way back to work’, Ellie said, bidding them farewell.

‘And you too’, the couple said, walking away while holding each other’s hands.

Sophia who was still around, clenched her fist, getting irritated by the smile on Ellie’s face.

‘Just wait, Ellie. Your doom is about to begin’, Sophia said with envy and anger. Taking her phone, she dialed Jack’s number and said upon Jack picking:

‘When am I meeting with him?’

Who do you think Sophia is planning on meeting?

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