

“We are the stuff of legends. Just as you are, sweet Cassandra,” Jandin answered, still out of breath from their fucking. “Search your know what we are.”

She squeezed her eyes shut, not ready to admit what was staring her in the face. They were… werewolves.

“Noo,” she whispered but a part of her knew it to be true. Even as the truth horrified her, another part of her was gaining strength.

She arched beneath Koris, needing his touch, needing to feel penetrated.

Tears burned beneath her lids as she gave in to her crushing need, her feminine heat threatening to consume her from the inside out without the soothing cream of the men.

“Take me, Koris,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his large neck, marveling at the soft fur beginning to sprout beneath her fingertips.

He growled and long canines flashed in the dim light. She knew what was coming. In a flash, his teeth sank into her shoulder as his cock penetrated her slick heat.

She cried out but the pain was fleeting this time. All she felt was the insistent press of his huge cock against her womb. Each thrust felt deeper than the last.

She clung to his massive shoulders, quaking from the sensations ricocheting up and down her spine and pooling in her pelvis. She felt alive, as if she’d previously been sleep-walking through life, as Koris moved above her, grunting with the force of each thrust inside her.

She clamped down with her internal muscles and he growled with pleasure as his eyelids fluttered shut. Cassidy anchored her legs around his torso, drawing him nearer to her molten core, needing every inch of his rock hard cock inside her.

She knew Jandin watched, just as Koris had, and the knowledge thrilled her senseless.

“Give me your seed,” she gasped, unaware of where the words came from but it felt right. “Pour it into me! Now!”

Koris needed little more encouragement and suddenly, it was as if a dam broke and he flooded her tight, well-used passage with the thick cream jetting from his cock in huge spurts.

She felt the warmth of his seed as it filled her insides, bathing her womb with the virile juice of their species, and she knew without a doubt, what they’d said to her was true.

The knowledge called to her heart and sang in her soul even as it troubled and frightened her mind.

She broke apart, her orgasm following Koris’, as she was buffeted by the pleasure that rocked her body. Koris’ fur began to recede back into his skin as his cock softened inside her.

Cassidy couldn’t help but watch in fascination as both men returned to normal right before her astonished eyes. Koris pulled out and stood.

Both men, suddenly courteous when their lovemaking had been brutal, helped her to her feet. She was grateful for their help when her legs wobbled beneath her weight.

“Careful, Cassandra,” Jandin warned, catching her elbow when she nearly sank to the bed. “You must eat again and regain your strength.”

“Why do you keep calling me Cassandra?” she asked.

Koris seemed puzzled. “That is your name, is it not?”

“Well, my given name, sure. But everyone calls me Cassidy.”

“Which do you prefer, my lady?” Jandin asked.

Cassidy thought long and hard. Cassidy seemed a girl far from the woman she’d become in these man’s arms. She lifted her chin. “Cassandra,” she announced, realizing she was taking another step further from everything she’d ever known.

“Cassandra,” they both repeated, inclining their heads in deference to her choice. Suddenly both men stilled and Koris’ head swiveled on a growl.

“What is it?” she asked, fearful of the sudden bristling change in their demeanor.

Koris looked to Jandin, saying, “They’re circling. We need to get her back to the clan. Now.” All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

Jandin agreed and went to her closet, pulling the first articles of clothing that looked remotely suitable for the winter season and tossed them at her. “We need to leave. It’s no longer safe here.”

“What’s going on?” she asked, slipping her shirt over her head and sliding into jeans. There was no time to clean up and their seed was dribbling down her thigh.

Truth was, it didn’t bother her as much as it should’ve. Somehow it felt like a protection.

“Koris will provide a distraction while I get you out of here.”

Without hesitation, Koris bounded from the room with a dizzying burst of speed. Snarls echoed in the distance and Cassandra shivered with real fear.

Jandin sensed her anxiety and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder near where she’d been bitten. “We will guard you with our lives. Now, come. We must leave.”

She didn’t argue, though why she didn’t was a mystery as she’d never been one to docilely accept whatever was handed to her, but self-preservation won out.

Whatever Koris was fighting with outside didn’t sound friendly and she didn’t want to take her chances.

The front door shattered in a million pieces as something burst through. In the shadows, a hulking beast, snout lifted in the air as he sniffed the air around him, focused his red eyes on Cassandra and she couldn’t help the shriek.

Jandin jumped in front of her, shielding her with his body. “She is part of our clan, Lichek,” he snarled, baring elongated teeth in warning.

“Her bloodline belongs to my clan,” Lichek said, circling, looking for a weakness. “You were foolish to try and claim her.”

“We have claimed her. Our seed is inside her.”

Lichek snarled. “It takes three to claim. She is still fair game. Move aside, pup before I shred you to your worthless bones.”

Cassandra stayed behind Jandin, knowing instinctively that Jandin was the better of the two men, but she worried that Lichek was stronger.

Lichek lunged and knocked Jandin to the ground, Cassandra narrowly missing going down with them.

She leapt away and watched in helpless horror as the two beasts grappled with razor sharp claws and teeth.

The scent of blood hit the air and she knew someone had been sliced. She could only hope it hadn’t been Jandin.

She froze with fear as a yelp of pain split the air. Fear for Jandin filled her heart but before she could scream, a blur of motion streaked across the room and grabbed her, forcibly throwing her over a shoulder.

She had time only to see Lichek’s strong jaws clamp around Jandin’s neck as whoever had grabbed her ran from the scene.

A second of hope made her think it was Koris, but the scent was all wrong. She lifted her nose into the air and realized a stranger was carrying her away.

She shuddered as she realized she was in the middle of a war between two clans — and she was the top prize.

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