The Billionaire And His One Night Stand


I covered my face hiding my embarrassment, this is all my fault. I should have never had called him that. Without saying a word he stepped out of the car and walked to the back seat to unbuckle Amari. As soon as Flynn unbuckled her she jumped out of the car and ran towards Ximena. She grew so attached to Flynn’s family since they pamper her and treat her like a princess.

I stepped out of the car and walked over towards Flynn. “Yeah, I think you should get over that word.” I said as I nudged him bringing him back to reality.

“Hell yeah! Why did you even call me that in the first place?” He looked at me intently waiting for me to answer. I turned my face to the other side so the heat that was rushing to my face would not show. I just shrugged instead. “We were young, things like that happen.”

“Calling me daddy?” he snorted. “Yeah right.”

I rolled my eyes and walked away. “Don’t tell me you didn’t like it.”

I heard him snicker behind me and judging by his footsteps he was following me. “At one point I did, but now… not really.”

His family spotted us walking towards them and a wide smile appeared on Rodrigo’s face. “Jill!” He greeted excitedly. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Took me hours of convincing.” I heard Flynn mutter next to me. “Hey mom, hey dad… Geez old man that’s a lot of roses you got there.”

I look at Flynn’s parents and from the looks of it they were still madly in love with each other. His father looked at us and grinned. “Today is the anniversary when your mom and I met. Of course it asked for a celebration.”

I let out a sigh as I watched them. They were so cute. The kind of couple goals everyone wants, but not everyone can get. Growing old with the person you love, how many of us don’t want that? I turned around and looked at Amari who was taking selfies on Ximena’s phone. I walked over to them.

“Are you having fun with Aunt Ximmy, princess?” I asked as I sat down next to Ximena on the grass. Amari nodded her head, but other than that she completely ignored me. She was too focused on her face on the screen.

“She’s going to be a social media influencer later. I can just feel it.” Ximena chuckled as she brushed a strand of hair out of Amari’s face. “Look at her, she knows exactly what her good angle is. Smart girl.”

“Oh hell no!” Flynn butted in as he waved his hand in dismissal. “She’s gonna be a CEO like daddy right princess?”

Rodrigo who stood next to Flynn choked on his soda. He coughed a couple of times before he sputtered out; “Daddy?!”

I rolled my eyes and muttered; “Very mature.”

“The last time he didn’t even wanted to hear that word. I’m just shocked!” Rodrigo laughed and patted Flynn on his back. “You are what we call daddy material.”

Flynn gritted his teeth and slapped Rodrigo’s hand away. “Shut up will you? How’s it like to be married?”

Rodrigo shrugged. “Nothing’s changed. Only that I get to see her every second of the day. Aren’t you bored of me yet babe?”

“Oh I am veryyy bored.” Ximena answered sarcastically. “Can you believe it? He doesn’t even want to spice it up with some handcuffs.”

My eyes widened and I choked on air. “There are kids here!”

Flynn chuckled and shook his head. “You guys are crazy. I’ll go back to mom and dad, they brought a lot of food there.”

“Can you leave the old man alone? He’s trying to earn mom’s forgiveness.” Ximena said as she braided Amari’s hair.

“What did he do again?” Flynn asked.

“He forgot Poker’s birthday.”

I laughed as I remembered that Poker was their dog. Flynn laughed too and said; “Mom is always so extra.”

“She has always been like that. Anyways can you bring some snacks over here. I’m starving.” Ximena said as she look up at Flynn and Rodrigo. “Please?”

They both shook their heads and muttered something along the lines of ‘being lazy’ and ‘such a princess’ before they walked to the picnic table where all the food was.

When they were out of earshot Ximena patted the seat next to her and motioned me to sit. “How is with you and my brother?”

I gulped, but decided to gave her my honest answer. “You know what he did Ximmy—,”

“Oh I do and I hate him so much for it! I don’t know why he can be so selfish and reckless sometimes.”

“But—,” I said my voice cracking, “I forgave him, but it’s going to take a while to trust him again.”

Ximena smiled faintly at me. “I’m so happy that you forgave him. He was a wreck you know. After you left.” She paused to take a deep breath. “It was heartbreaking to see him like that, but I also knew how you felt after you saw those pictures. Trust me, I’ve been there, I’ve felt it.”

“What are you trying to tell me?” I asked quietly. “That I should just go back to him and forget what happened? It’s not that easy Ximmy. He hurt me badly.”

“I don’t ask you to do that, Jill. No pressure at all. I just want to say that he truly loves you. The past was a mistake. A stupid dumb mistake. What I’m trying to say is that one day I hope you can give him a chance again.” Ximena smiled in the distance as if she could already see Flynn and I being together. “And… I want to have more Amari’s. Damn, I grew so attached to her.”

I laughed at the last part. “Why don’t you and Rodrigo make one?”

Ximena stared at me in horror. “What?! Popping a human out of my…?! Nope, nope, nope. Not ready yet for that!”

This time I laughed out loud. “Geez Ximmy, you make it seem like it’s that bad.”

She looked confused at me. “It isn’t?”

“Well actually it is.” I answered truthfully.

“See that’s what I mean. But Rodrigo wants a whole soccer team.” She rolled her eyes as she said that. “The more, the merrier he said.”

“What did you tell him?”

“I asked him if I looked like a make-a-baby machine to him.” She answered sarcastically and laughed. Then she looked around and leaned into me and whispered, “But honestly I always wanted to have a house full of children.”


###Chapter 26

It was already late at night when we drove back home. The ride home was quiet, because Amari was sleeping in my hands. She looked so tired after a whole afternoon of playing and singing with her aunt, uncle, and grandparents.

When we arrived home Flynn opened the door for me and took Amari from me. He carried her inside and tucked her in as I was standing in the doorway watching them.

So peaceful. So perfect even though it wasn’t.

After he turned the air conditioning on he walked back outside and closed the door behind him. “Thank you.” I said as I walked him out. “For bringing us to your family picnic.”

He smiled and kissed the knuckles of my hand. “Anything for my Princess and Pudding.”

My heart squeezed when he said that. “Flynn I’m—,

“It’s okay.” He whispered softly, letting go of my hand. “It’s okay. I will take things slowly, but I promise that I’ll get my family back.” He walked back to his car and turned around flashing me a bright smile.

“No matter what!”

Jill Malik P. O. V

“You’re not going back to that douchebag! I don’t approve !”

Aunt Lydia yelled in the speaker, I had to hold my phone away from my ear for a second. Geez, this woman.

“Tia,” I sighed, massaging my temples. “I forgave him and Amari needs her father. I cannot keep her away from him.”

“I don’t care if you forgave him!” She hissed angrily. “He will never get my blessings. Not over my dead body!”

I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand. Amari who was playing in the corner, looked up at me confused. “Don’t say that tia, you should learn how to forgive people. Life is too short,” I took a deep breath and continued, “People deserve second chances.”

Aunt Lydia scoffed and in the background I heard the shuffling of chairs. “So you tell me that rapists and murderers deserve second chances. For someone who graduated with a bachelor degree you sure are dumb if it comes to love.”

“Tia !,” I was so tired of her mocking me. Yes, I get it, she doesn’t like Flynn anymore. She hated him and called him a manwhore. She couldn’t believe what he did to me and she was so close to mutilate his balls. Good thing he lived in the states and she lived in Barcelona.

“You cannot compare a cheater to a rapist or murderer. That’s like comparing a house and a chicken. I know he kissed that woman, but—,” I paused for a second, “He’s my soulmate, tia. We are meant to be.”

The laugh that I heard from the other side of the line sounded so false, I wanted to vomit. “Soulmate?! Do you even hear yourself, child! He’s nothing but a cheating bastard. Once a cheater, always a cheater. He will do it again!”

“Be reasonable tia!” I yelled through the speaker. Amari looked up at me and there was fear in her eyes. I hurriedly walked over to her and said in a soothing voice: “It’s okay, princess. I’m not mad at you. I’ll be back in a minute okay? Stay in the bedroom.”

I walked outside to the balcony and continued, “When I was younger I did a lot of stuff I regretted later on and—,”

Aunt Lydia interrupted me. ” You said it yourself! When you were younger. Flynn was an adult for god sake! I don’t know when you will realize that, Chica!”

“I believe in second chances, tia. Life is to complicated to get everything right the first time and I don’t want one mistake to ruin a beautiful thing.”

I heard Aunt Lydia sigh on the other side of the line. “And do you want to know what I believe in? I believe that relationships should always have second chances. Always, hija. But the exception is cheating. Never take someone back who cheats.”

“I don’t believe in that, tia.” I answered stubbornly. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore with you. You don’t understand me. Where’s Milan?”

“No I don’t, chica. You want to go back to a cheater. A c-h-e-a-t-e-r, he broke your heart! Of course I will not understand!” Aunt Lydia sighed and I heard a soft murmur in the background. “Do you want to talk to mommy, Milan?”

There was a pause and then I heard Aunt Lydia’s voice again. “He’s drawing and he doesn’t want to be disturbed. Maybe you can call again later. He miss Pearl.”

Milan called Amari, Pearl. When I was pregnant with Amari I got a seashell with a pearl from Reina. Milan found it so beautiful, that he asked me the meaning of a pearl. I could still hear his demanding voice in my ears. “What is a pearl mommy? It is so beautiful. Tell me mommy, what is a pearl.”

When Amari was born and he saw her, his eyes lit up like fireworks. His lips curled into a smile as he leaned in to kiss her on her rosy cheeks. “She looks like a pearl mommy. The one you have in your room. Can I call her pearl?”

He never called her Amari. It was always pearl or baby sister.

“Pearl miss him too. I will let you guys come over very soon. Or maybe Amari and I will come to Barcelona. I’ll see if the time comes.” I said softly.

“That’s great, hija. I miss you too very much. You know that I always want the best for you.”

“Then why can’t you forgive Flynn?” I asked staring down from the balcony. Cars were passing by, it was rush hour.

“Don’t even mention his name,” Aunt Lydia said through gritted teeth. “I don’t want to hear anything about that douchebag.”

“Goodbye tia,” Suddenly I didn’t want to talk to her any longer. It hurts that Aunt Lydia cannot forgive Flynn.

“Bye, chica. Don’t forget to call later to talk to Milan.” She reminded me.

“I will not forget.”

I ended the call and walked back inside the bedroom. My eyes searched for Amari, but I couldn’t find her. Oh god, where the hell did she go?

I walked out of the bedroom and I heard noises coming from the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen Amari was on top of the table, eating cereal straight out of the box. Milk was dripping from all corners of the box. I looked down at the floor and there was a huge puddle with milk next to a open bottle of milk I bought yesterday.

Oh. my. god.


“What did she do?” Reina bursted out laughing as I told her about the cereal and milk. I spent the whole afternoon cleaning up the mess Amari made. I couldn’t stay mad at her, not when she was batting her eyelashes and pouting her lips at me.

“It’s not funny.” I said as I quietly closed the door of the bedroom. Amari fell asleep half an hour ago and since I didn’t want to wake her up I sneaked quietly out of the bedroom. “Wait until you get yours. You will deal with the same things.”

“Oh please no!” Reina yelled out on the other side of the line. “I hope he or she will be a nice sweet baby.”

I chuckled and sat down on the couch. “There’s no such thing as nice sweet baby, Reina. They all cry, poop, and eat.”

“Please don’t start! Anyways how are things going over there? Is everything alright between Flynn and you?” She asked.

“He wants us back.”

There was a second of silent. Followed by a squeal. “He does?! That’s amazing! Amari will have her dad, you will have your man. Such a happily ever after.”Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t forget that he cheated on me and Aunt Lydia can’t forgive him. I’m so confused Rei, I want to give him a second chance. But I don’t know.”

“What do you want? If you want to give him a second chance, you should. Life is too short, live in the moment.”

“I want too, but at the same time I’m afraid.” I answered honestly. “I’m afraid that he’s going to do the same thing again. It will make me a fool.”

“Being a fool is not always bad, you know.” Reina said and groaned, “Jesus, the baby is awake and is not giving me a good time…. Ah! The baby just kicked.” I could hear the happiness in her voice. I can imagine her smiling as she rubbed her belly. “What did I say again? Oh yeah, if he does the same thing again, he is a fool. Not you. Remember that.”

“I don’t know. I really don’t know.” I sighed and put my feet on the table. “I’m torn between giving a chance and not giving at all. Will it be unfair to Amari?”

“Unfair? No, of course not. Having a child does not mean that two people should be together.”

“I told him that.” I said.

“Do you love him? Reina asked suddenly.

“How crazy it may sound. Yes, I do. I actually do.”

Flynn Vasilios P. O. V

I sat in my office finishing the latest project I was working on. I haven’t seen my pudding and my princess in three days, since I was in Singapore to close a business deal. But tonight, I’m going over to their place to have dinner. I am so excited !

The door of my office opened and Rodrigo sauntered in. He wore a navy blue suit, seems like someone just came out of a meeting. “Haven’t you heard of knocking?” I said, looking up at him. He sat down across me and put his leg on my table. The nerve. “Get your leg off my table, dumbass.”

He ignored me and just stared at me, dead in the eye. Sometimes Rodrigo could be fucking creepy, just like now. “How’s with Jill? Did she forgive you yet?”

I closed my laptop and sighed. Typically Rodrigo to look out for Jill. “Nah, not anytime soon.”

“Good.” Rodrigo said, a smile playing on his lips. “I like a stubborn, hard-to-get woman. You broke her trust, what did you expect? Now who’s the dumbass?”

When Rodrigo heard what I had done to Jill he punched me in the face. And after that he didn’t talk to me for a month. A WHOLE month. Talk about being dramatic. “Are you here to rub this in my face? You think she was the only one that suffered.”

“She was the only one that suffered the most!” Rodrigo put his feet down and sat up straight in the chair. “If I were her, I would have never forgave you. But at the same time, I know how much you love her. You would give your life up for her. I know it and that’s why I cannot stay mad at you.”

“I still love her. So much. It actually hurts…,” I pointed at my heart. “Here.”

“What happened to Zoe? Heard anything about her after you ruined her career and reputation?” Rodrigo asked, laughing evilly. He was such a happy man when I ruined Zoe. He literally celebrated it for two weeks straight.

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