The Missing Cry

She woke up to the shining, bright light in her room, which was coming from the window in her room. As she fully opened her eyes, becoming aware of her environment, she tried to get up from bed, but she felt too weak to do so. One of her hands was handcuffed to the bed rail, restricting her movement. She looked in the direction of where the light of coming from and she realized, it was morning; which meant she was unconscious all through the night. The memories of what had happened before she lost her consciousness came rushing to her, and it was then, she realized something wasn’t right. She clearly remembered birthing her child before she passed out, but there was neither a crib nor her child beside her. Confusion stroked her mind and all she wanted at that moment, was to know where her child was. She couldn’t move due to her hand that was cuffed to the rail. She looked around, searching if there was someone nearby and luckily for her, she sighted the female warden who was watching over her, just few steps away from her bed.

“Miss, where is my baby?” Ellie asked, calling for the attention of the warden.

“You are awake?” the warden, who had just noticed she had regained her consciousness asked, moving close to her bed.

“Yes, I am. Where is my baby?” Ellie replied, repeating her question. “The doctor or the nurse is in the best position to tell you that. Let me get one of them for you” the warden said, excusing herself and went in search of the doctor. Few minutes later, the warden returned with the doctor who had delivered Ellie of her child, accompanied by two nurses.

“Miss Ellie, you are awake now? Are you feeling discomfort in any part of your body?” the doctor said, upon getting to Ellie’s side, wanting to assess her, but was stopped by Ellie.

“Where is my child, doctor?” Ellie, who was not in for the doctor’s chattering asked, getting impatient and was on the verge of losing her sanity.

“You will have to calm down, Miss Ellie. About your child, I am sorry to say this, but we lost him. You had a still birth. He was already dead before you gave birth to him. We tried our best to resurrect him, but we couldn’t. I am sorry for your loss, Miss” the doctor declared, which made Ellie speechless. She tried processing what the doctor had said, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t. She was finding it hard to believe, as she had thought the doctor was playing a prank on her, and so, she burst out in laughter.

“You are joking, right? Tell me where my child is, doctor” Ellie said, laughing, making everyone other person present in the room, wondering what was wrong with her.

“I am sorry if you find this funny and you think I am joking, but your son is truly dead” the doctor said, affirming the truth. It was at that moment, the reality drawn on Ellie. Her countenance changed and the reality began to sank in. Her eyes were welled up with tears, still finding it hard to believe her son was gone. She could feel her son’s presence, she could feel each of his every heartbeat. It was like as if their hearts were entwined and she could feel her son yearning and calling for her. Thinking about what the doctor had said, she realized something was wrong.

“Still birth? Dead before he was born? That can’t be true. I clearly heard my child cries before I passed out. Despite me being weak and exhausted, I could clearly see my child being held by one of the midwives, with his cries, echoing in the room. So, tell me, how could a dead baby have cried?” Ellie questioned the doctor, yelling. Shock was on the doctor’s face, as Ellie queried him, and it felt like he was hiding something. So as not to arouse Ellie’s further suspicion, he quickly composed himself, keeping a serious face.

“You must be mistaken, Miss Ellie. Your child never cried and like I had said, he was already dead before you birth him. He had died in your womb due to the stress and suffocation he went through, while trying to birth him and coupled with the fact that, he was born prematurely. You hearing him cried, must have been your hallucination” the doctor said, trying to make Ellie believe she was wrong.

“Hallucination? No, I didn’t. I really know what I am saying. Stop trying to make me look like I am mad. I know what I am saying” Ellie yelled in frustration, with her voice hardening and gradually becoming violent.

“Calm down, Miss Ellie. I know it’s hard to accept and believe, but it’s a reality you have to accept” the doctor said, trying to keep her calm.

“Calm down? Okay, I will do just as you had advised but I will like to see my son’s dead body” Ellie said, dropping a bomb shell, which made the doctor fidget and frozen.

“I don’t think that will the possible, as he has been buried” the doctor lied, trying to cover up his lapses. Upon hearing this, Ellie’s face hardened and she became agitated. She slowly got up from her bed, knelt on it and in no time, her hands were on the doctor’s neck.

“He was buried? Why the hell would you bury my child behind my back? Who told you you could do that? Who gave you the permission to do that? I know my son isn’t dead, so get me my child now” Ellie, who had managed to draw the doctor closer to her and was now strangling him on the bed said, venting her anger on the doctor, with her eyes reddened. The nurses and the warden tried getting the doctor away from Ellie’s hold, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t. Her strength overpowered theirs, making them wondered, where she had gotten her strength from. Ellie kept on repeating the statement “Get me my child”. She would only let the doctor go, after they give her child. They tried persuading her to let go of the doctor, but she didn’t and threatened to harm anyone who came close to her. In no time, the room was crowded with spectators, watching as the event unfolded. The other doctors who had also gotten there, tried persuading Ellie, but their persuasion fell on Ellie’s deaf ears as she never budged. The doctor was gradually losing his breath and he couldn’t hold out anymore. Noticing this, the other doctors knew they had to make a move. After having given each other signs, they all rushed at Ellie, which made her lose her focus and let the doctor go. She was held tightly, and despite her being subdued, she kept on fighting back, telling them to get her, her son.

Realizing she wouldn’t calm down anytime soon, Ellie was sedated and after few minutes, she lost her consciousness and fell into a deep sleep. She was laid and covered up on the bed and the expression on her face showed that, she was troubled despite being asleep. The strangled doctor was attended to and some minutes after the incident happened with him having fully regained his strength, he went to a hidden corner and put a call through to an unknown woman.

“Hello, Miss. I am so sorry to have called you after you had instructed me not to, but there is an issue at hand” the doctor said, looking around to make sure he was alone.

“And what is that?” the unknown woman asked.

“That lady, she wouldn’t accept that her child is dead. She kept on ranting that her child is alive and she almost choked me to death few minutes ago. I think she might be a bit difficult to control, as she keeps on saying her son is alive” the doctor said, with fear evident in his voice.

“Is that why you called? If you cannot keep her quiet, then, silence her forever” the woman responded.

“What?” the doctor said, surprised by what the woman had just said.

“You heard me right. Kill her, if that’s the only way to silence her. I am giving you until tonight to take care of her” the woman said, hanging up. The doctor was torn on what to do. How could he kill a person? He felt bad for separating her and her child, now to kill her? He knew he couldn’t go against the woman’s order and at the same time, didn’t want to kill Ellie. This made him sat on the fence, not knowing what to do.

William, Sophia’s father was sitting in his large and spacious office, when his cell phone rang. Upon checking the phone’s screen, he realized the caller was his private investigator. He picked the phone with excitement, hoping to get a good news from him that time around and he actually did get one.

“Hello, Mr. Porous. I have found your daughter!!!!” the investigator declared with excitement, which made William’s eyes widened.

Who do you think the found daughter was?Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

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