The Billionaire And His One Night Stand


“I wasn’t!” She yelled out. How much drama can there be in one night?

“Then who was?!”

“That was my aunt, because your boyfriend here couldn’t keep his dick in his pants so he had to go and fuck my aunt!” she yelled out bitterly, not caring that we were in a public place. Luckily she wasn’t as loud as Ellie and people didn’t notice anything.

Her words stung. Even though I know it was his past, it was bothering me like hell. How many of these women in this room, hasn’t he fucked?

“Poppy!” Flynn held her firm on her shoulders, while shaking her violently. “Get the fuck away from here !”

She laughed evilly and then turned her attention towards me. “I was the one he wanted to fuck, but since my aunt and I look alike—,”

Flynn growled and pushed her away. She stumbled and almost felt backwards, if it wasn’t of the chair that was behind her. “Finish that sentence and I swear I’ll break both your chicken legs.”

“Finish that sentence and I swear I’ll break both your chicken legs.” she repeated him in a mocking voice. “You didn’t say that when you fucked my aunt considering we both look-alike.”

With that she smiled and walked away. Anger and pain was written all over my face. I know that this shouldn’t hurt me. That this is just part of his past. For some reasons, I was angry. Angry at Flynn for being so reckless. How many of these women, hasn’t he fucked? What will they think of me? That I’m just one of his flings?

Flynn turned around and saw the hurt in my eyes. He wanted to grab my hand, but I pushed him away.

“Pudding I—,” his voice cracked, but I didn’t want to hear any of it.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“You had a one night stand with her aunt?!” I whisper-yelled, pain visible in my voice. “That’s disgusting!”

Tears brimmed in my eyes. Suddenly I couldn’t be with him in the same room anymore. I walked out of the room to the balcony, to get some fresh air.

This was just too much for one night.

Jill Malik P. O. V

The night was starless and the moon was covered with murky clouds that blended in with the rest of the sky. I leaned on the balusters of the balcony and admired at how it was made. The balcony was supported by corbels made out of successive courses of stonework and it reminded me so much of the renaissance period. I gazed up at the sky and shivered. It was chilly and windy on the balcony, but the view from up here was breathtakingly beautiful. The rose garden and the fountain looked like that from a fairytale. I inhaled the fresh air and heaved a long sigh.

I hated that I got mad at such a stupid thing. His past.

I know that it shouldn’t bother me. He was a womanizer after all, he can’t turn the time back and change that. Even though I wished he could.

But something in me snapped when redhead looked at me.

Dirty and angry.

That’s the exact words to describe at how she looked at me.

I know that she’s mad that Flynn had a one night stand with her aunt, but why did she had to bring it up in the middle of a party?

I was looking forward to Ximena’s launch party for months. I have worked day and night to make it as memorable as possible. And then some redhead came along and ruined it in ten minutes. Who invited her anyways?

“Pudding,” Strong arms hugged me from behind. “I’m sorry.”

###Chapter 16

I turned around and saw the the sad and tired look on Flynn’s face. “I’m sorry,” he apologized, “I, uhm kicked her out of the party.”

I smiled faintly at him. “Thank you. Can I ask you something?”

He nodded, still holding me in his embrace. Being in his arms, I felt so safe. I hated that every time I’m in his arms, the mystery guy of the one night stand popped in my head. It’s unfair to Flynn. Why the hell do I still have feelings for a guy I only had a one night stand with while I’m in a relationship?

Is it considered cheating? Gosh, I hope not.

“How many of the women inside have you had a one night stand with. Excluding your mother and sister.” I asked in a whisper.

Being this close to him, I could hear his heart beating faster. He gulped and then looked down at me. “Do you really want to know?”

I nodded against his chest. “Yes. I need to know about your past if you want this relationship to wo—,”

“Ten.” he suddenly said.

My eyes widened when I heard the number. Not two, not three, but freaking ten. Ten of those women inside knew exactly how long and big his dick is. They even felt him.

The thought only made me want to vomit all the biryani out.

“Are you alright?” Flynn asked worried when he saw that my face turned pale. “I’m sorry okay, If I could I would unfuck them all, but I can’t.” He caressed my cheek with his thumb. “I’m sorry.” he whispered again. I could feel and smell his hot minty breath in my face, because he was that close.

“You don’t have to say sorry over and over again. You already said it, you can’t unfuck them. It’s done. But we need to talk about it.”

“About my one night stands?”

“Past.” I corrected him. “Your past. Dirty past. Regulars.”

He chuckled softly when I said regulars. “There are many. I lost count.” he said.

“Ew, are you sure you didn’t catch STD?”

“Pudding, that’s why they made condoms. And most of them were well-known models. If they had STD I would sure know that. Nowadays, even personal stuff somehow gets leaked to the media.”

“Don’t forget that pornstar. What’s her name again? Khalifa?”

“Lana. She was a popular pornstar. Did porn for a living. She does a checkup every three months and the men she makes porn with are all tested.”

I wonder how he know all these things about her? Did he do a background check on her? Knowing him, he probably did. At Least he’s cautious.

“So, is that all? I’m pretty sure there’s more.”

He sighed deeply. “Sera.” He muttered softly.

“What?” I asked, because I could barely hear him.

“Sera.” he repeated a little louder. “My ex girlfriend. She elope with the dutch prime minister.”

“Isn’t he old?” My face scrunched in disgust. Why would someone elope with an old man, who’s probably already married? Talk about a homewrecker.”

“Yes, he could be her dad. But you know, people will do a lot of things for money.” he shrugged indifferently.

“So, what about her? Is she a crazy ex girlfriend?”

He swallowed hard and I could feel it. He was nervous, his whole body language proved it. He became tense and his lips were in a thin line.

“She’s not crazy. She’s just—,” he stopped to catch his breath and I could feel his heart hammering in his chest. “If you don’t want to talk about it, just say so.” I whispered. I didn’t want to force him to talk about things he wasn’t ready for.

“I actually don’t, but you need answers.” he said in a low voice. I squeezed him softly. “If you don’t want to talk about it now, I’ll ask you someday else okay?”

“Thank you.” he murmured, hugging me tightly. “Don’t even worry about her. She has nothing on you.”

“Am I going to see her?” I asked frowning. He let go off me and held my hand. “I don’t know. I don’t know with who she is right now.”

“What do you mean?”

“She left the dutch prime minister. She’s probably with someone else right now.” he said. “But just so you know, she’s not a threat to you. And so is any other girl.”

I smiled and nodded. “And just so you know, communication is the key to make this relationship work. If something is bothering you or if you’re not ready to tell me something, say so.”

He kissed my forehead. “I’ll remember that pudding.”

“So, do you want to go inside now. I bet everyone is looking for us.”

Flynn placed his hand on the small of my back and we were about to walk inside when my phone started to vibrate. I opened my clutch and saw that it was Reina. I immediately picked it up, wondering why she called me up when she’s with Luca.

“Hello, Reina?” I answered. Flynn was watching me with raised eyebrows. Reina rattled on and on and when she finally made her point my eyes widened in shock.

“What?!” I yelled out, surprised. “How, what, when? I’m coming home right now.”

I ended the call and Flynn looked at me worried. “What happened pudding?”

“We need to go home now. Aunt Lydia and Milan are at my apartment.”

Flynn Vasilios P. O. V

“Legos, I want Legos!” Milan cried as he stomped angrily on the carpeted floor of my office. I groaned inwardly as I watch his tantrum with a tiring expression on my face. First he wanted ice cream, while I was in a meeting. I had to send my PA to get him some, so he would shut up. Then he wanted my phone so he could watch YouTube videos. I handed him my phone, so I could concentrate on my work. When my phone battery died, he wanted a puppy. Where the fuck would I get a puppy from? To stop him from whining I send him to the shelter with my PA. Now he’s back and he wanted Legos.

I didn’t know babysitting would get this tiring. When Jill asked me if I could look after Milan for a couple of hours while she and her aunt could have some girl’s time, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. Around Jill the word no just didn’t exist. I would do anything for my pudding.

Milan stopped crying for a second and looked at me with his big dark brown eyes. His lips quivered and then he burst out crying again. He sat down on the floor and cried louder. Oh god! I’ll get crazy at the end of this day. “Ok fine, stop crying!” I sighed loudly, scratching the back of my head. “How many Legos do you want?”

He stopped crying and a small smile appeared on his face. “Fifty!” he cheered happily. “Fifty?” I questioned. “That’s too much.”

“No!” he yelled. “That’s like five.”

I shook my head and laughed. “No bud, fifty is fifty. Five is five.”

“I want fifty!” he said stubbornly.




“Fifty!” his lips quivered and I knew he was about to burst out into tears. I was already tired of his tantrums and I felt a headache coming up. If he cries again, I’ll lose my shit.

“Okay fine. Fifty!” I grunted, grabbing my phone from the charger to dial my friend who worked at a well-known toy store.

“Yayy!” Milan smiled wide like a cashmere cat and clapped his hands happily. The feeling that welled up in the pit of my stomach when I saw him happy was foreign yet it felt good. Seeing him happy completed me.

Being with him felt like I was with a part of Jill.

“Hey man! What can I do for you?” Dillon answered the phone. I could hear a hint of surprise in his voice. It’s not everyday that I’m calling him.

“Can you send fifty Lego boxes to my mansion please?”

“Fifty!” I heard him exclaim.

“Yes, fifty.”

“What are you going to do? Build a Lego house for you and Jill?” he teased.

“How the fuck do you know about Jill?” I asked flabbergasted. I haven’t seen him in months and he knows about my relationship status? I don’t even know what his position is at the store he works for.

“I have my sources, anyway what is the address of your mansion?”

“You fucking stalker.” I grumbled, making him laugh out loud. I gave him my address and he promised it would be there before the evening. I put my phone down and looked at Milan who was now sleeping peacefully on the floor. I guess tantrums are tiring. Hell, it even made me tired and I wasn’t even the one who was throwing them.

When he’s asleep he’s so sweet and peaceful. Finally, silence.

I walked over to him and carried him to the sofa in the corner of my office. I gently put him on the sofa and placed my jacket over his tiny body.

I turned around and was about to pour myself a drink when my office door slammed open. I glared at the person who was standing there and then back at Milan. Thank god, he was still asleep. If he had woke up, I would have personally strangle the person.

“What the fuck?!” I hissed at Rodrigo, who knitted his eyebrows in confusion when he saw the little boy on the sofa.

“Is that Milan?” He exclaimed, his eyes turning wide as he looked at the little boy with thick lustrous jet black hair. I can already see that he will break girls hearts when he becomes older.

“Can you be fucking quiet?” I whisper-yelled, glancing to see if Milan heard him. But he was still asleep peacefully.

“Ah you’re babysitting.” He grinned and grabbed a chair and sat in front of my desk. “I never saw you as a daddy type.”

My face scrunched in disgust. “Don’t call me that.”

“What? Daddy?” Rodrigo smirked. “Daddy, daddy, daddy.”

I glared at him. “Shut the fuck up. So immature.”

“You call me immature?” he laughed. “It’s normal. You’re the one that use daddy in a— how do you say it. Kinky way?”

“Let me be, okay.” I grumbled as I sat down on my chair.

“If you have kids, how do you want them to call you?”

“Father or dad. And not daddy.”

Rodrigo let out a mocking laugh. “Father. As in the name of the father, th—,”

“Can you please, shut the fuck up?!” I hissed irritated. “I already had one hell of a morning, don’t make it worse.”

“Was he giving you a hard time?”

I sighed tiredly. “You don’t want to know. I even brought him to a meeting.”

“What!” Rodrigo jaw fell open. He always knew that I didn’t like kids in meetings. I hated when investors or associates brought their kids, because it was their day to babysit. And now I was the one who brought one. “You brought him to— oh my god. Why didn’t you tell Jill you had a meeting. I’m pretty sure she would have found someone else to babysit him.”

“I can’t say no to her. She was looking at me with her big blue-green eyes and I just couldn’t say no. And then I probably think that she wants me to spend time with Milan, so I get to know him better.”

“You’re so whipped man.” Rodrigo chuckled. “Have you already told her?”

The smile on my face disappeared when he asked me that. Why did he always have to remind me about it?

“Oh god, you didn’t!” Rodrigo’s eyes widened in shock. “Fuck, when the hell will you tell her?”

“I don’t know. I just want to find a perfect time to tell her and—”

“There is no such thing as perfect time.” Rodrigo interrupted. “You are the one that’s supposed to make it perfect, you dickhead.”

“Will you stop calling me names?” I glared at him, but he stayed unfazed.

“You are a dickhead.”

“I’ll ask her if she wants to go on the yacht this weekend and I’ll tell her. This time for real.” I said firmly.

“Oh really? Document it please so I can see it, because I’m pretty sure something will interrupt the talk.” Rodrigo air quoted interrupt.

I gave him a dirty look and he chuckled. “Man, I don’t care how the fuck you tell her. The point is you should tell her.”

I huffed and my eyes shifted at Milan on the sofa. He was still sleeping.

“Do you want a martini?” I asked, standing up to grab the martini bottle from the top shelf in my office. “I see you spent a lot of time with my sister.”

“Your sister is a mess.” I heard him sigh.

“How so?” I asked, while pouring martini in two glasses. I know she was a mess. All the makeup didn’t cover up her puffy eyes, red nose, and dark circles. But I know she would get over it, she’s a strong woman after all.

“Last night she called me up crying after she woke up from a nightmare. It was one in the morning and she wanted pizza.”

“And?” I handed him the glass with martini and he took a big gulp of it.

“I went to her house with a goddamn pizza ofcourse. I couldn’t leave her alone.” he put the glass down and scratched his head. “After that we watched A walk to remember. And she cried again, while eating pizza.”

“Interesting.” I remarked, smiling.

“Why are you so chill about it? It’s your sister we’re talking about.”

“She’ll get over it. And bytheway she only listens to you.”

“Really?” Rodrigo asked astonished.

“She could have called anyone, why do you think she chose you?”

“Because I’m her… friend.”

I chuckled, he’s so blind or maybe he doesn’t want to acknowledge it. It’s either one. Well, he has to figure it out himself.

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