The Billionaire And His One Night Stand


“Ahaha, Jill killing us? She’s way to sweet for that. Now come on Flynn, It will only take ten minutes.”

Sera stood now so close to me that I could smell her sweet perfume. She’s so tempting and It just gets harder to reject her. I need to get away from her, but for some reason I’m still standing there.

Her voice, her perfume, her presence.

It kept me there.

She was a dangerous woman and I knew it. She always gets what she wants and I’m afraid that this time it will happen again.

Her voluptuous breasts were now pushed up on my chest and her sinful red lips were now so close to my face. I could smell her breath that was a mix of mint and champagne. “Come on baby, ten minutes.”

My breath became unsteady. Think about Jill I whispered to myself. This is considered cheating, you can’t do this to your fiancee and soon to be wife. But if she doesn’t know, did it really happen? Is it still consider cheating? Yes, yes. You dumb fuck!

My head was a mess. I didn’t know what I want and the sweet words Sera was whispering in my ear weren’t helping either.

Oh fuck it ! Fuck it !

Her sensual body moved slowly and I could feel the warmth spreading through my body. All my blood went down there and my head instantly became empty.

I looked into her evil eyes and my hands grabbed her face and kissed her fully on her lips. I could feel her smirking against my lips

She won. The devil won. Like always.

She kissed me back. Slowly.

“We need a room baby. For ten minutes.” she whispered against my lips.

And at this point, I knew I fucked up.

I knew I fucked my pudding up.

And god knows how I’m going to get out of this mess.

Jill Malik P. O. V

I was searching for Flynn for the past twenty minutes. He said that he would get a drink, but I couldn’t find him at the bar. The guests were about to leave and I needed him by my side. I was starting to get worried. Where the hell could he be?

“Hey pudding,”

I turned around and I let out a breath of relieve. Thank god, he was finally here. “Where were you?” I asked as I looked at him from head to toe. His hair was disheveled and he looked flushed. Why did it looked like he just ran a marathon?

“Oh, I–uhm just went to get a drink.” He said as he slipped his arm around my waist. His breathing was fast and I could feel the beating of his heart. Where the hell was he?

“I went to the bar and you weren’t there.”

He stopped and looked at me, but then smiled. “Oh and then… uhm… I went to the restroom.”

“Oh.” I wanted to slap myself. Why was I so worried? The restroom was on the other side of this room, so that explains why he’s out of breath.

This all still feels like a fairytale. A modern fairytale. The thing is, they always say that modern fairytales never have a happy ending. I think that’s what I’m afraid off. I’m afraid that the happiness I’m feeling right now, is just temporary.

“Hey, pudding. Don’t think too much.” Flynn kissed my forehead and smoothed the wrinkles out of my face. “I’m here, I will always be here.”

He looked me in the eyes. Everytime he does that, I fall even more in love with him. My face warmed as he crept closer and wrapped his arms around me. The way his hands caressed my face, or his gentle eyes met my own, It’s magical.

“I just got so worried and I don’t know why. You’re my fiancee and I mean you would never betray me. I feel so stupid right now.” I laughed stupidly, but stopped immediately when Flynn stayed silent.

He just looked me dead in the eye and it freaked me out. Why was he staring at me like that. “Babe?”

He shook his head softly and gave me a soft squeeze. “I was zoning out, but of course not. Why would you even think that? You are everything I want and everything I will ever need pudding. You are my queen. Never question that.”

He grabbed my hand and kissed my ring finger. “I want to make you my wife, because I know we are soulmates. I love you so much and… and don’t let any gossip break us apart. Just… see gossip or whatever you may hear as something we need to overcome together… as a couple.”

“Of course, I mean… That’s what we always do.” I answered smiling. “Now let’s go. People are waiting for us.”

Flynn held me close to his side and we walked back to his parents. His parents were talking to Milan and my aunt and it seemed like they are getting along very well.

“Mommy, mommy!” Milan squealed and ran up to me to hug me tightly. I squatted down and he jumped on me.

I chuckled as I lift him up. “Yes, mi amor? Do you have fun so far?” I gave him a kiss on his cheeks, but he immediately wiped it away.

“Mom!” he shouted out embarrassingly. But then he grinned. “Yes, I love it here.”

Flynn ruffled Milan’s hair and pinched his cheeks. “What did you do with the legos? Did you built big spaceships?”

Milan shook his head and looked at my aunt. “Tia gave half of it to the children’s home after she stepped on it.”

Flynn laughed and Aunt Lydia shook her head.

“It was very painful and I could not see those little suckers anymore.” she said and took Milan from me. “You guys need to do a final dance. The guests are about to leave, but they want to see you two do a dance.”


I was about to say something, but Flynn interrupted me. “Of course.” He said and smiled innocently at me. He grabbed my hand and brought me to the dance floor.

“Vasilios.” I hissed. “No one informed me that we had to dance.”

“Just go with it pudding,” he whispered as he wrapped one arm around my waist. “You don’t want to disappoint our guests.”

I let out a sigh as I heard the music starting in the background. There’s no turning back now.

There’s a calm surrender to the rush of dayWhen the heat of the rolling world can be turned away

We moved gracefully through the dancefloor as everyone was watching us in complete awe. I looked up at Flynn. Even in heels, he was still taller than me. I love the way he was looking at me.

An enchanted moment and it sees me through

It’s enough for this restless warrior just to be with you

I felt his body press against me, soft and warm. This was the love I’d waited for, prayed for. I inwardly thanked God and hugged all the tighter. A love like this was to be cherished for life.

And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are

It’s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer that we got this far

I’ve known heartbreak enough to shatter my mind, to leave my soul feeling like dust in the wind. But, he is worth my life and all that I have left is him.

And can you feel the love tonight? How it’s laid to rest

It’s enough to make kings and vagabonds believe the very best


I looked him in the eyes. “Yes?”

“Uhm,” Flynn cleared his throat. “What do you think of having the wedding in two weeks?” he whispered.

I stared at him wide eyed. Is he out of his mind?

“Are you crazy? Two weeks for a wedding? That will be a disaster!” I whisper-yelled.

“No, of course not. We already have our wedding planner, caterer, and decorator. Your dress will come next week. Everything is on schedule.”

I shook my head. This is not happening. “No, not at all. There is so much more that needs to be done. A wedding takes months to plan. We don’t even have our venue yet.” I was so confused, why did he want the wedding so early? I mean we were not in a hurry.

And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are It’s enough for this wide-eyed wanderer that we got this far

“Pudding,” he sighed. “It will all be perfect. I will make sure of that okay. We have the right people and I mean you’re right. Two weeks is way to short. What about in a month?”

I bit my lip. “I mean that’s better, but still I don’t think that’s enough time.”

“It will be pudding. I promise we will have our dream wedding.” Flynn intertwined our fingers together. He trace my lip lightly with the tip of his finger. My lips part and our breaths mingle. My heart flutters as he draws me to his lips.

And can you feel the love tonight? How it’s laid to rest

It’s enough to make kings and vagabonds believe the very best

“In a month it will be then.” I said breathlessly, after the kiss. “But why so early?”

His mouth twitched, and I was pretty sure he was fighting a smile. “Because–,” He drew me closer to him. “I can’t wait to make you mine. My pudding, my Queen, my Wife. And yes, I know… We are not in a hurry, but I’m just an impatient little boy okay.” He chuckled softly, before he turned serious again. “You mean a lot to me Jill. I love you so very much and there are some things that cannot be forgiven, but I want you to know that I’ll always love you. You will always have my heart. Now, tomorrow, and forever.”

Suddenly I heard claps in the background. The music had stopped and everyone was clapping for us. I looked at Flynn, he just smiled at me and squeezed my hand. “Are we going to tell them?” He whispered in my ear.

I nodded. Flynn clapped in his hand and everyone turned silent.

“So,” I started. “Flynn and I have decided just now that our wedding will be held in a month.”

Everyone cheered except for our family. They just stared at us with the ‘you two have a lot of explaining to do’ facial expression.

Flynn Vasilios P. O. V

When I kissed Sera I tasted something like rotten fruit. It was wrong. It was fucked up. I hated every single cell in my brains for it. But I can’t change what’s done.

Now I am going to lose the most precious person in my life. I know she is going to find out, sooner or later. And I know that the best thing to do is to tell her the truth.

But I can’t.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I can’t tell her. I can’t see her crying. I can’t see her in pain. I can’t see her walk away from me. It was a moment of weakness and I hate and regret it so much, but I know that there’s no denying in it.

I cheated on her.

Even though it was just a kiss.

And I know that Jill wouldn’t hesitate to pack her stuff and leave. How much could she possibly take? After everything she went through with me, it’s easy for her to leave but she decided to stay. And here I am, creating ways for her to leave me.

I focused my attention back on my laptop. I had a meeting in twenty minutes and I still haven’t made a powerpoint presentation yet. My pudding was at home with Ximena, doing wedding stuff. The wedding is tomorrow and I have never felt so miserable and happy at the same time.

Today her dress arrived, I haven’t seen it yet. She didn’t like the previous dress, so she ordered a new one. Part of me is excited to see it and part of me is hurting because I’m keeping a huge secret from her.

I know it’s stupid and dumb from me for not telling her the truth. But what if she never knows it. What if I can just forget about it and move on? Sera wouldn’t open her mouth, because Quinn is treating her like a queen. There’s no way she would tell a soul about what had happened at the party.

I got myself in a mess and I can’t even get out of it.

I let out a huge sigh. Tomorrow she’s going to be Mrs. Vasilios, but only god knows for how long.

I know I’m going to lose her. It may be tomorrow or in twenty years. The moment she knows about the kiss, is the moment she will leave me.

They always say that you don’t realize what you have until it’s gone. But I know what I had. I know that she is not replaceable. She brought the good out in me.

The pain I’m feeling in my chest right now is not bad compared to the pain Jill will go through when she knows the truth.

I screwed up. And this time it is real.


###Chapter 22

Jill Malik P. O. V

I was so stressed. The wedding is tomorrow at the Bourne mansion. The past few weeks Flynn and I looked at some venues with our wedding planner and we immediately fell in love with the Bourne mansion.

It was so beautiful with panoramic views and manicured gardens. We could definitely make some amazing pictures there.

I rarely saw Flynn the past few weeks due so much wedding preparations. The food had to be tasted, the invitations had to be sent out, and the cake had to be ordered. It was crazy.

The only time Flynn and I saw each other was when it was time to go to bed and most of the time we didn’t had time to talk. I know something was bothering him, because he was really quiet and distant.

Maybe he’s just nervous for the wedding like I am. It’s all going so fast and in twenty four hour I’m going to be Mrs. Vasilios. This morning I wrote a letter for him, that I will give him before the wedding. Just a little appreciation letter.

Ximena left the mansion earlier, she was with me all day. She helped me with the dress and the letter. She was so excited and she cried when I asked if she wanted to be my maid of honor.

My aunt and Milan went back to Barcelona after the engagement party, but they will come back tomorrow morning. Reina and Luca are also going to come tomorrow.

I put on my bathrobe and walked into the kitchen to see if my lasagna was ready. The last time I made lasagna it burned.

I put the lasagna on the table and looked at the time. Flynn should be home in an hour or two. He had a meeting today, again. I sighed and was about to walk back upstairs when I heard the doorbell.

I looked back at the clock. It was eight at night, who could it be? There are no guards today, because Flynn and I gave them a day off.

Maybe it was Ximena, did she forgot something?

I opened the door and there was no one outside. Instead I saw a beautiful bouquet with roses.

An early wedding gift was written in cursive on the envelope that was sticking out.

I looked around to see who brought it, but there was no one. There was also no name on the envelope. From who could this possibly be?

Jill Malik P. O. V

My stomach clenched and my face turned white as chalk when I opened the envelope. My fingers were shaking and my whole body was trembling.

This can’t be true. It could not be true. He would never do that.

My eyes turned into a pool of tears as I stared at the pictures. The tears were running onto my cheeks, my hand instantly went to my heart and my stomach because they both hurt so bad from what I saw. It was like my worst nightmare came true. He said he loved me and I took him at his word. He said I was his soulmate, but here I am. Looking at pictures where he’s glued to another girl.

More specifically, the girlfriend of his business partner Mr. Quinn. How could he betray two people at once?

And the worse part. It was all on our engagement party.

Tears fell on the photographs. They were all polaroids. On each one of them there was a smiley, except for the last one. In the same cursive handwriting that was on the envelope there was written on the polaroid: ‘Hope you like your wedding gift! Kisses, Z.’

Who the hell was Z?

The pain I’m feeling in my chest right now is undescribable. It feels like my insides are being ripped apart. Staring at pictures of the person I love cheating on me, breaks my heart in tiny little pieces.

I threw the pictures on the table and I instantly broke down on the floor. The crying became louder, the pain became heavier, and my mind crazier. I was shaking uncontrollably on the floor surrounded by those god forsaken roses with those pictures, that ruined my life in one second.

How could this happen? Wasn’t he happy? We were about to get married, would he even tell me about it? So many questions, no answer.

I stared at the floor. The pain in my chest didn’t become any lighter. I tried to stop crying, to stop my tears from flowing down my cheeks.

But I couldn’t.

This wasn’t eve close from what I felt when I broke up with Mateo. This was far more worse. I couldn’t feel myself anymore. I couldn’t hear the beating of my heart anymore.

This heartbreak is killing me, but at the same time it’s keeping me alive. It only brings more tears to my eyes when I think about Flynn. The things he had done for me, our happy moments. He’s everything I ever wanted and I will never stop loving him. Was everything he said a lie?

Even though he cheated on me, he’s like a drug I’m addicted to. He’s going to be the ex I cannot forget. And it’s killing me.

I don’t want to break up with him. Oh god, I don’t. I just want to try again, get answers from him. Hear his side of the story. Part of me wished this was just a prank, a lie. But pictures don’t lie, especially not polaroid. I want to give him a chance, a chance to start again.

But there’s just this much that I can take. And right now, the only thing to do, is distance myself from him.

I’ll runaway from my own wedding.

Far away, where he can’t find me.

I don’t need his sweet words, his gentle touch, and his pleading eyes. I need space. I need time to heal myself, to pick up the broken pieces.

I don’t want to hear his sorry’s and his pudding’s. I want him to realize that he needs to appreciate what he has before it’s gone. But it’s too late now.

And it hurts.

It hurts me so much to let him go. It hurts what he has done to me. I closed my eyes and the memories of us replayed in my head.

My crying turned into sobbing and my voice was raw. With trembling fingers I grabbed my phone and called the only person who could help me. The only person who could help me escape this nightmare.

“Hello?” he answered.

I cried when I heard his voice. “C.. Can I come with you?”

Appreciation letter to Flynn.

Dear future husband,

I just want to let you know how much I love you and how much I am obsessed with you. Thank you for accepting Milan as your own, that’s probably the most I am thankful for. He loves and adores you so much, I’m kinda jealous haha. Thank you for giving me a second family, who I love so very much.

I know we’re going to get married in a couple of hours. And then we will finally be Mr and Mrs. Vasilios. Isn’t it crazy how things work? I never thought that I would meet my One night stand again, let alone marry him. It’s crazy how faith works. But I guess good things comes to those who wait.

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