Chapter 163


The indomitable nature of the Wall Street castle will never seize to wow me every time I see it.

It is an ancient castle that was built by Alpha Hardin’s ancestors and legend has it that it is bound by very protective spells that make it impossible for anyone to kill a member of the Colton family in it. As long as they are inside, they are protected.

I don’t know if it’s true or if it’s just a myth though. Either ways, I still find it fascinating.

The servants welcome both Tasha like we were some royalty and right now we are seated in the living room, waiting for Alpha Hardin to show up, they said he was in a meeting.

The last time we separated, I was kind of mad at him for taking away Reign the way he did, but when I found out that they were together, all that anger went away and right now, I genuinely feel sorry for him.

I know what it means to be at the verge of losing a mate. A pregnant mate at that and even if have to die to prevent this from happening, I will.

One thing for sure is that I will not let what happened to Sophia happen to Reign.

I won’t.

“What a pleasant Surprise” I hear Alpha Hardin speak and immediately, both Tasha I rise up on our feet and bow our heads down as a sign of respect.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

We are both in the presence of the Paramount Alpha and we have to give him the respect he deserves.

“Good day Alpha Hardin” Tasha and I greet in unison with our heads still bowed down.

“Good day to you Alpha Damien and Luna Tasha, you may raise your heads up.” He instructs and we both lift our heads up and the moment my eyes fall on him, I smile.

Alpha Hardin has to be the finest man in this entire world. From his perfectly carved facial features to his muscular body build and then his managing height. He is more muscular than any of us and the last thing any Alpha wants in this life is to have a dual with him, be it in human or in wolf form.

Any one who tries that ends up dead or if he wants to spare the person, he will definitely be going home with a lot of broken bones.

I wonder where Alpha Lance and Alpha Ralph got the courage from to fight against him.

Alpha Hardin is going to crush them to pieces. I already feel remorse for them in advance. They are both walking into their own doom.

Yves and I wait for him to sit down before we do same.

“It’s been a while Alpha Damien, how is everything going with your pack ?” He asks with a smile, trying to keep a cheerful face but his eyes speaks different.

I can see a lot of emotions swimming in them and happiness is not among.

He is devastated but he’s still trying to strong for his subject because that is what an Alpha is supposed to do. He is supposed to be strong for his subjects even if the worst is happening to him.

No man deserves to go through the trauma of losing his mate. I won’t let that happen.

“Everything is going just well, except the troublesome rogues who keep invading every now and then, but I’ve got them under control”

“Those pesty rogues are every where. They never learn their lesson.”

“No they don’t”

“Alpha Damien, I noticed you are not involved in this war.” He asks with a creased brow and I smile.

“Your hunch is right, I’m not involved”

“Why? If I may ask?”

“Well, maybe I just love my peace”

“So, you choose peace over power?” He asks with creased brow and I chuckle.

“Yes Alpha, I chose peace over power. Besides fighting against you for that power is a waste of time because I am never going to win”

“Why would you say that?”

“Well, you are the Paramount Alpha. You are the Strongest Alpha among us all. You have the best army and there are so many other things that gives you so much advantage over anyone in this battle. Going up against you is a deadly mission and lastly, I really don’t mind having you as Paramount Alpha, you are a good leader and you rule us all without being bias. There is absolutely no reason for me to try to take that power away from you. The last thing I am is a greedy man” By the time I’m done explaining, Alpha Hardin is smiling from molar to molar a and I’m tempted to laugh but I don’t.

“Well, that is interesting to hear”

“So, how has the battle been between you and the other Alohas?”

“Mind wrecking! There has been a series of ambushes, abductions and all the likes. Totally exhausting, I can’t wait for this to be over already”

“So, so far, who has the upper hand?”

“I can’t really tell per say, but I still feel good about this battle, I’m going to win”

“That’s nice then.” I say with a smile and just then, a servant comes and serves us some wine and when she’s done, she leaves. “Alpha Lance paid me a visit earlier today” I announce and immediately, Alpha Hardin unconsciously spits out the wine he had sipped.

The news sure took him off guard.

He quickly keeps the glass on the table and cleans himself with a tissue while saying sorry over a million times. I just smile as I look at him.

I would react the same way if someone told me the person who kidnapped my mate came to visit him.

“He came to convince you to join forces with him right?”

“I did not give him the chance to do that.”

“What did he want then?”

“He demanded for silver”

“What does he want to do with Silver?”

“He claimed he needed it to repair his silver prison and also to punish some recalcitrant subjects”

“That is very typical of Alpha Lance. Why exactly are you telling me this?”

“Because he lied. He doesn’t need silver to repair any dungeon or punish subjects”

“Then what does he need it for?”

“Well, I don’t know what the innocent baby in Luna Reign’s womb did to him, but he wants to make her lose it with the silver” I announce and immediately, I see Alpha Hardin’s face go pale this very instant.

He stays still for a whole lot of moments, like a man whose spirit just left his body and Tasha and I exchange confused looks.

“What do you say he wanted to do with the silver?”

“He wants to make Luna Reign lose the baby in her womb”

“That sick Bastard! I’m going to kill him!” He says rising and I abruptly rise up as well.

“Alpha Hardin you don’t have to react way” I warn.

” How then do you want me to react? My mate is out there and my pup in her womb is about to be killed. Am I supposed to sit here and play cool?” He roars in anger and I swallow dryly as I stake a step towards him.

If an Alpha’s scream can scare another Alpha, then just imagine what the hell it actually sound like.

“No I don’t expect you to sit down and play cool, I need you to sit down and listen to me. Remember I saved Reign from dying in the woods two times, this is another opportunity for me to save her and I am not going to fail”

“You fucked up when you gave him the god-damned silver!”

“And who said I have?” I ask silently and he turns to look at me ” I didn’t give him the silver”

“You mean to say Alpha Lance has no silver with him?” He asks with a calm voice and I nod my head.

“I’m not that dumb Alpha Hardin. Now please sit down and let’s sort this out together” I plead and he hastily sits on the couch once more and I do same.

“So tell me, how did you find out he was lying?”

“At first I suspected it when he said it. He didn’t want to come clear when I asked him certain questions and the sarcasm that accompanied his words sold him out. I just felt like something was off somewhere so I told him I just ordered silver from you and it’ll be arriving tomorrow.”

“That was very brilliant of you Alpha Damien” He compliments and I smile heartily. It’s not every day I get compliments from the Paramount Alpha.

“So how exactly did you know he wanted to use it my Luna?”

“Well, immediately he left, I changed my clothes to come and pay you a visit because I had suspected that he needed it for this battle, but then a servant of mine met me and explained everything. She said she had a revelation.”

“Wow, you have the second seer in your pack. That is amazing”

“A seer?”

“Yeah, they are the ones who have revelations about warnings or things that must be done in the battle. Funny how she’s in a pack that is not involved in the war”

“Ah, I see.”

“I need to go and get my Luna”

“I have a plan”

“Please share it with me”

“I want to pay Alpha Lance at his own game”

“And how do you intend to do that”

“Well, I have a substance in my pack, it looks exactly like silver, but it’s not silver. It is actually harmless, but it can induce bleeding”

“So you want to give it to Alpha Lance so he will believe it’s silver?”

“Yeah, it’s not going to cause any harm to Luna Reign or the pup. When they feed her with it, she’s going to bleed for a bit and go unconscious, that will be enough prove that she has lost it.”

“But they are still not going to let her go. That is what I want”

“Leave that me?”

“Excuse me?”

“Alpha Hardin, I know we know nothing about each other and in a time of war like this, it is hard to trust an outsider, but I just want to let you know that Reign is like a younger sister to me and I have grown to love her very much. I won’t take it light on my self if anything bad happens to her or that child she is carrying. That’s why I need you to give me your trust this one time, I promise I will make sure they release Reign immediately that is done.”

“How are you going to do that?”

“I’m going to pretend I’m on their side. If there is one thing I know about those people, it is the fact that they are desperate to get more allies and they love having to meet people who hate you as immensely as they do. I’m going to act like I hate you and get under his skin”

“Are you sure this will work? Because right now I just want to storm the East End Pack and have them all killed”

“They are ready for that. They know you will come and I can bet on my life that they have set traps for you. I don’t want you to fall into their traps, that’s why I want you to trust me this one time. I will make sure Reign comes to you safely, that I swear”

“And I’m going to take your word for it.”

“Thank you Alpha”

“You are welcome.” He turns to Tasha and smiles. “Tasha?” He calls.

“Yes Alpha Hardin?” She answers with a beautiful smile on that only makes Alpha Hardin laugh all the more.

“You are special to Reign, she talks about all the time.”

“I am honored to be considered special by the Paramount Luna”

“When she comes back home, I would like you to come over for a weekend and spend some time with h She us going to need a good laugh to get over the trauma, if that’s okay by your Alpha”

“I don’t mind”

“Thank you. Well, I think lunch has been served. Let’s all move to the dining” He announces and as I open my mouth to protest, the gives me the “don’t you dare look” and I quickly close my mouth.

Alpha Hardin is a good man and I will help him in wining this battle. He is the only one among us all that has got the qualities of a Paramount Alpha.

Him alone!

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