The Billionaire’s Desires

Chapter 29 Near Death

Still Miguel’s POV

“Keep your eyes open, I need you to look at me. You can’t shut your eyes, just keep your eyes on me, listen to my voice, just listen to me. You’ll be fine, I promise.” I told her softly. I had one hand on the steering wheel while my other hand was stretched towards her, holding her hand. She has lost so much blood and she looks as pale as a ghost.

“I… I… It hurts… It hurts so badly, I can’t take it anymore. I… I… I can’t bear it anymore. G… G… Get help Miguel… I… I… I… need help… Help…” She cried out in pain, shivering like a feverish patient. I have been driving around for a good few minutes, yet there was no hospital in sight, none at all. We had left the crime scene just in the nick of time. The cops passed us on their way to the crime scene but they had no idea that we were the culprit, they simply passed by us and we drove away. Thank God they didn’t see Hillary in that condition, they would have dragged us to the station for questioning and we could have encountered more issues especially if we are apprehended by some of the dirty cops, it would have been so bad, so fucking bad. I’m pretty certain that they would not have bothered to bring us down to the station, they would have killed us on sight and they would have gotten away with it because everyone believes that the cops are right, they would never believe that we are innocent victims.

I stopped by a car park and stole another car, abandoning the first carb a few miles away from the Garage. It had taken quite a while to move her from the first car to the second one. I had to be extremely careful so no one would suspect anything fishy. I took off my blazer and shirt, using it to wrap her properly so nobody could see that she is bleeding. The last thing I want right now is for any stranger passing by to call the cols and lay a formal complaint against me, telling them that I’m carrying a girl covered with her own blood.

If they get a call from someone, it wouldn’t be long before they realize that we are the ones they are talking about and they would gain in on us again and resume their hot pursuit. I had to keep her injuries hidden before taking her to the car, laying her on the back seat. I saw a pharmacy up ahead and I stopped in front of the building, scooping her into my arms as I carried her inside. I called out to the pharmacist, half begging and half pleading for him to see what is wrong with her, but he refused to attend to her because she looks so pale and he thought she was about to die. He spoke to me politely, asking me to go to the hospital so the professionals could attend to her. He said he was simply a pharmacist and not a doctor or nurse. He gave me two directions, one to another pharmacy that is just two blocks away. He said the pharmacist there is more experienced than him because the lady used to work as a nurse in a hospital, he assured me that she could be able to help me attend to the lady.

“If the sign says close, do not turn away, use the back door, it’s always open and she does most of her work at the back.” He advised me, looking so serious. You would think that he is talking about some badass Ninja or something like that, you would never know that he is talking about an ordinary pharmacist.

The second address he gave me was to a private hospital and a public hospital. He wrote down the two addresses, telling me to hurry before the girl dies. I said a few words of thanks as he help me take Hillary back to the car. I decided to try the other pharmacy before going to the hospital. Hospitals have this weird law this weird policy, they always request for an official police report before they can attend to a victim of an accident or any other weird case. I can’t be seen anywhere near the police station right now, I can’t get any fucking report, not now when she is bleeding out on the car seat. Besides, Ariel must be aware of the fact that Hillary has escaped from her grasp a second time. She must be so pissed that Hillary keeps getting away. She would have sent her thugs to search for her in every fucking hospital. Ariel would never let her get away this time, she is such a bitch!

I’m not prepared for such a battle, I can’t take them down alone. The best move would be to hide out and try as much as possible to evade them. “One more thing, if anyone comes here and asks about us, you never saw us here, and you have no idea where we are.” I instructed him. He smiled and nodded lightly. He understands what I meant, he is a pharmacist, I’m sure he has seen situations like this before. I left his place, with Hillary still in my arms looking paler by the minute, I drove as fast as I could, going to the other pharmacy. I arrived in a few minutes, parking in front of the door like a fucking lunatic. The sign on the door says closed but I’ll go in any way.  I picked her up in my arms, going towards the door, I yanked on the door handle, trying to push it open, but it didn’t budge, it has been locked from the inside. I carried her around the corner, searching for the back door that the other guy talked about. It wasn’t hard to locate it, it still had a sign on it saying closed, “Not in use.”

I tried to push it open but it’s locked as well. I banged hard on it, yanking on the door handle, but I couldn’t get it open. I looked around, checking if there is anyone around when I saw that the street was empty, I pulled out my gun and shot twice on the door handle, then I kicked it open and stepped into a slightly wider room with two hospital beds, then I heard the sound of a pistol being cocked. I turned and saw a beautiful blonde lady, standing near the door to an adjoining room, her gun pointed right at me.

“You owe me a fucking door.” She said sternly, looking me dead in the eyes.

“I’ll fix it, I’ll get you a fucking new door if you want, just help me save her, please.” I pleaded urgently, turning to lay Hillary on the bed close by.

“Oh my God…

Oh my God…

Are you fucking insane, why didn’t you take her to the hospital immediately, can’t you see that she is losing so much blood?”

“I can’t take her there, her life is in danger. They would kill her if they find her. Just do whatever you can to save her life, I’ll pay whatever you want, just name it and I’ll give it to you.” I pleaded continuously.

She wasn’t even listening to me anymore, she was already moving to Hillary, checking he vitals. I strode to the door, peeking out the window, checking for intruders. I know I told the pharmacist to keep shut, but I still have to be careful. In situations like this, one has to be extremely careful, I don’t know how she does it, but she has a way of finding us. I haven’t been able to find out the network she subscribes to. Every wealthy family has a group that they use to do their dirty jobs. I know all the groups and bi know their different method, if only I know the group she is using, then I would know the method they are using and I would be able to avoid them and stop them before they get to us.

Ray would have known what to do. He is the strongest and toughest among the both of us, he has always been more serious with our training, he would never have let her get hurt, he would have known about Ariel’s plans and he would have stopped it before she could get hurt. He is good with getting information, he is also perfect in hand combat. He would have protected her better than me, he would never have let this happen. I’ve failed the Trent’s. I am no better than my grandfather, I was given one job, only one task, and I failed at it, I failed completely. I am not fit to be called a Hartford, Nathan Trent would never forgive me if she doesn’t make it out of here alive.

“Snap out of it already!!!” the sound of the pharmacist’s voice came out so loud, snapping me out of my conflicting thoughts. I looked at her and she had a weird look on her face, her eyes as wide as saucers,

“Get over here and help me out already, what the hell is wrong with you, I’ve been calling you for over ten minutes, what the fuck are you thinking about, do you want her to die?

Get over here right now!” she ordered sternly. I ran over as fast as I could when I saw Hillary shaking rapidly on the bed, jerking vigorously like an epileptic patient.

“What the hell happened, why is she shaking so much?” I yelled in frustration as I went to assist her.

“Her body can not compensate for much longer on its own, her blood volume is dropping by the minute, we can’t let it get below forty percent, we can’t let that happen.

We don’t know her blood type so she can’t be treated with a transfusion, we need to use some transfusion alternatives such as medications. We need to stimulate her body to produce more blood cells. If the volume of her blood keeps dropping this way, her heart would not properly maintain blood pressure, it can’t pimp or circulate blood properly. Her organs may begin to fail if we don’t get her body to start producing more blood cells. She is going to pass out or slip into a coma, she is going to….”

“Shut the hell up already. Stop listing all the bad things that could happen to her, tell me what we need to do to save her, tell me how we can stop her from dying. You can’t let her pass out, you can’t let her die, save her please.” I scolded and begged at the same time.Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

“Of course, I’m going to save her, what do you think I’m doing here, playing? Just shut the fuck up and hold her down.” She yelled angrily at me, and I complied immediately and I held her still while waiting for the nurse to run back into her pharmacy and get some drugs. She was back within a few seconds and she had a variety of drugs with her, ranging from Erythropoietin, to GMC SF and many other drugs that I have no idea about. I guess she must have noticed the curiosity on my face, she scoffed softly before speaking to me,

“Well, in case you’re wondering what these drugs would do, Erythropoietin is used to increase the body’s production of red blood cells. G-CSF (granulocyte colony stimulating factor) and GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor) are used to increase white blood cells.” She explained fluently. I nodded my head in understanding, but the truth is, I have absolutely no idea what she is talking about, all I could pick up from what she is saying is that these drugs would help to boost her blood volume and make her feel better.

I held her down, then the bourse administered the drugs to her, and within a few seconds, she stopped shaking and lay still on the bed. I got scared when she stopped moving but the nurse just smiled and assured me that she is going to be fine. Our car is still parked in front of this pharmacy, like I said, I don’t know how Ariel finds us wherever we are hiding, her guys are quite good at tracking us down, it won’t be long before they would discover that we had changed cars at the garage. A close look at the security cameras would show them the car we had stolen and they would trace us back here, her thugs will show no mercy in dealing with us, they would kill her and kill the innocent nurse that is helping us.

“Would you be kind enough to help me keep an eye on her for a few minutes, there are some lunatics on our tail, I need to lose that car before it leads them here.” I told her, but she was not having any of that. She pulled out her gun and aimed it at me one more time,

“Sit your fucking ass down there man, you ain’t leaving without your woman, I won’t let you dump her on me, not in this condition, not when you haven’t paid her bills.” She told me pointedly without mixing words. I can’t help but chuckle at her behavior she must have encountered situations like this before, she must have faced situations like this before, situations where a patient would be abandoned in her care. I can imagine how difficult it would be for her to trust anyone that walks in through that door. If I were her, I would go see a shrink because situations like this could make her develop trust issues, she would never trust anyone easily,  not when she has faced this kind of deceit for a long time now,  and I am pretty sure that it won’t be stopping anytime soon because she would get to meet client’s every other day and some would certainly want to play a fast one on her.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, I ain’t going to abandon her, if I wanted to abandon her, I would have left her at the crash site, I would have let them kill her there, I wouldn’t have bothered to bring her here. But if you really feel way, here, have this. This is everything I have on me, here are my phones and credit cards. You can hold on to them until I come back for her. Just keep the light dim and keep the doors shut, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” I told her abruptly before dashing out of the back door.

It’s a good thing that I left when I did, I ran into some dirty cops a few blocks before the first pharmacy, they would have stopped by that pharmacy to question the pharmacist. He had promised to keep shut, but I can’t help thinking that he wouldn’t be able to keep our secret I don’t know why, but I simply don’t trust him. I drove past the cops, making sure to get their attention, then I sped right off, leading the cops out of this area. They followed after me and it turned into a hot car chase, they signaled other cops, giving them my location. At the same time, they also called Avril’s thugs, telling them where to find me.

They were all relentless in their search and they chased me like their very lives depended on it. I know they are this relentless because they think that Hillary is still in the car with me. I put u the tinted windows, hiding the fact that I’m all alone in the car. I kept driving so fast, dodging the cars and bullets, trying to stay ahead of all the other cars that were chasing me. I could not stop thinking about my brother and Nathan. I need to be ready and prepared so I can be of help to them if I eventually see our flare in the sky someday. I can’t be ready when I have a bunch of thugs and dirty coos on our tail, I have to shake them off, for good. I have to get them to stop chasing us.

An idea just came to my head. The thugs and the cops are right here, chasing behind me and they all think that she is in this car with me. I could sink this car in the ocean and make them believe that we are now dead. It could buy us enough time to pack up and flee this city. I’m an excellent swimmer, I could find my way out of the river before they could rally up a team to search for the bodies in the car.  It would take them some time to search the whole sea thoroughly. While they search, we would be boarding the next available flight out of this country.

I turned my car around, heading to the bridge. I’m going to crash my car into the river. I hope they don’t see through my plans, these guys are smarter than any thugs I’ve ever met. Worse yet, I hope I don’t get trapped or drowned in that river, Hillary would never be able to survive without me, not right now when her husband is still missing. No matter what happens, I have to get back here alive, if not for anyone else, I’ll do it for my brother.

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