Chapter 68

Hardin’S POV

As I walk along the corridor, I can’t help but think about what just happened in my bedroom.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

Reign just ordered me out of my very own bedroom. I know Luna’s have a long history of being bossy, but sending me out of my own bedroom?


Just what exactly lies ahead?

“Hardin!” I hear voice call from behind and I don’t need to turn around before I know it’s Kylie. She rushes to me with a beaming smile on her face and I just roll my eyes.

“What now Kylie?” I ask in a bored tune.

“Good morning” She greets.

“Good morning”

“Is it true?” She asks with a wide smile as she keeps jumping on the spot.

“What exactly?”

“That Reign is back?”

“How did you find out”

“I did not eavesdrop on anyone’s conversation! Mum told me” She defends and I just laugh and shake my head.

“That’s good then”

“Is she still asleep? I want to see her”

“Uh… right now Reign is not in a very good mood, how about you see her some other time”

“Is something wrong?”

“Well, I could say everything is wrong. As it is now, Reign is mad at me and I don’t know what to do to make her stop hating me the way the does”

“That’s not true, you are Alpha Hardin and you can do anything, I’ve seen you tackle more difficult situations”

“Reign, those situations were not as personal as this. This one is a lot more complicated”.

“Do well to explain that complication to me, please.” She says folding her arms over her breast and giving me her bad ass bitch look.

She is exactly like our cousin, Megan and really pity her mate. Every day of his life will present itself with a new attitude from Kylie. She could be extremely sassy if she wants to be.

“Well, all those difficult problems I tackled were just pack issues, they have never really been anything too personal like this one. This is my mate we are talking about, the Luna of this pack and she has some degree of authority. I can’t just boss her around neither can impose decisions on her. To some extent, she has the right take some decisions on her own and all that freaks me out because she hates me. I don’t even know how to start being for her forgiveness or proving to her that I truly regret all what I did to her in the past. All this is just messed up!” I lament and she walks over to me.

“You’ve said everything and then you’ve said nothing, but that’s okay” She says with a shrug. “The most important thing is that she is here again, with us. So I urge you to do all you can to win her over. She might be a stubborn Luna, but you are a resistant Alpha and that’s a perfect match. So, just do what needs to be done”

“You don’t think she’s going to reject me do you?”

“If Reign wanted to reject you, she would’ve done that a long time ago, so no, she’s not going to reject you. Put your shit together and think of how you are going to win her over”

“Kylie, just get going for practice” I say as I walk away before she steps on the very last nerve.

I’m about seven years older than her, but she doesn’t care about that fact and she talks to me like I’m her mate.


As I walk into my office, I’m not surprised at all to see Miguel comfortably seated on one of the couches in the living room, sipping a glass of what I presume to be coffee.

“Good morning”

“Good morning” I mumble under my breath as I look at the wine bar. On a normal morning, I would’ve headed straight to it and taken a shot of Bourbon, but right now, I can’t because of Reign’s presence.

“Why are you here so early in the morning?”

“I’m just curious to know how our Luna is doing”

“She’s doing just well.”

“I already passed the formation for everyone to gather at the field at noon for the announcement to be made. Will you be ready by then?”

“Yeah, I will”

“Cool, so why do you look so stressed up at seven in the morning?”

“You won’t believe what just happened”

“What just happened?” He asks sipping more coffee from his glass.

“She sent me out of my very own bedroom. Reign looked me in the eye and asked me to get out of my very own bedroom. Can you imagine that?”

“Megan does that to me all the time when she’s mad and trust me, I’m always relieved when she sends me out than when she leaves. Pray Reign never threatens to leave, it’s going to take you forever to get her back into that room.”

“So you mean I should be happy that she sent me out of my bedroom?”

“Instead of leaving herself”

“This is just so strange for me Miguel and I don’t know how to go about it. All my life, I’ve been the one with all power and authority, I get whatever I want, I get people to do what ever I want them to do, not the other way round. But lately, with Reign it has been different. She’s always telling me what to do and that bothers me a lot. What baffles me the more is that I cannot say otherwise!”

“No bro, you will eventually have to learn to say otherwise. Yes she’s your mate and she has this strong effect on you, but you don’t have to let her walk all over you. You are still the man and the Alpha and it’s still her duty to respect you… but, we all know you have been ass to her lately”

“Exactly, I know she already hates me that’s why I let her do whatever she wants. Bro the only thing I saw in her eyes when she spoke to me was hatred! Raw hatred!”

“No, it’s not hatred. How many times do I have to tell you that Reign does not have the ability to hate you? She’s only angry with you because of what you put her through, that’s why you need to find a way to make her know that you regret those things.”

“I don’t even know where to start. She wouldn’t even listen to anything I have to say to her”

“You don’t only have to say things to her, you have to do them. Do! Do! Do! And do! In the end bro, she’s still a woman. She might act all angry and mad and strong and independent, but deep down in her heart, she needs you. She needs you to be her strength in her times of weakness, she needs you to keep reminding her every day that you love her, she needs you to make her understand that she’s special. As much as you need her, she needs you too and that’s where the possibility of winning her over comes from, because she needs you” He explains and I nod with a smile.

He’s right.

As much as I need Reign, she needs me too and that’s what I need to prove to her, that she needs me.

Not that I want to make her think she’s weak or depended on me, I just want to prove to her that this is what the Moon goddess wants, our union, because we need each other.

“You just made a great point here bro, thanks a lot for the word. At least right now I know how to go about this whole issue”

“You can do it bro. She’s your mate and the bond you both share is inevitable. You just need to make her get rid of that anger she has burning in her heart”

“And I will do just that”

“Great!” He says as he rises up from the couch ” Megan will be coming to pay her a visit this afternoon”

“No! Megan is only going to paint me red!” I deny flatly and he laughs.

“No she’s not, you know she never liked Wilma, so she’s happy that you finally found your real mate and you very well know Megan, even if you say no, she’s still going to come!” He says as he majestically walks out of the office and just cover my face with my palms.

All the female siblings in my life are crazy. Kylie is a very sassy Shewolf and Megan is just as strong as her name.

I just pray she doesn’t put me in more hot soup when she comes.

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